CAMorphNode Manual


A CAMorphNode object stores the actual morph data for a corresponding BaseList2D object. It is stored in a CAPoseMorphTag, see CAPoseMorphTag Manual. The class is defined in the lib_ca.h header file.


A CAMorphNode object is obtained from the host CAMorph. See CAMorph Manual.

// This example accesses the morph data of the
// first morph of the given CAPoseMorphTag.
poseMorphTag->ExitEdit(doc, false);
// get active morph
const Int32 activeIndex = poseMorphTag->GetActiveMorphIndex();
CAMorph* const morph = poseMorphTag->GetMorph(activeIndex);
if (morph == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
CAMorphNode* const mnode = morph->GetFirst();
if (mnode == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// expand data to access it
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, expandFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::ABS);
// check stored data
// access point data
const Int32 pointCount = mnode->GetPointCount();
for (Int32 i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i)
const Vector point = mnode->GetPoint(i);
// collapse data
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, collapseFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::AUTO);
Py_ssize_t i
Definition: abstract.h:645
Definition: lib_ca.h:1475
Bool SetMode(BaseDocument *doc, CAPoseMorphTag *tag, CAMORPH_MODE_FLAGS flags, CAMORPH_MODE mode)
CAMorphNode * GetFirst()
Definition: lib_ca.h:1072
Vector GetPoint(Int32 index) const
Int32 GetPointCount() const
static String VectorToString(const Vector32 &v, Int32 nnk=-1)
Definition: c4d_string.h:571
maxon::Int32 Int32
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:60
Points morphing.
Definition: lib_ca.h:850
Expand or collapse all data.
Collapse data. Needs to be passed to collapse the expanded data, for instance after data access.
Expand data. Needs to be passed before accessing any data.
Absolute morph data.
Auto mode. Used to collapse the data automatically into their correct mode.
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:67
#define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:210
const char * doc
Definition: pyerrors.h:226


A CAMorphNode stores the data of the corresponding BaseList2D object. In "Hierarchy" mode of the host CAPoseMorphTag a CAMorph stores multiple CAMorphNode objects for all corresponding objects in the object tree.

// This example function iterates over the CAMorphNode tree of the
// given morph and prints the names of the referenced objects.
static void CheckMorphNode(CAMorphNode* mnode, CAPoseMorphTag* tag, CAMorph* morph, BaseDocument* doc)
// loop through all nodes on this level
while (mnode != nullptr)
// get linked object
BaseList2D* const link = mnode->GetLink(tag, morph, doc);
if (link != nullptr)
// print name
ApplicationOutput("Linked Object: " + link->GetName());
// check child nodes
CheckMorphNode(mnode->GetDown(), tag, morph, doc);
// get next node
mnode = mnode->GetNext();
Definition: c4d_basedocument.h:497
Definition: c4d_baselist.h:2245
String GetName() const
Definition: c4d_baselist.h:2412
const BaseList2D * GetLink(const CAPoseMorphTag *tag, const CAMorph *morph, const BaseDocument *doc) const
CAMorphNode * GetNext()
CAMorphNode * GetDown()
Definition: lib_ca.h:1670



A CAMorphNode stores morph data of a corresponding BaseList2D object.


A CAMorphNode object can store PSR data:

// This example reads the position data stored in the given morph.
// check stored data
// access data
const Vector position = mnode->GetP();
// print data
ApplicationOutput("Position: " + String::VectorToString(position));
Vector GetP() const
@ P
Position morphing.


A CAMorphNode object can store point data:

// This example accesses the point data stored in the given morph.
// The point data is changed and written back into the morph.
// check stored data
Random random;
// loop through points
const Int32 pointCount = mnode->GetPointCount();
for (Int32 i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i)
// get point
Vector point = mnode->GetPoint(i);
// random offset
point.x += random.Get01() * 10.0;
point.y += random.Get01() * 10.0;
point.z += random.Get01() * 10.0;
// set point
mnode->SetPoint(i, point);
void SetPoint(Int32 index, const Vector &pnt)
Definition: c4d_tools.h:835
Definition: c4d_tools.h:865
T y
Definition: vec.h:40
T x
Definition: vec.h:39
T z
Definition: vec.h:41

For point mode additional Pose Space Deformation data is stored:

See CAReferencePSD Manual.

// This example accesses the PSD data of the given point morph.
// expand data to access it
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, expandFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::ABS);
// check stored data
// get PSD data
CAReferencePSD* const psd = mnode->GetPSDReference();
if (psd)
// loop through all controllers
const Int32 controllerCount = psd->GetExternalControllerCount();
for (Int32 controllerIndex = 0; controllerIndex < controllerCount; ++controllerIndex)
BaseObject* const controller = psd->GetExternalController(controllerIndex);
if (controller == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
ApplicationOutput("Controller: " + controller->GetName());
// collapse data
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, collapseFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::AUTO);
Definition: c4d_baseobject.h:248
CAReferencePSD * GetPSDReference()
Definition: lib_ca.h:925
Int32 GetExternalControllerCount() const
BaseObject * GetExternalController(Int32 controllerIndex)


A CAMorphNode object can store tangent data for spline points:

For each spline point two tangent vectors are stored.
// This example reads the stored tangent data from the given morph.
// check stored data
// loop through tangents
const Int32 tangentCount = mnode->GetTangentCount();
for (Int32 i = 0; i < tangentCount; ++i)
// get data
const Vector tangent = mnode->GetTangent(i);
// print data
ApplicationOutput("Tangent: " + String::VectorToString(tangent));
Vector GetTangent(Int32 index) const
Int32 GetTangentCount() const
Tangents morphing.

Vertex Map

A CAMorphNode object can store vertex map data for all vertex map tags of the host object.

// This example loops through all data stored for all vertex map tags.
// check stored data
const Int32 vertexMapCount = mnode->GetVertexMapTagCount();
// loop through tags
for (Int32 tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < vertexMapCount; ++tagIndex)
ApplicationOutput("Tag Index " + String::IntToString(tagIndex));
// loop through vertice
const Int32 vertexCount = mnode->GetVertexMapCount(tagIndex);
for (Int32 vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < vertexCount; ++vertexIndex)
const Float weight = mnode->GetVertexMap(tagIndex, vertexIndex);
Float GetVertexMap(Int32 tindex, Int32 index) const
Int32 GetVertexMapTagCount() const
Int32 GetVertexMapCount(Int32 tindex) const
static String IntToString(Int32 v)
Definition: c4d_string.h:495
static String FloatToString(Float32 v, Int32 vvk=-1, Int32 nnk=-3)
Definition: c4d_string.h:529
maxon::Float Float
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:66
Vertex map morphing.


A CAMorphNode object can store data for various object parameters.

UV Sets

A CAMorphNode object can store UVW data for all UVW tags of the host object. See also UVWTag Manual.

// This example loops through all data stored for all UVW tags.
// expand data to access it
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, expandFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::ABS);
// check stored data
// loop through data for all uvw tags
const Int32 uvTagCount = mnode->GetUVTagCount();
for (Int32 tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < uvTagCount; ++tagIndex)
ApplicationOutput("UVW Tag #" + String::IntToString(tagIndex));
// loop through data for each polygon
const Int32 uvCount = mnode->GetUVCount(tagIndex);
for (Int32 uvIndex = 0; uvIndex < uvCount; ++uvIndex)
ApplicationOutput("Polygon #" + String::IntToString(uvIndex));
UVWStruct uvw;
mnode->GetUV(tagIndex, uvIndex, uvw);
// collapse data
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, collapseFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::AUTO);
Int32 GetUVCount(Int32 tindex) const
Int32 GetUVTagCount() const
void GetUV(Int32 tindex, Int32 index, UVWStruct &uv) const
@ UV
UV coordinate morphing.
Definition: operatingsystem.h:477
Vector c
The UVW coordinate for the third point.
Definition: operatingsystem.h:516
Vector b
The UVW coordinate for the second point.
Definition: operatingsystem.h:515
Vector a
The UVW coordinate for the first point.
Definition: operatingsystem.h:514
Vector d
The UVW coordinate for the fourth point.
Definition: operatingsystem.h:517

Weight Maps

A CAMorphNode object can store weight data for all weight tags of the host object. See also CAWeightTag Manual.

// This example loops through all data stored for all weigth tags.
// expand data to access it
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, expandFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::ABS);
// check stored data
// loop through data for all weight tags
const Int32 weightTagCount = mnode->GetWeightMapTagCount();
for (Int32 tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < weightTagCount; ++tagIndex)
ApplicationOutput("Weight Tag #" + String::IntToString(tagIndex));
// loop through data for all joints
const Int32 jointCount = mnode->GetWeightMapJointCount(tagIndex);
for (Int32 jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointCount; ++jointIndex)
ApplicationOutput("Joint #" + String::IntToString(jointIndex));
const Int32 weightCount = mnode->GetWeightMapCount(tagIndex, jointIndex);
for (Int32 weightIndex = 0; weightIndex < weightCount; ++weightIndex)
const Float weight = mnode->GetWeightMap(tagIndex, jointIndex, weightIndex);
// collapse data
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, collapseFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::AUTO);
Int32 GetWeightMapTagCount() const
Float GetWeightMap(Int32 tindex, Int32 jindex, Int32 index) const
Int32 GetWeightMapJointCount(Int32 tindex) const
Int32 GetWeightMapCount(Int32 tindex, Int32 jindex) const
Joint weights morphing.

Further Reading