Open Search
    VolumeToolsInterface Class Reference

    #include <volumetools.h>

    Detailed Description

    VolumeToolsInterface provides methods to process volumes.

    Static Public Member Functions

    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BaseArray< String > > GetGridNamesFromFile (const Url &filename)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< DataDictionary > GetMetaDataFromFile (const Url &filename)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BaseArray< Volume > > LoadVDBFile (const Url &filename, Float scale, BaseArray< String > *gridNames=nullptr, const BaseArray< Int > *gridIndices=nullptr, DataDictionary *metaData=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > LoadGridIntoVolume (const Url &filename, Float scale, Int gridIndex, Volume &volume, DataDictionary *metaData=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > LoadAllGridsIntoVolumes (const Url &filename, Float scale, maxon::BaseArray< Volume > &volume, DataDictionary *metaData=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > SaveVDBFile (const Url &filename, Float scale, BaseArray< Volume > &volumes, const DataDictionary &metaData=DataDictionary())
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > BoolVolumes (const Volume &volumeOne, const Volume &volumeTwo, BOOLTYPE type)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > MixVolumes (const Volume &volumeOne, const Volume &volumeTwo, MIXTYPE type)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< PolygonObject * > VolumeToMesh (const Volume &volume, Float iso, Float adaptiveValue)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > MeshToVolume (const Block< Vector > &vertices, const Block< VolumeConversionPolygon > &polygons, Matrix polygonObjectMatrix, Float gridSize, Int32 bandWidthInterior, Int32 bandWidthExterior, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, POLYGONCONVERSIONFLAGS conversionSettings=POLYGONCONVERSIONFLAGS::NONE, const Matrix *creationTransform=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > GeometryObjectToVolume (const Geometry &geometry, Matrix polygonObjectMatrix, Float gridSize, Int32 bandWidthInterior, Int32 bandWidthExterior, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, POLYGONCONVERSIONFLAGS conversionSettings=POLYGONCONVERSIONFLAGS::NONE, const Matrix *creationTransform=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > PointsToVolume (const DelegatePointObjectsPairList &pointObjects, Float gridSize, Int32 bandWidth, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, const Matrix *creationTransform=nullptr, Float velocityScale=0.0)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > ApplySDFFilterToVolume (const Volume &volume, const SDFFilterSettings &filterType, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, const Volume *maskVolume=nullptr, FieldSampleData *maskField=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > ApplyFilterToVolume (const Volume &volume, const FilterSettings &filterType, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, const Volume *maskVolume=nullptr, FieldSampleData *maskField=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > ConvertFieldsToVolume (FieldSampleData &fieldData, Float gridSize, const Range< Vector > &sampleBox, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, const Volume *volumeReference=nullptr, const Matrix *creationTransform=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > ConvertSDFToFog (const Volume &volume, Float cutoff=LIMIT< Float >::MAX)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > ConvertFogToSDF (const Volume &volume, Float iso, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > ResampleVolume (const Volume &volume, const Matrix &resampleTransform, const RESAMPLEINTERPOLATIONTYPE interpolationType, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > CreateMaskFromField (FieldSampleData &fieldData, const Volume &volumeReference, Float background, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > CreateNewFloat32Volume (Float32 background)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > CreateGradientVolume (const Volume &volume, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > CreateSphereVolume (Float radius, const Vector &position, Float gridSize, Int32 bandWidth, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, const Matrix *creationTransform=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > CreatePlatonicVolume (Int32 sides, Float size, const Vector &position, Float gridSize, Int32 bandWidth, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, const Matrix *creationTransform=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > CreateNewVector32Volume (Vector32 background)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > MixVectorVolumes (const Volume &volumeOne, const Volume &volumeTwo, MIXVECTORTYPE type)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > ConvertFieldsToVectorVolume (FieldSampleData &fieldData, Float gridSize, const Range< Vector > &sampleBox, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, const Volume *volumeReference=nullptr, const Matrix *creationTransform=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > NormalizeVectorVolume (const Volume &volume, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > CreateCurlVolume (const Volume &volume, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > CreateMeanCurvatureVolume (const Volume &volume, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > RotateVectorVolume (const Volume &volume, const Vector &rotationAxis, const Float angle, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, FieldSampleData *maskField=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > ConvertVectorToFog (const Volume &volume, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > BlendVolumes (const Volume &volumeA, const Volume &volumeB, const Float blendValue, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > SmoothBoolVolumes (const Volume &volumeOne, const Volume &volumeTwo, BOOLTYPE type, Float radius)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Array< Vector > > ScatterPointsInVolume (const Volume &volume, UInt64 pointCount, Float spread, Int seed)

    Private Member Functions

     MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL (VolumeToolsInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_STATIC, "net.maxon.volume.interface.volumetools")

    Member Function Documentation


    MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL ( VolumeToolsInterface  ,

    ◆ GetGridNamesFromFile()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<BaseArray<String> > GetGridNamesFromFile ( const Url filename)

    Read and return the gridnames from a .vdb file.

    [in]filenameThe url of the file.
    A list of strings that represent the grid names in the .vdb file.

    ◆ GetMetaDataFromFile()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<DataDictionary> GetMetaDataFromFile ( const Url filename)

    Read and return the metadata from a .vdb file.

    [in]filenameThe url of the file.
    A data dictionary with metadata stored under string keys.

    ◆ LoadVDBFile()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<BaseArray<Volume> > LoadVDBFile ( const Url filename,
    Float  scale,
    BaseArray< String > *  gridNames = nullptr,
    const BaseArray< Int > *  gridIndices = nullptr,
    DataDictionary *  metaData = nullptr 

    Loads volumes from a .vdb file.

    [in]filenameThe url of the file to load from.
    [in]scaleA scale factor for loading the grids.
    [out]gridNamesIf a BaseArray is passed, it will be filled with the grid names.
    [in]gridIndicesOptional list of indices that should be loaded from the file.
    [out]metaDataIf passed, will be filled with the metadata from the file.
    A list of volumes that were loaded from the .vdb file.

    ◆ LoadGridIntoVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> LoadGridIntoVolume ( const Url filename,
    Float  scale,
    Int  gridIndex,
    Volume &  volume,
    DataDictionary *  metaData = nullptr 

    Loads a grid into a volume from a .vdb file.

    [in]filenameThe url of the file to load from.
    [in]scaleA scale factor for loading the grids.
    [in]gridIndexThe index of the grid in the .vdb file.
    [out]volumeThe volume reference to load the grid into.
    [out]metaDataIf passed, will be filled with the metadata from the file.
    OK on success.

    ◆ LoadAllGridsIntoVolumes()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> LoadAllGridsIntoVolumes ( const Url filename,
    Float  scale,
    maxon::BaseArray< Volume > &  volume,
    DataDictionary *  metaData = nullptr 

    Loads all grids into a list of volumes from a .vdb file.

    [in]filenameThe url of the file to load from.
    [in]scaleA scale factor for loading the grids.
    [out]volumeThe output list of loaded volumes.
    [out]metaDataIf passed, will be filled with the metadata from the file.
    OK on success.

    ◆ SaveVDBFile()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> SaveVDBFile ( const Url filename,
    Float  scale,
    BaseArray< Volume > &  volumes,
    const DataDictionary &  metaData = DataDictionary() 

    Saves volumes to a .vdb file.

    [in]filenameThe url of the file to save to.
    [in]scaleA scale factor for saving the grids.
    [in]volumesA list of volumes that should be saved to the .vdb file.
    [in]metaDataOptional Metadata to write to the file. Have to be added under string keys to the data dictionary.
    OK on success.

    ◆ BoolVolumes()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> BoolVolumes ( const Volume &  volumeOne,
    const Volume &  volumeTwo,
    BOOLTYPE  type 

    Bools two SDF volumes into one with a given bool type of BOOLTYPE.

    [in]volumeOneThe first SDF volume for the boolean operation.
    [in]volumeTwoThe second SDF volume for the boolean operation.
    [in]typeThe bool type BOOLTYPE.
    The booled volume.

    ◆ MixVolumes()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> MixVolumes ( const Volume &  volumeOne,
    const Volume &  volumeTwo,
    MIXTYPE  type 

    Mix two volumes into one with a given mix type of MIXTYPE.

    [in]volumeOneThe first volume for the mix operation.
    [in]volumeTwoThe second volume for the mix operation.
    [in]typeThe mix type MIXTYPE.
    The mixed volume.

    ◆ VolumeToMesh()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<PolygonObject*> VolumeToMesh ( const Volume &  volume,
    Float  iso,
    Float  adaptiveValue 

    Extracts a polygon object iso surface from a volume. This is done by a marching cube algorithm.

    [in]volumeThe volume to extract a surface from.
    [in]isoThe iso value at which a surface should be extracted.
    [in]adaptiveValueAn adaptive value between 0.0 and 1.0 that reduces the polygon count based on curvature.
    The extracted polygon object.

    ◆ MeshToVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> MeshToVolume ( const Block< Vector > &  vertices,
    const Block< VolumeConversionPolygon > &  polygons,
    Matrix  polygonObjectMatrix,
    Float  gridSize,
    Int32  bandWidthInterior,
    Int32  bandWidthExterior,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation,
    const Matrix creationTransform = nullptr 

    Converts a polygon object to a SDF volume.

    [in]verticesThe vertex positions of the polygon object.
    [in]polygonsThe polygon information. This needs to be a list of ::VolumeConversionPolygon
    [in]polygonObjectMatrixThe global position, scale and rotation matrix of the polygon object.
    [in]gridSizeThe desired gridsize of the created volume.
    [in]bandWidthInteriorThe amount of exterior voxels that distance information is calculated for.
    [in]bandWidthExteriorThe amount of interior voxels that distance information is calculated for.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    [in]conversionSettingsOptional settings for the conversion to Volume POLYGONCONVERSIONFLAGS.
    [in]creationTransformAn optional override to the target grid matrix. If this is used the gridSize is ignored.
    The converted SDF volume representing the input polygon object.

    ◆ GeometryObjectToVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> GeometryObjectToVolume ( const Geometry &  geometry,
    Matrix  polygonObjectMatrix,
    Float  gridSize,
    Int32  bandWidthInterior,
    Int32  bandWidthExterior,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation,
    const Matrix creationTransform = nullptr 

    Converts a GeometryObject to a SDF volume.

    See also
    MeshToVolume, same thing, just converts from new GeometryObject type.
    [in]geometryThe geometry object wrapper.
    [in]polygonObjectMatrixThe global position, scale and rotation matrix of the polygon object.
    [in]gridSizeThe desired gridsize of the created volume.
    [in]bandWidthInteriorThe amount of exterior voxels that distance information is calculated for.
    [in]bandWidthExteriorThe amount of interior voxels that distance information is calculated for.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    [in]conversionSettingsOptional settings for the conversion to Volume POLYGONCONVERSIONFLAGS.
    [in]creationTransformAn optional override to the target grid matrix. If this is used the gridSize is ignored.
    The converted SDF volume representing the input polygon object.

    ◆ PointsToVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> PointsToVolume ( const DelegatePointObjectsPairList pointObjects,
    Float  gridSize,
    Int32  bandWidth,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation,
    const Matrix creationTransform = nullptr,
    Float  velocityScale = 0.0 

    Converts points in space to a SDF volume. This can be used to convert particles, vertices, spline sampling points or other points to a volume.

    // maxon scope is assumed
    // the polygon object to convert its vertices from
    PolygonObject* somePolyObject = ...;
    auto addVertices = [&](void* object, PointsToVolumeListRef& pointsList) -> Result<void>
    if (!object)
    return IllegalArgumentError(CREATE);
    PolygonObject* polyObj = (PolygonObject*)object;
    const Vector* points = polyObj->GetPointR();
    Matrix objectPosition = polyObj->GetMg();
    for (Int32 pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < pointCount; pointIndex++)
    // add the points to the particlelist, the radius is captured by reference
    pointsList.AppendPoint(objectPosition * points[pointIndex], radius) iferr_return;
    return OK;
    // create a delegate/object pair
    // set the delegate to the pair
    polySampling.first = addVertices;
    // add the one polygon object to the list of converted objects. This can be multiple objects processed by the delegate
    polySampling.second.Resize(1) iferr_return;
    polySampling.second[0] = polygonObject;
    // add the pair to the list for the conversion
    pointObjects.Append(polySampling) iferr_return;
    // call the conversion
    Volume newVolume = VolumeToolsInterface::PointsToVolume(pointObjects, gridSize, bandWidth, checkForCancellation, gridMatrix) iferr_return;
    PyObject * object
    Definition: asdl.h:7
    Matrix GetMg() const
    Definition: c4d_baseobject.h:510
    const Vector * GetPointR() const
    Definition: c4d_baseobject.h:1586
    Definition: c4d_baseobject.h:1765
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Volume > PointsToVolume(const DelegatePointObjectsPairList &pointObjects, Float gridSize, Int32 bandWidth, const ThreadRef &checkForCancellation, const Matrix *creationTransform=nullptr, Float velocityScale=0.0)
    maxon::Int32 Int32
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:60
    return OK
    Definition: apibase.h:2747
    BaseArray< DelegatePointObjectsPair > DelegatePointObjectsPairList
    Definition: volumetools.h:185
    Pair< Delegate< Result< void >(void *, PointsToVolumeListRef &)>, BaseArray< void * > > DelegatePointObjectsPair
    Definition: volumetools.h:184
    #define iferr_scope
    Definition: resultbase.h:1386
    #define iferr_return
    Definition: resultbase.h:1521
    [in]pointObjectsA list of Delegate/Object pairs that specify how to get point positions from the object.
    [in]gridSizeThe desired gridsize of the created volume.
    [in]bandWidthThe amount of voxels around the creates spheres that distance information is calculated for.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    [in]creationTransformAn optional override to the target grid matrix. If this is used the gridSize is ignored.
    [in]velocityScaleA velocity scale that the volumes will be extended to if they have a direction set.
    The converted SDF volume representing the input polygon object.

    ◆ ApplySDFFilterToVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> ApplySDFFilterToVolume ( const Volume &  volume,
    const SDFFilterSettings filterType,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation,
    const Volume *  maskVolume = nullptr,
    FieldSampleData maskField = nullptr 

    Applies a filter operation to a SDF volume. This work only on SDF volumes.

    [in]volumeThe volume that should be filtered.
    [in]filterTypeSettings for the filter operation. See ::SDFFilterSettings.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    [in]maskVolumeAn optional volume object to be used as mask.
    [in]maskFieldAn optional field data struct to be used as field mask.
    A new filtered version of the input volume.

    ◆ ApplyFilterToVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> ApplyFilterToVolume ( const Volume &  volume,
    const FilterSettings filterType,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation,
    const Volume *  maskVolume = nullptr,
    FieldSampleData maskField = nullptr 

    Applies a filter operation to a volume.

    [in]volumeThe volume that should be filtered.
    [in]filterTypeSettings for the filter operation. See ::FilterSettings.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    [in]maskVolumeAn optional volume object to be used as mask.
    [in]maskFieldAn optional field data struct to be used as field mask.
    A new filtered version of the input volume.

    ◆ ConvertFieldsToVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> ConvertFieldsToVolume ( FieldSampleData fieldData,
    Float  gridSize,
    const Range< Vector > &  sampleBox,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation,
    const Volume *  volumeReference = nullptr,
    const Matrix creationTransform = nullptr 

    Convert a field list or a field object into a volume. This can either be done in a box that samples the grid fully or with a volume reference. In case of a volume the active voxels of the volume will be sampled and the result will have the same structure as the reference volume. Note that FieldSampleData can have information for a field list or a field object. If FieldSampleData's fieldOwner is a field object, fieldList can be nullptr.

    [in]fieldDataA data struct about the fieldlist data.
    [in]gridSizeThe voxel size of the resulting volume.
    [in]sampleBoxA bounding box.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    [in]volumeReferenceAn optional volume object that will define the sampling positions by it's active voxels. If this is used the voxelSize and sampleBox are ignored.
    [in]creationTransformAn optional override to the target grid matrix. If this is used the gridSize is ignored.
    A volume that contains the values of the field in the active voxels.

    ◆ ConvertSDFToFog()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> ConvertSDFToFog ( const Volume &  volume,
    Float  cutoff = LIMITFloat >::MAX 

    Convert a SDF Volume to a fog volume. The interiour of the SDF object will be filled with data ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 with a falloff.

    [in]volumeThe SDF volume that should be converted.
    [in]cutoffThe distance for the falloff from 0.0 (SDF 0.0 value) to 1.0.
    A fog volume.

    ◆ ConvertFogToSDF()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> ConvertFogToSDF ( const Volume &  volume,
    Float  iso,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation 

    Convert a fog Volume to a SDF volume. The resulting surface of the SDF volume is defined by the passed iso value.

    [in]volumeThe fog volume that should be converted.
    [in]isoThe iso value at which the surface should be created.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    A SDF volume.

    ◆ ResampleVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> ResampleVolume ( const Volume &  volume,
    const Matrix resampleTransform,
    const RESAMPLEINTERPOLATIONTYPE  interpolationType,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation 

    Resample a volume into a new transformation matrix.

    [in]volumeThe volume that should be resampled.
    [in]resampleTransformThe transformation matrix in which the volume should be resampled into.
    [in]interpolationTypeThe resample interpolation type. See RESAMPLEINTERPOLATIONTYPE.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    The created resampled volume.

    ◆ CreateMaskFromField()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> CreateMaskFromField ( FieldSampleData fieldData,
    const Volume &  volumeReference,
    Float  background,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation 

    Creates a volume mask for a volume reference with values sampled from a field.

    [in]fieldDataA data struct about the fieldlist data.
    [in]volumeReferenceThe reference volume that samples the field into the mask.
    [in]backgroundThe background of the mask. This will become the maskvalue in areas that have no active voxel in the volumeReference.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    The created mask volume.

    ◆ CreateNewFloat32Volume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> CreateNewFloat32Volume ( Float32  background)

    Creates a new float volume with default transform. The gridtype will be GRIDCLASS::UNKNOWN.

    [in]backgroundThe background value for the volume.
    The newly created volume.

    ◆ CreateGradientVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> CreateGradientVolume ( const Volume &  volume,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation 

    Creates a gradient volume from a numeric volume.

    [in]volumeThe numeric volume.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    The newly created gradient volume.

    ◆ CreateSphereVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> CreateSphereVolume ( Float  radius,
    const Vector position,
    Float  gridSize,
    Int32  bandWidth,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation,
    const Matrix creationTransform = nullptr 

    Creates a SDF volume of a spherical shape.

    [in]radiusThe radius of the created sphere.
    [in]positionThe position of the sphere.
    [in]gridSizeThe desired gridsize of the created volume.
    [in]bandWidthThe amount of interior and exterior voxels that distance information is calculated for. Should be greater than 1.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    [in]creationTransformAn optional override to the target grid matrix. If this is used the gridSize is ignored.
    The created SDF volume representing the input sphere settings.

    ◆ CreatePlatonicVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> CreatePlatonicVolume ( Int32  sides,
    Float  size,
    const Vector position,
    Float  gridSize,
    Int32  bandWidth,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation,
    const Matrix creationTransform = nullptr 

    Creates a SDF volume of a platonic shape. If invalid Arguments are set the function returns an empty volume

    [in]sidesThe number of sides of the platonic. Define the valid Arguments in the description of the parameter
    [in]sizeThe size of the created platonic.
    [in]positionThe position of the platonic.
    [in]gridSizeThe desired gridsize of the created volume.
    [in]bandWidthThe amount of interior and exterior voxels that distance information is calculated for. Should be greater than 1.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    [in]creationTransformAn optional override to the target grid matrix. If this is used the gridSize is ignored.
    The created SDF volume representing the input platonic settings.

    ◆ CreateNewVector32Volume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> CreateNewVector32Volume ( Vector32  background)

    Creates a new float vector volume with default transform. The gridtype will be GRIDCLASS::UNKNOWN.

    [in]backgroundThe background vector value for the volume.
    The newly created volume.

    ◆ MixVectorVolumes()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> MixVectorVolumes ( const Volume &  volumeOne,
    const Volume &  volumeTwo,

    Mix two vector volumes into one with a given mix type of MIXVECTORTYPE.

    [in]volumeOneThe first vector volume for the mix operation.
    [in]volumeTwoThe second vector volume for the mix operation.
    [in]typeThe mix type MIXVECTORTYPE.
    The mixed vector volume.

    ◆ ConvertFieldsToVectorVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> ConvertFieldsToVectorVolume ( FieldSampleData fieldData,
    Float  gridSize,
    const Range< Vector > &  sampleBox,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation,
    const Volume *  volumeReference = nullptr,
    const Matrix creationTransform = nullptr 

    Convert a field lists directional channel or a field object into a vector volume. This can either be done in a box that samples the grid fully or with a volume reference. In case of a volume the active voxels of the volume will be sampled and the result will have the same structure as the reference volume. Note that FieldSampleData can have information for a field list or a field object. If FieldSampleData's fieldOwner is a field object, fieldList can be nullptr.

    [in]fieldDataA data struct about the fieldlist data.
    [in]gridSizeThe voxel size of the resulting volume.
    [in]sampleBoxA bounding box.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    [in]volumeReferenceAn optional volume object that will define the sampling positions by it's active voxels. If this is used the voxelSize and sampleBox are ignored.
    [in]creationTransformAn optional override to the target grid matrix. If this is used the gridSize is ignored.
    A vector volume that contains the directions of the field in the active voxels.

    ◆ NormalizeVectorVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> NormalizeVectorVolume ( const Volume &  volume,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation 

    Creates a normalized vector volume from an input vector volume.

    [in]volumeThe vector volume that should be normalized.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    The newly created normalized vector volume.

    ◆ CreateCurlVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> CreateCurlVolume ( const Volume &  volume,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation 

    Creates a vector volume representing the curl of a vector volume.

    [in]volumeThe vector volume the curl should be calculated from.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    The newly created curl vector volume.

    ◆ CreateMeanCurvatureVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> CreateMeanCurvatureVolume ( const Volume &  volume,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation 

    Creates a curvature volume from a numeric volume.

    [in]volumeThe numeric volume.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    The newly created curvature volume.

    ◆ RotateVectorVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> RotateVectorVolume ( const Volume &  volume,
    const Vector rotationAxis,
    const Float  angle,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation,
    FieldSampleData maskField = nullptr 

    Rotate the vectors of a vector volume by a specified angle around a rotation axis.

    [in]volumeThe vector volume to rotate.
    [in]rotationAxisThe rotation axis to rotate around.
    [in]angleThe angle in radians to rotate.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    [in]maskFieldAn optional field data struct to be used as field mask.
    The newly created curvature volume.

    ◆ ConvertVectorToFog()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> ConvertVectorToFog ( const Volume &  volume,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation 

    Convert a vector volume to a fog volume. The resulting volume will have the length of the vectors stored at the original voxel position.

    [in]volumeThe fog volume that should be converted.
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    A fog volume with the length of the vectors stored.

    ◆ BlendVolumes()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> BlendVolumes ( const Volume &  volumeA,
    const Volume &  volumeB,
    const Float  blendValue,
    const ThreadRef checkForCancellation 

    Does a linear blend operation of two volume grids. Both grids need to have the same type and this type needs to be blendable.

    [in]volumeAThe first volume of the blend operation.
    [in]volumeBThe second volume of the blend operation.
    [in]blendValueThe linear blend value between A and B. 1.0 results in A, 0.0 in B
    [in]checkForCancellationA thread reference that cancellation is tested against.
    A Volume that is the blend between Volume A and Volume B.

    ◆ SmoothBoolVolumes()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Volume> SmoothBoolVolumes ( const Volume &  volumeOne,
    const Volume &  volumeTwo,
    BOOLTYPE  type,
    Float  radius 

    Smooth Bools two SDF volumes into one with a given bool type of BOOLTYPE.

    [in]volumeOneThe first SDF volume for the boolean operation.
    [in]volumeTwoThe second SDF volume for the boolean operation.
    [in]typeThe bool type BOOLTYPE.
    [in]radiusThe radius of the smoothing area around the overlapping parts.
    The booled volume.

    ◆ ScatterPointsInVolume()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Array<Vector> > ScatterPointsInVolume ( const Volume &  volume,
    UInt64  pointCount,
    Float  spread,
    Int  seed 

    Scatters points inside of Fog volume

    [in]volumeThe fog volume to scatter points in
    [in]pointCountThe number of points to scatter
    [in]spreadThe spread of the scattered points
    The array of scattered points