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    SplineMapperInterface Class Reference

    #include <splinemapper.h>

    Detailed Description

    This is the interface for the SplineMapper data type. The data is reference-counted and a copy will automatically be created if a non-const function is called.

    Public Member Functions

    MAXON_METHOD Vector2d GetPoint (Float positionX) const
    MAXON_METHOD void GetRange (Vector2d &min, Vector2d &max) const
    MAXON_METHOD void SetRange (const Vector2d &min, const Vector2d &max)
    MAXON_METHOD void AdaptRange (const Vector2d &min, const Vector2d &max)
    MAXON_METHOD Float GetTension () const
    MAXON_METHOD void SetTension (Float tension)
    MAXON_METHOD Int GetKnotCount () const
    MAXON_METHOD SplineMapperKnotGetKnot (Int knotIndex)
    MAXON_METHOD Bool SetKnot (Int knotIndex, const SplineMapperKnot &knot)
    MAXON_METHOD Bool IsEqual (const SplineMapperInterface *other, EQUALITY equality) const
    MAXON_METHOD HashInt GetHashCode () const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< void > InsertKnot (Int knotIndex, const SplineMapperKnot &knot)
    MAXON_METHOD Result< IntInsertKnot (Float x, Float y, SPLINEMAPPER_KNOT_FLAGS flags, Bool adaptTangents)
    MAXON_METHOD Result< void > DeleteKnot (Int knotIndex)
    MAXON_METHOD void DeleteAllKnots ()
    MAXON_METHOD const BaseArray< SplineMapperKnot > & GetKnots () const
    MAXON_METHOD BaseArray< SplineMapperKnot > * GetKnotsRW ()
    MAXON_METHOD void SortKnots ()
    MAXON_METHOD Vector2d ClampPosition (const Vector2d &position) const

    Static Public Member Functions

    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > DescribeIO (const DataSerializeInterface &stream)

    Private Member Functions

     MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL (SplineMapperInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_COPY_ON_WRITE, "net.maxon.interface.splinemapper")

    Member Function Documentation


    MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL ( SplineMapperInterface  ,

    ◆ GetPoint()

    MAXON_METHOD Vector2d GetPoint ( Float  positionX) const

    Gets a point from its X coordinate. If out of range, the first or last spline knots will be returned.

    Make sure knots are sorted before calling this (
    See also
    [in]positionXThe X coordinate.
    The retrieved position.

    ◆ GetRange()

    MAXON_METHOD void GetRange ( Vector2d min,
    Vector2d max 
    ) const

    ◆ SetRange()

    MAXON_METHOD void SetRange ( const Vector2d min,
    const Vector2d max 

    ◆ AdaptRange()

    MAXON_METHOD void AdaptRange ( const Vector2d min,
    const Vector2d max 

    ◆ GetTension()

    MAXON_METHOD Float GetTension ( ) const

    ◆ SetTension()

    MAXON_METHOD void SetTension ( Float  tension)

    ◆ GetKnotCount()

    MAXON_METHOD Int GetKnotCount ( ) const

    ◆ GetKnot()

    MAXON_METHOD SplineMapperKnot* GetKnot ( Int  knotIndex)

    ◆ SetKnot()

    MAXON_METHOD Bool SetKnot ( Int  knotIndex,
    const SplineMapperKnot knot 

    ◆ IsEqual()

    MAXON_METHOD Bool IsEqual ( const SplineMapperInterface other,
    EQUALITY  equality 
    ) const

    Compares this SplineMapper with another if both are identical.

    [in]otherThe other SplineMapper to compare this object with.
    True if the object is identical.

    ◆ GetHashCode()

    MAXON_METHOD HashInt GetHashCode ( ) const

    Returns a hash code for this SplineMapper which depends on the content.

    Hash code for the SplineMapper.

    ◆ InsertKnot() [1/2]

    MAXON_METHOD Result<void> InsertKnot ( Int  knotIndex,
    const SplineMapperKnot knot 

    Inserts a new knot at index position (0 <= position <= GetCount()).

    [in]knotIndexInsert index (the internal array size will increase and if (0 <= position < GetCount()), the existing elements are moved, but if (position == GetCount()), then element is appended to the end).
    [in]knotThe knot to insert

    ◆ InsertKnot() [2/2]

    MAXON_METHOD Result<Int> InsertKnot ( Float  x,
    Float  y,
    Bool  adaptTangents 

    ◆ DeleteKnot()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<void> DeleteKnot ( Int  knotIndex)

    ◆ DeleteAllKnots()

    MAXON_METHOD void DeleteAllKnots ( )

    ◆ GetKnots()

    MAXON_METHOD const BaseArray<SplineMapperKnot>& GetKnots ( ) const

    Gets the internal array for read-only operations.

    Reference to internal array.

    ◆ GetKnotsRW()

    Gets the internal array for read/write operations.

    Pointer to internal array. It's guaranteed to be valid.

    ◆ SortKnots()

    MAXON_METHOD void SortKnots ( )

    Sorts the knots by its position X. Call this when an new knot is added or if a knot postion X has been modified.

    ◆ ClampPosition()

    MAXON_METHOD Vector2d ClampPosition ( const Vector2d position) const

    Clamps a position to the defined range (

    See also
    GetRange(), SetRange()).
    [in]positionThe position.
    The clamped position.

    ◆ DescribeIO()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> DescribeIO ( const DataSerializeInterface stream)

    Describe all elements of this class for I/O operations.

    [in]streamThe stream that is used to register the class members.
    OK on success.