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    NetworkTcpInterface Class Reference

    #include <network_ip_tcp.h>

    Detailed Description

    Static interface to access network functionality.

    Public Types

    using ConnectCompletionHandler = NetworkTcpConnectionInterface::ConnectCompletionHandler
    using AcceptCompletionHandler = NetworkTcpServerInterface::AcceptCompletionHandler

    Static Public Member Functions

    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > OpenOutgoingConnection (const NetworkIpAddrPort &address, ConnectCompletionHandler handler, const AioServiceRef &ioService, const JobQueueRef &jobQueue)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< NetworkTcpServerRef > CreateServer (const NetworkIpAddrPort &localAddress, AcceptCompletionHandler handler, const AioServiceRef &ioService, const JobQueueRef &jobQueue)

    Private Member Functions

     MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL (NetworkTcpInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_NORMAL, "net.maxon.interface.networktcp")

    Member Typedef Documentation

    ◆ ConnectCompletionHandler

    ◆ AcceptCompletionHandler

    Member Function Documentation


    MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL ( NetworkTcpInterface  ,

    ◆ OpenOutgoingConnection()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> OpenOutgoingConnection ( const NetworkIpAddrPort address,
    ConnectCompletionHandler  handler,
    const AioServiceRef &  ioService,
    const JobQueueRef jobQueue 

    Enqueues an asynchronous TCP connection attempt to the given address. As soon as the attempt is done, the given handler delegate is called.

    [in]addressAddress to connect to.
    [in]handlerHandler delegate.
    [in]ioServiceI/O service for the connection.
    [in]jobQueueJob queue for the connection.
    True if the connection was established, error otherwise.

    ◆ CreateServer()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<NetworkTcpServerRef> CreateServer ( const NetworkIpAddrPort localAddress,
    AcceptCompletionHandler  handler,
    const AioServiceRef &  ioService,
    const JobQueueRef jobQueue 

    Creates an asynchronous TCP server bound to the given address. As soon as a connection is incoming, the given handler delegate is called.

    [in]localAddressAddress to connect to.
    [in]handlerHandler delegate.
    [in]ioServiceI/O service for the connection.
    [in]jobQueueJob queue for the connection.
    True if the connection was established, error otherwise.