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    MachineInterface Class Reference

    #include <machine.h>

    Inheritance diagram for MachineInterface:

    Detailed Description

    This class is the entry point to access machine interfaces. So there is no difference if the machine is running local or remote via rpc.

    Public Member Functions

    MAXON_METHOD String GetUniqueId () const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< DataDictionary > GetMachineInfo () const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< ObjectRef > GetInterface (const Id &interfaceName)
    template<typename INTERFACE >
    MAXON_FUNCTION Result< INTERFACE > GetInterface ()
    MAXON_METHOD Bool SetState (MACHINESTATE stateMask, MACHINESTATE stateFlags)
    MAXON_METHOD String ToString (const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) const
     MAXON_OBSERVABLE (void, ObservablePrivateSplashMessageReceived,(const MachineRef &machine, const DataDictionary &msg), ObservableCombinerRunAllComponent)
     MAXON_OBSERVABLE (void, ObservableActivationChanged,(const MachineRef &machine, Bool gotActive), ObservableCombinerRunAllComponent)

    Private Member Functions

     MAXON_INTERFACE (MachineInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_NORMAL, "net.maxon.interface.machine")

    Member Function Documentation


    MAXON_INTERFACE ( MachineInterface  ,

    ◆ GetUniqueId()

    MAXON_METHOD String GetUniqueId ( ) const

    Returns the service name of the local machine. This name is a unique name which allows to identify the machine.

    ◆ GetMachineInfo()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<DataDictionary> GetMachineInfo ( ) const

    Returns information about the system and processor. See maxon::MACHINEINFO for DataDictionary properties.

    ◆ GetInterface() [1/2]

    MAXON_METHOD Result<ObjectRef> GetInterface ( const Id interfaceName)

    Returns a interface of this machine. E.g. write OSClipboardRef clipboard = machine.GetInterface<OSClipboardRef>(); to get the clipboard interface handle. Don't use the Interface function but the overloaded NetworkRPCMachine::GetInterface<>() template instead. THREADSAFE. It automatically detects the interfaceName and casts the type.

    If successful the handle to the interface is returned.

    ◆ GetInterface() [2/2]

    MAXON_FUNCTION Result<INTERFACE> GetInterface ( )

    Returns a interface of a machine. e.g. write OSClipboardRef clipboard = machine.GetInterface<OSClipboardRef>(); to get the clipboard interface handle. At the moment supported are: OSGuiRef, OSClipboardRef, GameServerRef, CaptureDeviceListRef, UpdaterRef.

    If the function is successful the handle to the interface is returned.

    ◆ GetState()


    Returns the machine state of the given machine. See MACHINEINFO for details.

    ◆ SetState()

    MAXON_METHOD Bool SetState ( MACHINESTATE  stateMask,
    MACHINESTATE  stateFlags 

    ** private ** Sets the machine state of the given machine. This function should not be called by users. It's private for internal functions.

    [in]stateMaskMask of flags that should be changed.
    [in]stateFlagsValues of flags that be set.
    True if the function succeeded.

    ◆ ToString()

    MAXON_METHOD String ToString ( const FormatStatement formatStatement = nullptr) const

    Returns a readable string of the content.

    [in]formatStatementNullptr or additional formatting instruction. Use "{N}" for nive formatting of the name only. Otherwise the unique id is printed together with the name.
    The converted result.

    ◆ MAXON_OBSERVABLE() [1/2]

    MAXON_OBSERVABLE ( void  ,
    ObservablePrivateSplashMessageReceived  ,
    (const MachineRef &machine, const DataDictionary &msg ,

    ◆ MAXON_OBSERVABLE() [2/2]

    MAXON_OBSERVABLE ( void  ,
    ObservableActivationChanged  ,
    (const MachineRef &machine, Bool gotActive)  ,

    The activation status of the machine changed e.g. the user clicked onto another application When the app is becoming inactive you can e.g. idle some computations