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    Iterable Class Reference

    #include <foreach.h>

    Detailed Description

    Iterable defines some static helper functions to construct foreach iterators. A foreach iterator supports the foreach-protocol consisting of the following class members:

    • A member type alias std::true_type IsForEachIterator; indicates that the class defines a foreach iterator.
    • explicit operator Bool() checks if the iterator object has a valid current value. When this returns false for the first time, the iteration terminates.
    • operator ++() advances the iterator object.
    • The function operator *() const to return the current iteration value.
    • A move or copy constructor for the iterator is needed for some operations of Iterable.

    Given this protocol, an iteration over all values is done by

    for (MyForEachIterator it = ...; it; ++it)
    MyValueType& value = *it;
    PyObject * value
    Definition: abstract.h:715

    The foreach iterators returned by Iterable functions support range-based for loops:

    for (const auto& v : Iterable::Concat(array, Iterable::GetSingleton(x)))
    PyObject PyObject * v
    Definition: abstract.h:297
    static SingletonForEachIterator< T > GetSingleton(T &&value)
    Definition: foreach.h:1399
    static ConcatForEachIterator< T, typename IteratorType< I1 && >::type, typename IteratorType< I2 && >::type > Concat(I1 &&it1, I2 &&it2)
    Definition: foreach.h:1425
    PyObject * x
    Definition: bytesobject.h:38
    See also
    $ref foreach


    class  IteratorType

    Public Types

    template<typename ITERABLE >
    using ValueType = typename IteratorType< ITERABLE >::ValueType

    Static Public Member Functions

    template<typename T , Int N>
    static AutoIterator< T[N]> Get (T(&array)[N])
    template<typename I >
    static SFINAEHelper< AutoIterator< typename std::remove_reference< I >::type >, typename std::remove_reference< I >::type::ConstIterator >::type Get (I &&iterable)
    template<typename I >
    static SFINAEHelper< I &&, typename std::remove_reference< I >::type::IsForEachIterator >::type Get (I &&iterator)
    template<typename ITERABLE >
    static maxon::details::ReverseIterable< ITERABLE > Reverse (ITERABLE &&iterable)
    template<typename COLLECTION >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE maxon::EraseIterator< COLLECTION, false > EraseIterator (COLLECTION &c)
    template<typename COLLECTION >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE maxon::EraseIterator< COLLECTION, true > SwapEraseIterator (COLLECTION &c)
    template<typename I >
    static IndexForEachIterator< typename IteratorType< I && >::typeIndexIterator (I &&it)
    template<typename T >
    static SingletonForEachIterator< T > GetSingleton (T &&value)
    template<typename T = void, typename I1 , typename I2 >
    static ConcatForEachIterator< T, typename IteratorType< I1 && >::type, typename IteratorType< I2 && >::typeConcat (I1 &&it1, I2 &&it2)
    template<typename T = void, typename I1 , typename I2 >
    static ConditionalForEachIterator< T, typename IteratorType< I1 && >::type, typename IteratorType< I2 && >::typeConditional (Bool select, I1 &&it1, I2 &&it2)
    template<typename I , typename MAP >
    static MapForEachIterator< MAP, typename IteratorType< I && >::typeMap (I &&values, MAP &&fn)
    template<typename I , typename FILTER >
    static FilterForEachIterator< FILTER, typename IteratorType< I && >::typeFilter (I &&values, FILTER &&filter)
    template<typename I1 , typename I2 >
    static ZipForEachIterator< typename IteratorType< I1 && >::type, typename IteratorType< I2 && >::typeZip (I1 &&it1, I2 &&it2)
    template<typename I >
    static Bool Any (I &&iterable)
    template<typename I , typename MAP >
    static Bool Any (I &&iterable, MAP &&map)
    template<typename I >
    static Bool All (I &&iterable)
    template<typename I , typename MAP >
    static Bool All (I &&iterable, MAP &&map)

    Member Typedef Documentation

    ◆ ValueType

    using ValueType = typename IteratorType<ITERABLE>::ValueType

    Member Function Documentation

    ◆ Get() [1/3]

    static AutoIterator<T[N]> Get ( T(&)  array[N])

    Constructs an AutoIterator from a C++ array.

    [in]arrayThe array to iterate over.
    Template Parameters
    TType of the array elements.
    NSize of array.
    AutoIterator over array.

    ◆ Get() [2/3]

    static SFINAEHelper<AutoIterator<typename std::remove_reference<I>::type>, typename std::remove_reference<I>::type::ConstIterator>::type Get ( I &&  iterable)

    Constructs an AutoIterator from an iterable collection. An iterable collection has Begin() and End() functions returning suitable iterators to iterate over the collection. The returned AutoIterator will iterate over all values from Begin() to End().

    [in]iterableThe collection to iterate over.
    Template Parameters
    IType of the collection.
    AutoIterator over iterable.

    ◆ Get() [3/3]

    static SFINAEHelper<I&&, typename std::remove_reference<I>::type::IsForEachIterator>::type Get ( I &&  iterator)

    Returns the passed parameter. This overload of the other Get function is useful to get a foreach iterator from an object which may be either a foreach iterator itself, or an iterable collection for which an AutoIterator can be created, by just writing

    auto it = Iterable::Get(object);
    static AutoIterator< T[N]> Get(T(&array)[N])
    Definition: foreach.h:1262

    If object is already a foreach iterator, it will just be moved to it, otherwise it will be an AutoIterator for object.

    [in]iteratorThe iterator object to iterate over.
    Template Parameters
    IType of the iterator.

    ◆ Reverse()

    static maxon::details::ReverseIterable<ITERABLE> Reverse ( ITERABLE &&  iterable)

    This function can be used in a range-based for loop to reverse the iteration such that it starts at the last element of the iterable and moves towards the first element. The function can only be used for iterables which have suitable – operator.

    It does the decrement in operator*, so a use outside of range-based for loops is risky because you might use operator* more than once.
    for (const X& value : Iterable::Reverse(xarray))
    static maxon::details::ReverseIterable< ITERABLE > Reverse(ITERABLE &&iterable)
    Definition: foreach.h:1321
    [in]iterableThe iterable to iterate over in reverse direction.
    Temporary object to be used in a range-based for loop.

    ◆ EraseIterator()

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE maxon::EraseIterator<COLLECTION, false> EraseIterator ( COLLECTION &  c)

    This function returns a for-each iterator over the given collection c which allows you to remove the current iteration value from within a ranged-based for loop.

    for (auto it = Iterable::EraseIterator(array); it; ++it)
    if (*it == valueToErase)
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE maxon::EraseIterator< COLLECTION, false > EraseIterator(COLLECTION &c)
    Definition: foreach.h:1343

    The iterator provides an Erase function which allows to erase the current iteration value from the underlying collection. After erasure, the current element must not be accessed any longer. But it is allowed to advance the iterator using ++, then it will point to the element behind the erased one.

    [in,out]cThe collection to iterate over.
    Foreach iterator over c which allows to safely erase the current element from within a for loop.
    See also

    ◆ SwapEraseIterator()

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE maxon::EraseIterator<COLLECTION, true> SwapEraseIterator ( COLLECTION &  c)

    This function returns a for-each iterator over the given collection c which allows you to remove the current iteration value from within a ranged-based for loop.

    for (auto it = Iterable::SwapEraseIterator(array); it; ++it)
    if (*it == valueToErase)
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE maxon::EraseIterator< COLLECTION, true > SwapEraseIterator(COLLECTION &c)
    Definition: foreach.h:1367

    The iterator provides an Erase function which allows to erase the current iteration value from the underlying collection by the collections's SwapErase function. This will generally be more efficient than the normal Erase, but it changes the order of the collection starting at the current position. After erasure, the current element must not be accessed any longer. But it is allowed to advance the iterator using ++, then it will point to the element behind the erased one.

    [in,out]cThe collection to iterate over.
    Foreach iterator over c which allows to safely erase the current element from within a for loop.
    See also

    ◆ IndexIterator()

    static IndexForEachIterator<typename IteratorType<I&&>::type> IndexIterator ( I &&  it)

    Returns a foreach iterator which iterates over the given iterator and also maintains an index. The index starts with 0 and is automatically incremented for each iteration step, it can be obtained from the iterator using its GetIndex() function. Example:

    for (auto it = Iterable::IndexIterator(set); it; ++it)
    DiagnosticOutput("Value at index @ is @", it.GetIndex(), *it);
    static IndexForEachIterator< typename IteratorType< I && >::type > IndexIterator(I &&it)
    Definition: foreach.h:1387
    #define DiagnosticOutput(formatString,...)
    Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:176
    [in]itThe iterator, may be any iterable object.
    Template Parameters
    IType of the iterator.
    Foreach iterator iterating over it.

    ◆ GetSingleton()

    static SingletonForEachIterator<T> GetSingleton ( T &&  value)

    Constructs a singleton foreach iterator. The iterator will iterate a single time over the given value.

    [in]valueThe single value to iterate over.
    Template Parameters
    TType of the value.
    Foreach iterator iterating a single time over the single value.

    ◆ Concat()

    static ConcatForEachIterator<T, typename IteratorType<I1&&>::type, typename IteratorType<I2&&>::type> Concat ( I1 &&  it1,
    I2 &&  it2 

    Concatenates two foreach iterators. The returned iterator will iterate at first over the first iterator, then over the second one. This example will iterate over array at first, then over the single value x:

    for (const auto& i : Iterable::Concat(array, Iterable::GetSingleton(x)))
    Py_ssize_t i
    Definition: abstract.h:645

    The result type of the returned iterator will be the common type of the value types of the two input iterators if you don't specify the T parameter. If such a common type doesn't exist, you have to specify the T parameter.

    [in]it1The first iterator, may be any iterable object.
    [in]it2The second iterator, may be any iterable object.
    Template Parameters
    TThe value type of the result iterator.
    I1Type of the first iterator.
    I2Type of the second iterator.
    Foreach iterator iterating over first, then over second.

    ◆ Conditional()

    static ConditionalForEachIterator<T, typename IteratorType<I1&&>::type, typename IteratorType<I2&&>::type> Conditional ( Bool  select,
    I1 &&  it1,
    I2 &&  it2 

    Returns a foreach iterator which iterates over either first or second, depending on select. If select is true, the iterator will iterate over all values of first (second won't be used at all), and vice versa if select is false. Example:

    for (const auto& i : Iterable::Conditional(sel, arrayA, arrayB))
    static ConditionalForEachIterator< T, typename IteratorType< I1 && >::type, typename IteratorType< I2 && >::type > Conditional(Bool select, I1 &&it1, I2 &&it2)
    Definition: foreach.h:1452

    The result type of the returned iterator will be the common type of the value types of the two input iterators if you don't specify the T parameter. If such a common type doesn't exist, you have to specify the T parameter.

    [in]selectIf true, iterate over first, otherwise over second.
    [in]it1The first iterator, may be any iterable object.
    [in]it2The second iterator, may be any iterable object.
    Template Parameters
    TThe value type of the result iterator.
    I1Type of the first iterator.
    I2Type of the second iterator.
    Conditional foreach iterator iterating over first if select is true, over second otherwise.

    ◆ Map()

    static MapForEachIterator<MAP, typename IteratorType<I&&>::type> Map ( I &&  values,
    MAP &&  fn 

    Returns a foreach iterator which maps each of the values of the underlying iterator values by the given function fn. I.e., if the original values are v1, v2, ..., the returned iterator will yield the values fn(v1), fn(v2), ...

    For example, to compute the sum of the squared values of an array using GetSum, you write

    BaseArray<Int> array;
    Int sum = GetSum(Iterable::Map(array, [](Int x) { return x * x; }));
    static MapForEachIterator< MAP, typename IteratorType< I && >::type > Map(I &&values, MAP &&fn)
    Definition: foreach.h:1475
    maxon::Int Int
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:64
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::remove_reference< ITERABLETYPE >::type::ValueType GetSum(ITERABLETYPE &&array)
    Returns the sum of all elements.
    Definition: lib_math.h:287
    [in]valuesThe values to iterate over, may be any iterable object.
    [in]fnThe function which maps each original value to the target value of the returned iterator.
    Template Parameters
    IType of the values.
    MAPType of the mapping function.
    Foreach iterator iterating over values, mapped by fn.

    ◆ Filter()

    static FilterForEachIterator<FILTER, typename IteratorType<I&&>::type> Filter ( I &&  values,
    FILTER &&  filter 

    Returns a foreach iterator which iterates only over those values which pass the given filter. A value x passes the filter unless !filter(x) is true.

    [in]valuesThe values to iterate over, may be any iterable object.
    [in]filterThe filter function. If !filter(x) is true, x will be removed from the iteration.
    Template Parameters
    IType of the values.
    FILTERType of the filter function.
    Foreach iterator iterating over values, but removing those which don't pass filter.

    ◆ Zip()

    static ZipForEachIterator<typename IteratorType<I1&&>::type, typename IteratorType<I2&&>::type> Zip ( I1 &&  it1,
    I2 &&  it2 

    Returns a foreach iterator which iterates over two iterators in lockstep. For each iteration step, the zip iterator has a pair as its value with the first value of the pair coming from it1 and the second value from it2. The iteration ends as soon as one of the two iterators reaches its end.

    [in]it1The first iterator, may be any iterable object.
    [in]it2The second iterator, may be any iterable object.
    Template Parameters
    I1Type of the first iterator.
    I2Type of the second iterator.
    Foreach iterator iterating over pairs of values from it1 and it2 in a lockstep fashion.

    ◆ Any() [1/2]

    static Bool Any ( I &&  iterable)

    ◆ Any() [2/2]

    static Bool Any ( I &&  iterable,
    MAP &&  map 

    ◆ All() [1/2]

    static Bool All ( I &&  iterable)

    ◆ All() [2/2]

    static Bool All ( I &&  iterable,
    MAP &&  map 