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    GeometryUtilsInterface Class Reference

    #include <geometryutils.h>

    Detailed Description

    2D and 3D geometrical utility functions.

    Static Public Member Functions

    static MAXON_METHOD Float LinearRemapToRange (Float value, Float from1, Float to1, Float from2, Float to2)
    static MAXON_METHOD Float GetAngle2D (const Vector2d &direction1, const Vector2d &direction2)
    static MAXON_METHOD Float InterpolatePointOnSegment (const Vector &segmentPoint1, const Vector &segmentPoint2, const Vector &point, Bool clamp=true)
    static MAXON_METHOD Float InterpolatePointOnSegment2D (const Vector2d &segmentPoint1, const Vector2d &segmentPoint2, const Vector2d &point, Bool clamp=true)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool CalculateBestFitPlane (const Block< const Vector > &pointCloud, Vector &centroid, Vector &normal, Int iterMax=500)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > Points3Dto2D (const Block< const Vector > &points, const Vector &normal, Vector &basisVector0, Vector &basisVector1, Vector &translate, Bool checkDegenerated, WritableArrayInterface< Vector2d > &outPoints, Bool computeBasis=true)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > Points3Dto2D (const Block< const Vector > &points, const Vector &normal, Bool checkDegenerated, WritableArrayInterface< Vector2d > &outPoints)
    static MAXON_METHOD Vector Point2Dto3D (const Vector2d &point, const Vector &basisVector0, const Vector &basisVector1, const Vector &translate)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > Points2Dto3D (const Block< const Vector2d > &points, const Vector &basisVector0, const Vector &basisVector1, const Vector &translate, WritableArrayInterface< Vector > &outPoints)
    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculateTriangleArea (const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c)
    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculateSignedTriangleArea (const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c)
    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculateQuadrangleArea (const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, const Vector &d)
    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculateOutlineArea (const Block< const Vector > &outlinePoints)
    static MAXON_METHOD Vector CalculateOutlineNormal (const Block< const Vector > &points, const Block< const Int32 > &indices, Bool normalized=true)
    static MAXON_METHOD Vector CalculateOutlineNormal (const Block< const Vector > &points, Bool normalize=true)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IsVertexConvex (const Vector &vertex, const Vector &next, const Vector &pred, const Vector &up=Vector(0, 1, 0))
    static MAXON_METHOD GEOMETRY_TEST_EXACT IsVertexConvexExact (const Vector &vertex, const Vector &next, const Vector &pred, const Vector &up=Vector(0, 1, 0), Float epsilon=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > CalculateMeanValueCoordinatesWeights (const Vector &point, const Block< const Vector > &outline, WritableArrayInterface< Float > &weights)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > CalculateMeanValueCoordinatesWeights (const Vector &point, const Block< const Vector > &points, const Block< const UInt32 > &outlineIndices, const Vector &normal, WritableArrayInterface< Float > &weights)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IsVertexConvex2D (const Vector2d &vertex, const Vector2d &next, const Vector2d &pred)
    static MAXON_METHOD GEOMETRY_TEST_EXACT IsVertexConvexExact2D (const Vector2d &vertex, const Vector2d &next, const Vector2d &pred, Float epsilon=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Vector2d CalculateBarycentricCoordinate (const Vector &point, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c)
    static MAXON_METHOD Vector CalculateBarycentricCoordinate3D (const Vector &point, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInTriangle (const Vector &point, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInTriangle2D (const Vector2d &point, const Vector2d &a, const Vector2d &b, const Vector2d &c)
    static MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber2D (Vector2d point, const Block< const Vector2d > &outline)
    static MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber2DExact (Vector2d point, const Block< const Vector2d > &outline)
    static MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber2D (Vector2d point, const Block< const Vector2d > &outline, Int &edgeHit)
    static MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber (Vector point, const Block< const Vector > &outline)
    static MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber (Vector point, const Block< const Vector > &outline, Int &edgeHit)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInOutline2D (const Vector &point, const Block< const Vector2d > &outline)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInOutlineRobust2D (const Vector &point, const Block< const Vector2d > &outline)
    static MAXON_METHOD Vector CalculateBisector (const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, const Vector &up=Vector(0, 1, 0), Float w1=1.0, Float w2=1.0)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool CalculateCircumcenter2D (const Vector2d &a, const Vector2d &b, const Vector2d &c, Vector2d &center, Float &sqrRad, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool CalculateCircumcenter (const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, Vector &center, Float &rad, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool SegmentsIntersectionTest2D (const Vector2d &segment1Point1, const Vector2d &segment1Point2, const Vector2d &segment2Point1, const Vector2d &segment2Point2)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool SegmentRayIntersectionTest2D (const Vector2d &segmentPoint1, const Vector2d &segmentPoint2, const Vector2d &rayStartPoint, const Vector2d &rayDirection)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectSegments2D (const Vector2d &segment1Point1, const Vector2d &segment1Point2, const Vector2d &segment2Point1, const Vector2d &segment2Point2, Vector2d &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=0.0_f)
    static MAXON_METHOD Vector LineLineDistance (const Vector &line1Point, const Vector &line1Dir, const Vector &line2Point, const Vector &line2Dir, Bool &parallel, Float &param1, Float &param2, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInSegment2D (const Vector2d &point, const Vector2d &segmentPoint1, const Vector2d &segmentPoint2, Float tolerance)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInSegment (const Vector &point, const Vector &segmentPoint1, const Vector &segmentPoint2, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInHalfLine (const Vector &point, const Vector &halfLineOrigin, const Vector &halfLineDir, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLines (const Vector &line1Point, const Vector &line1Dir, const Vector &line2Point, const Vector &line2Dir, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLineSegment (const Vector &linePoint, const Vector &lineDir, const Vector &segmentPoint1, const Vector &segmentPoint2, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectSegments (const Vector &segment1Point1, const Vector &segment1Point2, const Vector &segment2Point1, const Vector &segment2Point2, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectHalfLines (const Vector &halfLine1Origin, const Vector &halfLine1Dir, const Vector &halfLine2Origin, const Vector &halfLine2Dir, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLineHalfLine (const Vector &linePoint, const Vector &lineDir, const Vector &halfLineOrigin, const Vector &halfLineDir, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectHalfLineSegment (const Vector &halfLineOrigin, const Vector &halfLineDir, const Vector &segmentPoint1, const Vector &segmentPoint2, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectPlanes (const Vector &plane1Point, const Vector &plane1Normal, const Vector &plane2Point, const Vector &plane2Normal, Vector &resLinePoint, Vector &resLineDirection, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLinePlane (const Vector &linePoint, const Vector &lineDir, const Vector &planePoint, const Vector &planeNormal, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLinePlane (const Vector &linePoint, const Vector &lineDir, const Vector &planePoint, const Vector &planeNormal, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float &param, Bool &samePlane, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectSegmentPlane (const Vector &segmentPoint1, const Vector &segmentPoint2, const Vector &planePoint, const Vector &planeNormal, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectHalfLinePlane (const Vector &halfLinePoint, const Vector &halfLineDir, const Vector &planePoint, const Vector &planeNormal, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLineTriangle (const Vector &linePoint, const Vector &lineDir, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, Vector &intersectionPoint, Vector2d *barycCoords=nullptr, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectHalfLineTriangle (const Vector &halfLineOrigin, const Vector &halfLineDir, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, Vector &intersectionPoint, Vector2d *barycCoords=nullptr, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLineQuadrangle (const Vector &linePoint, const Vector &lineDir, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, const Vector &d, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectHalfLineQuadrangle (const Vector &halfLineOrigin, const Vector &halfLineDir, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, const Vector &d, Vector &intersectionPoint, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectSegmentTriangle (const Vector &segmentPoint1, const Vector &segmentPoint2, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, Vector &intersectionPoint, Vector *barycCoords=nullptr, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool TrianglesIntersectionTest (const Vector &t1a, const Vector &t1b, const Vector &t1c, const Vector &t2a, const Vector &t2b, const Vector &t2c, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool CalculatePolygonPointST (const Vector &point, const Vector &pa, const Vector &pb, const Vector &pc, const Vector &pd, Bool isQuad, Float &s, Float &t, Float tolerance=GeomConstants::EPSILON4)
    static MAXON_METHOD void InverseBilinarInterpolate (const Vector &pa, const Vector &pb, const Vector &pc, const Vector &pd, const Vector &point, Vector2d &bilinarVariables)
    static MAXON_METHOD void InverseBilinarInterpolateNewton (const Vector &pa, const Vector &pb, const Vector &pc, const Vector &pd, const Vector &point, Int32 iterations, Vector2d &bilinarVariables)
    static MAXON_METHOD void InverseBilinarInterpolate2D (const Vector2d &pa, const Vector2d &pb, const Vector2d &pc, const Vector2d &pd, const Vector2d &point, Vector2d &bilinarVariables)
    static MAXON_METHOD void InverseBilinarInterpolate2DNewton (const Vector2d &pa, const Vector2d &pb, const Vector2d &pc, const Vector2d &pd, const Vector2d &point, Int32 iterations, Vector2d &bilinarVariables)
    static MAXON_METHOD Vector BilinearInterpolate (const Vector &pa, const Vector &pb, const Vector &pc, const Vector &pd, const Float s, const Float t)
    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculateSignedTriangleArea (const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, const Vector &normal)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< void > CalculateMeanValueCoordinatesWeights (const Vector &point, const Block< const Vector > &outline, const Vector &normal, WritableArrayInterface< Float > &weights)
    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculatePerimeterLength2D (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePoints)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BoolIsWoundClockwise2D (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePoints)
    static MAXON_METHOD Vector2d CalculateOutlineCentroidAndArea2D (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePoints, Float *area=nullptr, Bool *windingPolarity=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< Vector2dCalculateMultiOutlineCentroidAndAreas2D (const Block< const Vector2d > &loopVertices, const Block< const Int > &loopVertexCounts, Bool includeHolesInCogCalcs, Float *overallArea=nullptr, BaseArray< Float > *loopSoloAreas=nullptr, BaseArray< Bool > *windingPolarity=nullptr)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BaseArray< Int > > CalculateConvexHull2D (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePoints)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BaseArray< BaseArray< Int > > > CalculateConvexDecomposition2D (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePoints)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BoolCleanLoop2DInPlace (BaseArray< Vector2d > &outlinePoints, Bool maintainStart)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BaseArray< Vector2d > > CalculateNoFitPolygonForConvex (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsA, const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsB, Bool relativeBToA=true)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BaseArray< Vector2d > > CalculateNoFitPolygonUsingSliding (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsA, const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsB, Bool relativeBToA=true)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BaseArray< Vector2d > > CalculateInnerFitPolygonUsingSliding (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsCcwA, const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsB)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BaseArray< Vector2d > > CalculateNoFitPolygonForConvex (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsA, const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsB, const Matrix2d &transformA, const Matrix2d &transformB, Bool relativeBToA=true)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BaseArray< Vector2d > > CalculateNoFitPolygonUsingSliding (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsA, const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsB, const Matrix2d &transformA, const Matrix2d &transformB, Bool relativeBToA=true)
    static MAXON_METHOD Result< BaseArray< BaseArray< Vector2d > > > CalculateUnionOfPolygons (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsA, const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsB, Bool includeHolesInResult, Bool createOuterLoop=true)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectsSegmentsExact2D (const Vector2d &segment1Point1, const Vector2d &segment1Point2, const Vector2d &segment2Point1, const Vector2d &segment2Point2, Vector2d &intersectionPoint, Bool &areParallel, Vector2d *intersectionPoint2=nullptr, Float tolerance=0.0_f)
    static MAXON_METHOD LOOP_OVERLAP_STATE GetContainmentStateForNonIntersectingLoops (const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsA, const Block< const Vector2d > &outlinePointsB)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool AreLoopsEqualToWithinTolerance (const Block< const Vector2d > &loopA, const Block< const Vector2d > &loopB, Bool allowCyclicRotation=true, Bool ignoreTranslationOffset=true, maxon::Float tol=maxon::GeomConstants::EPSILON5)
    static MAXON_METHOD void CalculateBoundingBoxIndices (const Block< const Vector2d > &verts, Int &minIdxX, Int &maxIdxX, Int &minIdxY, Int &maxIdxY, Bool findMostCounterClockwise)
    static MAXON_METHOD Bool ArePointsCoLinearWithinTolerance (const Block< const Vector > &points, maxon::Float tol=maxon::GeomConstants::EPSILON5)

    Private Member Functions

     MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL (GeometryUtilsInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_STATIC, "net.maxon.geom.geometryutils")

    Member Function Documentation


    MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL ( GeometryUtilsInterface  ,

    ◆ LinearRemapToRange()

    static MAXON_METHOD Float LinearRemapToRange ( Float  value,
    Float  from1,
    Float  to1,
    Float  from2,
    Float  to2 

    Remaps a value from one range to another.

    [in]valueThe value to remap.
    [in]from1First bound of source range.
    [in]to1Second bound of source range.
    [in]from2First bound of destination range.
    [in]to2Second bound of destination range.
    The remapped value.

    ◆ GetAngle2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Float GetAngle2D ( const Vector2d direction1,
    const Vector2d direction2 

    Gets the 2D angle between two direction vectors.

    [in]direction1First direction vector.
    [in]direction2Second direction vector.
    The angle value in between 0 and 2PI in radians.

    ◆ InterpolatePointOnSegment()

    static MAXON_METHOD Float InterpolatePointOnSegment ( const Vector segmentPoint1,
    const Vector segmentPoint2,
    const Vector point,
    Bool  clamp = true 

    Calculates the normalized position of a point along a directed segment.

    [in]segmentPoint1First segment point.
    [in]segmentPoint2Second segment point.
    [in]pointThe point position along the segment line.
    [in]clampIf true the resulting value will be clamped between 0 and 1.
    The normalized position of the point on the segment.

    ◆ InterpolatePointOnSegment2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Float InterpolatePointOnSegment2D ( const Vector2d segmentPoint1,
    const Vector2d segmentPoint2,
    const Vector2d point,
    Bool  clamp = true 

    Calculates the normalized position of a 2D point along a directed segment.

    [in]segmentPoint1First segment point.
    [in]segmentPoint2Second segment point.
    [in]pointThe point position along the segment line.
    [in]clampIf true the resulting value will be clamped between 0 and 1.
    The normalized position of the point on the segment.

    ◆ CalculateBestFitPlane()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool CalculateBestFitPlane ( const Block< const Vector > &  pointCloud,
    Vector centroid,
    Vector normal,
    Int  iterMax = 500 

    Calculates the the best fit plane centroid and normal from a point cloud.

    [in]pointCloudA block filled with point coordinates.
    [out]centroidThe resulting point cloud centroid.
    [out]normalThe resulting plane normal.
    [in]iterMaxMax iteration for computation.
    True if successful otherwise false.

    ◆ Points3Dto2D() [1/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> Points3Dto2D ( const Block< const Vector > &  points,
    const Vector normal,
    Vector basisVector0,
    Vector basisVector1,
    Vector translate,
    Bool  checkDegenerated,
    WritableArrayInterface< Vector2d > &  outPoints,
    Bool  computeBasis = true 

    Projects 3D points as 2D points on a plane which is parallel to the points best fit plane and which passes through the origin of the world coordinate system.

    [in]pointsPoints 3D positions to project.
    [in]normalThe normal vector of the plane onto which to project the points.
    [in,out]basisVector0First basis vector of the 2D plane coordinate system.
    [in,out]basisVector1Second basis vector of the 2D plane coordinate system.
    [out]translateTranslation vector between the projection plane origin (which is the world CS origin) and the best fit plane origin (which is the orthogonal projection of the world CS origin to the fit plane). In other words, translation vector is the distance vector between the projection plane an the best fit planes.
    [in]checkDegeneratedIf true try to avoid cases where the resulting 2d outline contains coincident vertices.
    [out]outPointsArray containing 2D projected points positions.
    [out]computeBasisCompute basis vectors from the normal and the input points if enabled.
    OK on success. DegeneratedInputError if input points are collapsed in one point.

    ◆ Points3Dto2D() [2/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> Points3Dto2D ( const Block< const Vector > &  points,
    const Vector normal,
    Bool  checkDegenerated,
    WritableArrayInterface< Vector2d > &  outPoints 

    Projects 3D points as 2D points on a plane. Overloaded function.

    [in]pointsPoints 3D positions to project.
    [in]normalThe normal vector of the plane onto which to project the points.
    [in]checkDegeneratedIf true try to avoid cases where the resulting 2d outline contains coincident vertices.
    [out]outPointsArray containing 2D projected points positions.
    OK on success. DegeneratedInputError if input points are collapsed in one point.

    ◆ Point2Dto3D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Vector Point2Dto3D ( const Vector2d point,
    const Vector basisVector0,
    const Vector basisVector1,
    const Vector translate 

    Calculates 3D world point coordinates from its 2D local coordinates.

    [in]pointPoint 2D local coordinates.
    [in]basisVector0First basis vector of the 2D local coordinate system.
    [in]basisVector1Second basis vector of the 2D local coordinate system.
    [in]translateTranslation vector.
    Point 3D world coordinates.

    ◆ Points2Dto3D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> Points2Dto3D ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  points,
    const Vector basisVector0,
    const Vector basisVector1,
    const Vector translate,
    WritableArrayInterface< Vector > &  outPoints 

    Calculates 3D world points coordinates from its 2D local coordinates.

    [in]pointsPoints 2D local coordinates.
    [in]basisVector0First basis vector of the 2D local coordinate system.
    [in]basisVector1Second basis vector of the 2D local coordinate system.
    [in]translateTranslation vector.
    [out]outPointsPoints 3D world coordinates.

    ◆ CalculateTriangleArea()

    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculateTriangleArea ( const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c 

    Calculates the area of a triangle.

    [in]aTriangle point A.
    [in]bTriangle point B.
    [in]cTriangle point C.
    Unsigned triangle area.

    ◆ CalculateSignedTriangleArea() [1/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculateSignedTriangleArea ( const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c 

    Calculates the signed area of an oriented triangle. Sign is defined as the sign of the z coordinate of the triangle normal vector.

    [in]aTriangle point A.
    [in]bTriangle point B.
    [in]cTriangle point C.
    Unsigned triangle area.

    ◆ CalculateQuadrangleArea()

    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculateQuadrangleArea ( const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c,
    const Vector d 

    Calculates the area of a quadrangle.

    [in]aQuadrangle point A.
    [in]bQuadrangle Point B.
    [in]cQuadrangle Point C.
    [in]dQuadrangle Point D.
    Unsigned area of Quadrangle.

    ◆ CalculateOutlineArea()

    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculateOutlineArea ( const Block< const Vector > &  outlinePoints)

    Calculates the unsigned area of an outline defined by points in outlinePoints. If the points are not co-planar, they will be flattened on a "best fit" plane.

    [in]outlinePointsAn array with a point sequence.
    The outline area.

    ◆ CalculateOutlineNormal() [1/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Vector CalculateOutlineNormal ( const Block< const Vector > &  points,
    const Block< const Int32 > &  indices,
    Bool  normalized = true 

    Calculates the normal of an ngon outline.

    [in]pointsA list of points that includes the outline points.
    [in]indicesThe indices in the points list for the outline points to use. The order is important.
    [in]normalizedIf true, the output normal will be normalized.
    The normal of the point outline.

    ◆ CalculateOutlineNormal() [2/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Vector CalculateOutlineNormal ( const Block< const Vector > &  points,
    Bool  normalize = true 

    Calculates the normal of an ngon outline.

    [in]pointsThe correctly ordered points that include the points for the outline.
    [in]normalizeIf true, the output normal will be normalized.
    The normal of the point outline.

    ◆ IsVertexConvex()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IsVertexConvex ( const Vector vertex,
    const Vector next,
    const Vector pred,
    const Vector up = Vector(0, 1, 0) 

    A convexity test for vertex in between 2 other vertices in 3D space.

    [in]vertexThe vertex to check.
    [in]nextThe next point.
    [in]predThe prev point.
    [in]upUp vector or the normal of the polygon.
    True if vertex is convex otherwise false, in case of aligned point (angle == PI) return true.

    ◆ IsVertexConvexExact()

    static MAXON_METHOD GEOMETRY_TEST_EXACT IsVertexConvexExact ( const Vector vertex,
    const Vector next,
    const Vector pred,
    const Vector up = Vector(0, 1, 0),
    Float  epsilon = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    A convexity test for vertex in between 2 other vertices in 3D space. This is the same test as IsVertexConvex, but explicitly reports degenerate cases.

    [in]vertexThe vertex to check.
    [in]nextThe next point.
    [in]predThe prev point.
    [in]upUp vector or the normal of the polygon.
    The detectected state

    ◆ CalculateMeanValueCoordinatesWeights() [1/3]

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> CalculateMeanValueCoordinatesWeights ( const Vector point,
    const Block< const Vector > &  outline,
    WritableArrayInterface< Float > &  weights 

    Calculates the mean value coordinates weights for a point inside an outline. This internally calculates the normal of the outline and is thus more expensive than the other version that takes the normal as additional input.

    [in]pointThe point for which to calculate weights.
    [in]outlineThe outline.
    [in]weightsArray of weights. The amount of entries in the resulting array is the same amount of outline vertices.
    OK on success.

    ◆ CalculateMeanValueCoordinatesWeights() [2/3]

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> CalculateMeanValueCoordinatesWeights ( const Vector point,
    const Block< const Vector > &  points,
    const Block< const UInt32 > &  outlineIndices,
    const Vector normal,
    WritableArrayInterface< Float > &  weights 

    Calculates the mean value coordinates weights for a point inside an outline.

    [in]pointThe point for which to calculate weights.
    [in]pointsA list of points that the outlineIndices reference to.
    [in]outlineIndicesThe indices of the outline.
    [in]normalThe normal direction of the outline.
    [in]weightsArray of weights. The amount of entries in the resulting array is the same amount of outline vertices.
    OK on success.

    ◆ IsVertexConvex2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IsVertexConvex2D ( const Vector2d vertex,
    const Vector2d next,
    const Vector2d pred 

    A convexity test for vertex in between two other vertices in 2D.

    [in]vertexThe vertex to check.
    [in]nextThe next point.
    [in]predThe prev point.
    True if vertex is convex otherwise false, in case of aligned point (angle == PI) return true.

    ◆ IsVertexConvexExact2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD GEOMETRY_TEST_EXACT IsVertexConvexExact2D ( const Vector2d vertex,
    const Vector2d next,
    const Vector2d pred,
    Float  epsilon = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    A convexity test for vertex in between 2 other vertices in 2D This is the same test as IsVertexConvex, but explicitly reports degenerate cases.

    [in]vertexThe vertex to check.
    [in]nextThe next point.
    [in]predThe prev point.
    The detectected state

    ◆ CalculateBarycentricCoordinate()

    static MAXON_METHOD Vector2d CalculateBarycentricCoordinate ( const Vector point,
    const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c 

    Calculates the barycentric UV coordinate of a point within a triangle.

    [in]pointThe point.
    [in]aTriangle vertex A.
    [in]bTriangle vertex B.
    [in]cTriangle vertex C.
    The barycentric point coordinate. 'x' component of the vector is the coordinate of the point c, 'y' component of the vector is the coordinate of the point b.

    ◆ CalculateBarycentricCoordinate3D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Vector CalculateBarycentricCoordinate3D ( const Vector point,
    const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c 

    Calculates the barycentric UVW coordinate of a point within a triangle.

    [in]pointThe point.
    [in]aTriangle vertex A.
    [in]bTriangle vertex B.
    [in]cTriangle vertex C.
    The barycentric point coordinate.

    ◆ PointInTriangle()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInTriangle ( const Vector point,
    const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c 

    Checks if a point is inside a triangle.

    [in]pointThe point to test.
    [in]aTriangle vertex A.
    [in]bTriangle vertex B.
    [in]cTriangle vertex C.
    True if point is inside the triangle.

    ◆ PointInTriangle2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInTriangle2D ( const Vector2d point,
    const Vector2d a,
    const Vector2d b,
    const Vector2d c 

    Checks if a point is inside triangle in 2D.

    [in]pointThe point to test.
    [in]aTriangle vertex A.
    [in]bTriangle vertex B.
    [in]cTriangle vertex C.
    True if point is inside the triangle.

    ◆ GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber2D() [1/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber2D ( Vector2d  point,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outline 

    Checks if a point is inside an outline.

    [in]pointThe point ot test.
    [in]outlineThe array with outline points.
    The resulting winding number, 0 means point is outside.

    ◆ GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber2DExact()

    static MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber2DExact ( Vector2d  point,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outline 

    Checks if a point is inside an outline. Exact yet slower version.

    [in]pointThe point ot test.
    [in]outlineThe array with outline points.
    The resulting winding number, 0 means point is outside.

    ◆ GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber2D() [2/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber2D ( Vector2d  point,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outline,
    Int edgeHit 

    Checks if a point is inside an outline.

    [in]pointThe point ot test.
    [in]outlineThe array with outline points.
    [out]edgeHitIn case point lies on an outline edge this will be filled with the edge index, otherwise maxon::InvalidArrayIndex.
    The resulting winding number, 0 means point is outside.

    ◆ GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber() [1/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber ( Vector  point,
    const Block< const Vector > &  outline 

    Checks if a point is inside an outline. Accepts 3d vectors but assumes points to lie in xy plane.

    [in]pointThe point to test.
    [in]outlineThe array with outline points.
    The resulting winding number. 0 means point is outside.

    ◆ GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber() [2/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointInPolygonWindingNumber ( Vector  point,
    const Block< const Vector > &  outline,
    Int edgeHit 

    Checks if a point is inside an outline. Accepts 3d vectors but assumes points to lie in xy plane.

    [in]pointThe point to test.
    [in]outlineThe array with outline points.
    [out]edgeHitIn case point lies on an outline edge, this will be filled with the edge index. Otherwise the value maxon::InvalidArrayIndex is set.
    The resulting winding number. 0 means point is outside.

    ◆ PointInOutline2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInOutline2D ( const Vector point,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outline 

    Checks if a point is inside an outline.

    [in]pointThe point ot test.
    [in]outlineThe array with outline points.
    True if the point is inside the outline.

    ◆ PointInOutlineRobust2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInOutlineRobust2D ( const Vector point,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outline 

    Checks if a point is inside an outline.

    [in]pointThe point ot test.
    [in]outlineThe array with outline points.
    True if the point is inside the outline.

    ◆ CalculateBisector()

    static MAXON_METHOD Vector CalculateBisector ( const Vector v1,
    const Vector v2,
    const Vector up = Vector(0, 1, 0),
    Float  w1 = 1.0,
    Float  w2 = 1.0 

    Calculates the 3D bisector angle using an up vector to identify the sliding surface. A custom weight for each side can optionally be specified.

    [in]v1First vector.
    [in]v2Second vector.
    [in]upThe up vector.
    [in]w1Optional weight value for v1.
    [in]w2Optional weight value for v2.
    The bisector angle vector.

    ◆ CalculateCircumcenter2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool CalculateCircumcenter2D ( const Vector2d a,
    const Vector2d b,
    const Vector2d c,
    Vector2d center,
    Float sqrRad,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Calculates the circumcenter and radius of a planar triangle.

    [in]aTriangle point A.
    [in]bTriangle point B.
    [in]cTriangle point C.
    [out]centerTriangle circumcenter.
    [out]sqrRadSquared radius of the circle defined by the triangle points.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    False if the points are collinear or if the triangle is collapsed, true otherwise.

    ◆ CalculateCircumcenter()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool CalculateCircumcenter ( const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c,
    Vector center,
    Float rad,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Calculates the circumcenter and radius of a triangle.

    [in]aTriangle point A.
    [in]bTriangle point B.
    [in]cTriangle point C.
    [out]centerTriangle circumcenter.
    [out]radRadius of the circle defined by the triangle points.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    False if the points are collinear or if the triangle is collapsed, true otherwise.

    ◆ SegmentsIntersectionTest2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool SegmentsIntersectionTest2D ( const Vector2d segment1Point1,
    const Vector2d segment1Point2,
    const Vector2d segment2Point1,
    const Vector2d segment2Point2 

    Checks if two segments intersect in 2D space.

    [in]segment1Point1First segment point 1.
    [in]segment1Point2First segment point 2.
    [in]segment2Point1Second segment point 1.
    [in]segment2Point2Second segment point 2.
    True if the segments intersect in 2D.

    ◆ SegmentRayIntersectionTest2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool SegmentRayIntersectionTest2D ( const Vector2d segmentPoint1,
    const Vector2d segmentPoint2,
    const Vector2d rayStartPoint,
    const Vector2d rayDirection 

    Checks if a segment is intersected by a ray in 2D space.

    [in]segmentPoint1Segment point 1.
    [in]segmentPoint2Segment point 2.
    [in]rayStartPointLine start point.
    [in]rayDirectionLine Direction.
    True if the segments intersect in 2D.

    ◆ IntersectSegments2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectSegments2D ( const Vector2d segment1Point1,
    const Vector2d segment1Point2,
    const Vector2d segment2Point1,
    const Vector2d segment2Point2,
    Vector2d intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = 0.0_f 

    Checks if two segment intersect in 2D space and calculates the intersection point (if any).

    [in]segment1Point1First segment point.
    [in]segment1Point2First segment point.
    [in]segment2Point1Second segment point.
    [in]segment2Point2Second segment point.
    [out]intersectionPointCalculated intersection point in xy plane.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation by default = 0.0.
    True if the segments intersect in 2D.

    ◆ LineLineDistance()

    static MAXON_METHOD Vector LineLineDistance ( const Vector line1Point,
    const Vector line1Dir,
    const Vector line2Point,
    const Vector line2Dir,
    Bool parallel,
    Float param1,
    Float param2,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Calculates min distance for given lines, fill param1/param2 with parametrized distance form first point.

    [in]line1PointA point on first line.
    [in]line1DirFirst line direction vector.
    [in]line2PointA point on second line.
    [in]line2DirSecond line direction vector.
    [out]parallelThe function set it true if the tow line are parallel.
    [out]param1Parametrized distance from fist line first point where the distance is calculated (p = line1Point + !line1Dir * param1)
    [out]param2Parametrized distance from second line first point where the distance is calculated (p = line2Point + !line2Dir * param2)
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    Distance Vector.

    ◆ PointInSegment2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInSegment2D ( const Vector2d point,
    const Vector2d segmentPoint1,
    const Vector2d segmentPoint2,
    Float  tolerance 

    Checks if a point is on a line segment in 2D. The tolerance value is used for the colinearity test only, not for the boundary test.

    [in]pointThe point to check.
    [in]segmentPoint11st Segment point.
    [in]segmentPoint22nd Segment point.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if point is on segment, otherwise false.

    ◆ PointInSegment()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInSegment ( const Vector point,
    const Vector segmentPoint1,
    const Vector segmentPoint2,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks if a point is on a line segment in 3D. The tolerance value is used for the colinearity test only, not for the boundary test.

    [in]pointThe point to check.
    [in]segmentPoint11st Segment point.
    [in]segmentPoint22nd Segment point.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if point is on segment, otherwise false.

    ◆ PointInHalfLine()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool PointInHalfLine ( const Vector point,
    const Vector halfLineOrigin,
    const Vector halfLineDir,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks if a point is on a half line .

    [in]pointThe point to check.
    [in]halfLineOriginHalf line origin.
    [in]halfLineDirHalf line direction.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if point is on half line, otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectLines()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLines ( const Vector line1Point,
    const Vector line1Dir,
    const Vector line2Point,
    const Vector line2Dir,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for intersection between two lines and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]line1PointA point on 1st line.
    [in]line1Dir1st line direction vector.
    [in]line2PointA point on 2nd line.
    [in]line2Dir2nd line direction vector.
    [out]intersectionPointResulting intersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectLineSegment()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLineSegment ( const Vector linePoint,
    const Vector lineDir,
    const Vector segmentPoint1,
    const Vector segmentPoint2,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for line vs. segment intersection and fills intersection with the intersection position.

    [in]linePointA point on the line.
    [in]lineDirLine direction vector.
    [in]segmentPoint1First segment point.
    [in]segmentPoint2Second segment point.
    [out]intersectionPointResulting intersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectSegments()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectSegments ( const Vector segment1Point1,
    const Vector segment1Point2,
    const Vector segment2Point1,
    const Vector segment2Point2,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for segment vs. segment intersection and fills intersection with the intersection position.

    [in]segment1Point1First Segment first point.
    [in]segment1Point2First Segment second point.
    [in]segment2Point1Second Segment first point.
    [in]segment2Point2Second Segment second point.
    [out]intersectionPointResulting intersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectHalfLines()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectHalfLines ( const Vector halfLine1Origin,
    const Vector halfLine1Dir,
    const Vector halfLine2Origin,
    const Vector halfLine2Dir,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for halfline/halfline intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]halfLine1OriginStart point 1st half line.
    [in]halfLine1Dir1st half line direction vector.
    [in]halfLine2OriginStart point 2nd half line.
    [in]halfLine2Dir2nd half line direction vector.
    [out]intersectionPointResulting intersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectLineHalfLine()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLineHalfLine ( const Vector linePoint,
    const Vector lineDir,
    const Vector halfLineOrigin,
    const Vector halfLineDir,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for line/halfline intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]linePointA point on the line.
    [in]lineDirLine direction vector.
    [in]halfLineOriginStart point of Half line.
    [in]halfLineDirHalf line direction vector.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectHalfLineSegment()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectHalfLineSegment ( const Vector halfLineOrigin,
    const Vector halfLineDir,
    const Vector segmentPoint1,
    const Vector segmentPoint2,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for halfLine/segment Intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]halfLineOriginStart point of Half line.
    [in]halfLineDirHalf line direction vector.
    [in]segmentPoint1First Segment point.
    [in]segmentPoint2Second Segment point.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectPlanes()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectPlanes ( const Vector plane1Point,
    const Vector plane1Normal,
    const Vector plane2Point,
    const Vector plane2Normal,
    Vector resLinePoint,
    Vector resLineDirection,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for plane/plane intersection and fills the intersection line.

    [in]plane1PointPlane 1 point.
    [in]plane1NormalPlane 1 normal.
    [in]plane2PointPlane 2 point.
    [in]plane2NormalPlane 2 normal.
    [out]resLinePointA point on the intersection line.
    [out]resLineDirectionIntersection line direction.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectLinePlane() [1/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLinePlane ( const Vector linePoint,
    const Vector lineDir,
    const Vector planePoint,
    const Vector planeNormal,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for plane/Line intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]linePointA point on line.
    [in]lineDirLine direction vector.
    [in]planePointPlane point.
    [in]planeNormalPlane normal.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false. (line is parallel or lie on the plane)

    ◆ IntersectLinePlane() [2/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLinePlane ( const Vector linePoint,
    const Vector lineDir,
    const Vector planePoint,
    const Vector planeNormal,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float param,
    Bool samePlane,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for plane/line intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]linePointA point on line.
    [in]lineDirLine direction vector.
    [in]planePointPlane point.
    [in]planeNormalPlane normal.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false. (line is parallel or lie on the plane)

    ◆ IntersectSegmentPlane()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectSegmentPlane ( const Vector segmentPoint1,
    const Vector segmentPoint2,
    const Vector planePoint,
    const Vector planeNormal,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for plane/segment intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]segmentPoint1Segment point 1.
    [in]segmentPoint2Segment point 2.
    [in]planePointPlane point.
    [in]planeNormalPlane normal.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectHalfLinePlane()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectHalfLinePlane ( const Vector halfLinePoint,
    const Vector halfLineDir,
    const Vector planePoint,
    const Vector planeNormal,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for plane/halfline intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]halfLinePointHalf line Origin.
    [in]halfLineDirHalf line direction vector.
    [in]planePointPlane point.
    [in]planeNormalPlane normal.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectLineTriangle()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLineTriangle ( const Vector linePoint,
    const Vector lineDir,
    const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Vector2d barycCoords = nullptr,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for line/triangle intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]linePointA point on the line.
    [in]lineDirThe line direction vector.
    [in]aTriangle vertex.
    [in]bTriangle vertex.
    [in]cTriangle vertex.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [out]barycCoordsIn case of intersection the pointr is filled with barycentric coordinates of the hit point, can be nullptr.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectHalfLineTriangle()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectHalfLineTriangle ( const Vector halfLineOrigin,
    const Vector halfLineDir,
    const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Vector2d barycCoords = nullptr,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for halfline/triangle intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]halfLineOriginHalf line origin point.
    [in]halfLineDirThe half line direction vector.
    [in]aTriangle vertex.
    [in]bTriangle vertex.
    [in]cTriangle vertex.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [out]barycCoordsIn case of intersection the pointr is filled with barycentric coordinates of the hit point, can be nullptr.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectLineQuadrangle()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectLineQuadrangle ( const Vector linePoint,
    const Vector lineDir,
    const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c,
    const Vector d,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for line/quadrangle intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]linePointA point on the line.
    [in]lineDirThe line direction vector.
    [in]aQuadrangle vertex.
    [in]bQuadrangle vertex.
    [in]cQuadrangle vertex.
    [in]dQuadrangle vertex.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectHalfLineQuadrangle()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectHalfLineQuadrangle ( const Vector halfLineOrigin,
    const Vector halfLineDir,
    const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c,
    const Vector d,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for halfline/quadrangle intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]halfLineOriginHalf line origin point.
    [in]halfLineDirThe half line direction vector.
    [in]aQuadrangle vertex.
    [in]bQuadrangle vertex.
    [in]cQuadrangle vertex.
    [in]dQuadrangle vertex.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ IntersectSegmentTriangle()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectSegmentTriangle ( const Vector segmentPoint1,
    const Vector segmentPoint2,
    const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c,
    Vector intersectionPoint,
    Vector barycCoords = nullptr,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks for linesegment/triangle intersection and fills intersectionPoint with the intersection position.

    [in]segmentPoint1Segment point.
    [in]segmentPoint2Segment point.
    [in]aTriangle vertex.
    [in]bTriangle vertex.
    [in]cTriangle vertex.
    [out]intersectionPointIntersection position if intersection happens.
    [out]barycCoordsIn case of intersection the pointr is filled with barycentric coordinates of the hit point, can be nullptr.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ TrianglesIntersectionTest()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool TrianglesIntersectionTest ( const Vector t1a,
    const Vector t1b,
    const Vector t1c,
    const Vector t2a,
    const Vector t2b,
    const Vector t2c,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Checks if 2 triangles intersect.

    [in]t1aTriangle 1 vertex.
    [in]t1bTriangle 1 vertex.
    [in]t1cTriangle 1 vertex.
    [in]t2aTriangle 2 vertex.
    [in]t2bTriangle 2 vertex.
    [in]t2cTriangle 2 vertex.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation.
    True if an intersection happens otherwise false.

    ◆ CalculatePolygonPointST()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool CalculatePolygonPointST ( const Vector point,
    const Vector pa,
    const Vector pb,
    const Vector pc,
    const Vector pd,
    Bool  isQuad,
    Float s,
    Float t,
    Float  tolerance = GeomConstants::EPSILON4 

    Calculates a S/T coordinate for a given 3D point and polygon in the polygon plane. The 3D point needs to be on the plane that is defined by the polygon. The function is just a 2d evaluation so not coplanar polygons need to be evaluated by projecting vertex on best fit plane.

    [in]pointThe point to find s and t.
    [in]paPolygon point.
    [in]pbPolygon point.
    [in]pcPolygon point.
    [in]pdPolygon point.
    [in]isQuadIf true evaluate using a quadrangle, otherwise ignore pd and use a triangle.
    [out]sThe resulting s coordinate, or MINVLAUE_FLOAT if the functions fail.
    [out]tThe resulting t coordinate, or MINVLAUE_FLOAT if the functions fail.
    [in]toleranceGeometric linear tolerance for the operation, used to define if the point is inside of polygon or not.
    True if the point is in the polygon boundary otherwise false (negative s or t values).

    ◆ InverseBilinarInterpolate()

    static MAXON_METHOD void InverseBilinarInterpolate ( const Vector pa,
    const Vector pb,
    const Vector pc,
    const Vector pd,
    const Vector point,
    Vector2d bilinarVariables 

    Calculates the bilinear coordinates of a point in a quad. The quad is defined by the points pa, pb, pc and pd.

    [in]paPolygon point.
    [in]pbPolygon point.
    [in]pcPolygon point.
    [in]pdPolygon point.
    [in]pointThe point to find the bilinear interpolation values for.
    [out]bilinarVariablesThe resulting coordinates.

    ◆ InverseBilinarInterpolateNewton()

    static MAXON_METHOD void InverseBilinarInterpolateNewton ( const Vector pa,
    const Vector pb,
    const Vector pc,
    const Vector pd,
    const Vector point,
    Int32  iterations,
    Vector2d bilinarVariables 

    Calculates the bilinear coordinates of a point in a quad with a Newton iteration method. The quad is defined by the points pa, pb, pc and pd.

    [in]paPolygon point.
    [in]pbPolygon point.
    [in]pcPolygon point.
    [in]pdPolygon point.
    [in]pointThe point to find the bilinear interpolation values for.
    [in]iterationsThe iteration count of the Newton iteration.
    [out]bilinarVariablesThe resulting coordinates.

    ◆ InverseBilinarInterpolate2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD void InverseBilinarInterpolate2D ( const Vector2d pa,
    const Vector2d pb,
    const Vector2d pc,
    const Vector2d pd,
    const Vector2d point,
    Vector2d bilinarVariables 

    Calculates the bilinear coordinates of a 2d point in a 2d quad. The quad is defined by the points pa, pb, pc and pd.

    [in]paPolygon 2d point.
    [in]pbPolygon 2d point.
    [in]pcPolygon 2d point.
    [in]pdPolygon 2d point.
    [in]pointThe 2d point to find the bilinear interpolation values for.
    [out]bilinarVariablesThe resulting coordinates.

    ◆ InverseBilinarInterpolate2DNewton()

    static MAXON_METHOD void InverseBilinarInterpolate2DNewton ( const Vector2d pa,
    const Vector2d pb,
    const Vector2d pc,
    const Vector2d pd,
    const Vector2d point,
    Int32  iterations,
    Vector2d bilinarVariables 

    Calculates the bilinear coordinates of a 2d point in a 2d quad with a Newton iteration method. The quad is defined by the points pa, pb, pc and pd.

    [in]paPolygon 2d point.
    [in]pbPolygon 2d point.
    [in]pcPolygon 2d point.
    [in]pdPolygon 2d point.
    [in]pointThe 2d point to find the bilinear interpolation values for.
    [in]iterationsThe iteration count of the Newton iteration.
    [out]bilinarVariablesThe resulting coordinates.

    ◆ BilinearInterpolate()

    static MAXON_METHOD Vector BilinearInterpolate ( const Vector pa,
    const Vector pb,
    const Vector pc,
    const Vector pd,
    const Float  s,
    const Float  t 

    Calculates the bilinear interpolation within a quad. The quad is defined by the points pa, pb, pc and pd.

    [in]paPolygon point.
    [in]pbPolygon point.
    [in]pcPolygon point.
    [in]pdPolygon point.
    [in]sThe first bilinar coordinate.
    [in]tThe second bilinear coordinate.
    The point in space with these bilinear coordinates relative to the quad pa, pb, pc and pd.

    ◆ CalculateSignedTriangleArea() [2/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculateSignedTriangleArea ( const Vector a,
    const Vector b,
    const Vector c,
    const Vector normal 

    Calculates the signed area of an oriented triangle. Sign is defined as the sign of the z coordinate of the triangle normal vector.

    [in]aTriangle point A.
    [in]bTriangle point B.
    [in]cTriangle point C.
    [in]normalThe reference normal to calculate the sign.
    Unsigned triangle area.

    ◆ CalculateMeanValueCoordinatesWeights() [3/3]

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<void> CalculateMeanValueCoordinatesWeights ( const Vector point,
    const Block< const Vector > &  outline,
    const Vector normal,
    WritableArrayInterface< Float > &  weights 

    Calculates the mean value coordinates weights for a point inside an outline.

    [in]pointThe point for which to calculate weights.
    [in]outlineThe outline.
    [in]normalThe normal direction of the outline.
    [in]weightsArray of weights. The amount of entries in the resulting array is the same amount of outline vertices.
    OK on success.

    ◆ CalculatePerimeterLength2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Float CalculatePerimeterLength2D ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePoints)

    Calculates the perimeter length for an outline defined by a loop of points in outlinePoints.

    [in]outlinePointsAn array with a point sequence defining the perimeter.
    The perimeter

    ◆ IsWoundClockwise2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Bool> IsWoundClockwise2D ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePoints)

    Determines whether outline defined by a loop of points is would clockwise or not This is only meaningful if the loop has no self crossings.

    [in]outlinePointsAn array with a point sequence defining the perimeter.
    Whether loop is wound clockwise

    ◆ CalculateOutlineCentroidAndArea2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Vector2d CalculateOutlineCentroidAndArea2D ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePoints,
    Float area = nullptr,
    Bool windingPolarity = nullptr 

    Calculates the centroid coordinates for an outline defined by a loop of points in outlinePoints.

    [in]outlinePointsAn array with a point sequence.
    [out]areaIf non-null, then pointed value is set to the enclosed area.
    [out]windingPolarityIf non-null, then pointed value contains the winding direction of the loop.
    The centroid coordinates.

    ◆ CalculateMultiOutlineCentroidAndAreas2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Vector2d> CalculateMultiOutlineCentroidAndAreas2D ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  loopVertices,
    const Block< const Int > &  loopVertexCounts,
    Bool  includeHolesInCogCalcs,
    Float overallArea = nullptr,
    BaseArray< Float > *  loopSoloAreas = nullptr,
    BaseArray< Bool > *  windingPolarity = nullptr 

    Calculates the centroid coordinates for an outline with optional holes, defined by loop(s) of vertices.

    [in]loopVerticesAn array with one or more point sequences which define perimeter loop followed by any hole loops. All loops are ASSUMED to neither overlap nor intersect, and first loop must enclose all others.
    [in]loopVertexCountsAn array containing the number of vertices in each loop. If no holes, then this will be a single value equal to the number of entries in loopVertices.
    [in]includeHolesInCogCalcsIf true, the holes are considered in calculation of the centroid position. If false, only the first loop (outer perimeter) is considered.
    [out]overallAreaIf non-null, then pointed value is set to the enclosed area. Holes are ALWAYS considered in this calculation.
    [out]loopSoloAreasIf non-null, then pointed array contains the areas enclosed by each loop in isolation. Overall area is then the first value minus the sum of the rest.
    [out]windingPolarityIf non-null, then pointed array contains the winding direction of each loop.
    The centroid coordinates.

    ◆ CalculateConvexHull2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<BaseArray<Int> > CalculateConvexHull2D ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePoints)

    Calculates the convex hull for an outline, defined by a loop of vertices Note that the polygon is assumed to be non-self intersecting, and with edges formed by the vertices in order. In particular, the vertices are NOT treated as a 'sea of points' - but instead as defining edges; order matters!

    [in]outlinePointsAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the polgon
    BaseArray containing the indices of the input array corresponding to the vertices of the convex hull of the polygon.

    ◆ CalculateConvexDecomposition2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<BaseArray<BaseArray<Int> > > CalculateConvexDecomposition2D ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePoints)

    Decomposes an outline defined by a loop of vertices into a set of convex parts Note that the polygon is assumed to be non-self intersecting, and with edges formed by the vertices in order. In particular, the vertices are NOT treated as a 'sea of points' - but instead as defining edges; order matters!

    [in]outlinePointsAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the polgon
    BaseArray containing BaseArray of indices of the input array corresponding to the vertices of each of the convex parts of.

    ◆ CleanLoop2DInPlace()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<Bool> CleanLoop2DInPlace ( BaseArray< Vector2d > &  outlinePoints,
    Bool  maintainStart 

    Given a loop of vertices, this performs in-place cleaning operations.

    • Duplicated consecutive vertices are removed.
    • Colinear and anti-colinear vertices are removed.
      [in]outlinePointsAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the polgon
      [in]maintainStartIf false, then vertex order is rotated such that the first vertex lies on the convex hull. (If it is true, then starting vertex remains unchanged, unless that vertex was removed during cleaning. In this case the new start vertex is the first vertex after that which survived.)
      Whether any changes were made.

    ◆ CalculateNoFitPolygonForConvex() [1/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<BaseArray<Vector2d> > CalculateNoFitPolygonForConvex ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsA,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsB,
    Bool  relativeBToA = true 

    Given two loops of vertices which represent two convex polygons, this calculates the corresponding No-Fit Polygon NFP of convex polygons never contain internal holes, only the main perimeter, hence only ever a single returned edge loop.

    [in]outlinePointsAAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the first convex polygon
    [in]outlinePointsBAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the second convex polygon
    [in]relativeBToAIf true, returned NFP is the result of moving polygon B relative to polygon A. If false then A relative to B.
    The resulting NoFit polygon

    ◆ CalculateNoFitPolygonUsingSliding() [1/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<BaseArray<Vector2d> > CalculateNoFitPolygonUsingSliding ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsA,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsB,
    Bool  relativeBToA = true 

    Given two loops of vertices which represent two polygons, this calculates the corresponding No-Fit Polygon using the sliding method. Internal holes are NOT generated, only the main perimeter, hence only ever a single returned edge loop.

    [in]outlinePointsAAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the first polygon
    [in]outlinePointsBAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the second polygon
    [in]relativeBToAIf true, returned NFP is the result of moving polygon B relative to polygon A. If false then A relative to B.
    The resulting NoFit polygon

    ◆ CalculateInnerFitPolygonUsingSliding()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<BaseArray<Vector2d> > CalculateInnerFitPolygonUsingSliding ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsCcwA,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsB 

    Given two loops of vertices which represent two polygons, this calculates the corresponding Inner-Fit Polygon using the sliding method. Internal holes are NOT generated, only the main perimeter, hence only ever a single returned edge loop.

    [in]outlinePointsCcwAAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the first polygon. This must be counterclockwise wound.
    [in]outlinePointsBAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the second polygon. This must be clockwise wound.
    The resulting Inner-Fit polygon

    ◆ CalculateNoFitPolygonForConvex() [2/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<BaseArray<Vector2d> > CalculateNoFitPolygonForConvex ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsA,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsB,
    const Matrix2d transformA,
    const Matrix2d transformB,
    Bool  relativeBToA = true 

    Given two loops of vertices which represent two convex polygons, this calculates the corresponding No-Fit Polygon NFP of convex polygons never contain internal holes, only the main perimeter, hence only ever a single returned edge loop.

    [in]outlinePointsAAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the first convex polygon
    [in]outlinePointsBAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the second convex polygon
    [in]transformATransformation to be applied to vertices in A prior to calculation.
    [in]transformBTransformation to be applied to vertices in B prior to calculation.
    [in]relativeBToAIf true, returned NFP is the result of moving polygon B relative to polygon A. If false then A relative to B.
    The resulting NoFit polygon

    ◆ CalculateNoFitPolygonUsingSliding() [2/2]

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<BaseArray<Vector2d> > CalculateNoFitPolygonUsingSliding ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsA,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsB,
    const Matrix2d transformA,
    const Matrix2d transformB,
    Bool  relativeBToA = true 

    Given two loops of vertices which represent two polygons, this calculates the corresponding No-Fit Polygon using the sliding method. Internal holes are NOT generated, only the main perimeter, hence only ever a single returned edge loop.

    [in]outlinePointsAAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the first polygon
    [in]outlinePointsBAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the second polygon
    [in]transformATransformation to be applied to vertices in A prior to calculation.
    [in]transformBTransformation to be applied to vertices in B prior to calculation.
    [in]relativeBToAIf true, returned NFP is the result of moving polygon B relative to polygon A. If false then A relative to B.
    The resulting NoFit polygon

    ◆ CalculateUnionOfPolygons()

    static MAXON_METHOD Result<BaseArray<BaseArray<Vector2d> > > CalculateUnionOfPolygons ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsA,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsB,
    Bool  includeHolesInResult,
    Bool  createOuterLoop = true 

    Given two loops of vertices which represent two polygon outlines, this calculates the union.

    [in]outlinePointsAAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the first polygon
    [in]outlinePointsBAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the second polygon
    [in]includeHolesInResultIf true, then if union shape contains holes, then these are also calculated and returned. If false then only the outer perimeter is returned.
    [in]createOuterLoopIf true, then attempt to generate an outer loop before looking for holes. Otherwise just generate holes.
    The resulting union. If this contains multiple loops the first is the outer perimeter and all others represent internal loops (holes). If this is empty, then the outlines do not overlap.

    ◆ IntersectsSegmentsExact2D()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool IntersectsSegmentsExact2D ( const Vector2d segment1Point1,
    const Vector2d segment1Point2,
    const Vector2d segment2Point1,
    const Vector2d segment2Point2,
    Vector2d intersectionPoint,
    Bool areParallel,
    Vector2d intersectionPoint2 = nullptr,
    Float  tolerance = 0.0_f 

    Checks if two segment intersect in 2D space and calculates the intersection point (if any). If the lines are parallel and intersect: If intersectionPoint2 is nullptr then the midpoint of the intersection range will be returned via 'intersectionPoint' If intersectionPoint2 is non-null, then the start of the intersection range will be returned via 'intersectionPoint', and the end via '*intersectionPoint2'

    [in]segment1Point1First segment point.
    [in]segment1Point2First segment point.
    [in]segment2Point1Second segment point.
    [in]segment2Point2Second segment point.
    [out]intersectionPointCalculated intersection point in xy plane. For parallel intersection segments this is the start or mid-point of the overlapping region - see above.
    [out]areParallelIf non null, routine sets to true or false to indicate whether the line segments were detected to be parallel.
    [out]intersectionPoint2If non null, and segments are colinear and overlapping, then is the end of the overlapping region.
    [in]toleranceGeometric tolerance for the operation.
    True if the segments intersect in 2D.

    ◆ GetContainmentStateForNonIntersectingLoops()

    static MAXON_METHOD LOOP_OVERLAP_STATE GetContainmentStateForNonIntersectingLoops ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsA,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  outlinePointsB 

    Given two boundary loops of vertices WHICH ARE KNOWN TO CONTAIN NO INTERSECTIONS, this determines the relative containment state of the two loops.

    [in]outlinePointsAAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the first polygon
    [in]outlinePointsBAn array with a point sequence representing the perimeter of the second polygon
    The containment state

    ◆ AreLoopsEqualToWithinTolerance()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool AreLoopsEqualToWithinTolerance ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  loopA,
    const Block< const Vector2d > &  loopB,
    Bool  allowCyclicRotation = true,
    Bool  ignoreTranslationOffset = true,
    maxon::Float  tol = maxon::GeomConstants::EPSILON5 

    Given two boundary loops of vertices, this determines whether the two loops are the same shape. They are deemed to be the same if there are the same number of vertices, and the pairwise vertices have the same coordinates to within the tolerance distance.

    [in]loopAAn array with a point sequence representing the first loop
    [in]loopBAn array with a point sequence representing the second loop
    [in]allowCyclicRotationIf true, then cyclically rotated loops are considered equivalent, i.e. the loops don't have to start on the same vertices for a match to be found. Loops which match, but have opposing winding directions are also considered to be a match when this is true. If false then vertices with the same indices must have the same coordinates to declare a match.
    [in]ignoreTranslationOffsetIf true then any translational offset between the loops is ignored. I.e. the same shapes at different offsets will be considered to match.
    [in]tolThe position tolerance. If vertices differ by more than this in either x or y then they are considered to be different and non-matching.
    Whether the loops represent the same shape.

    ◆ CalculateBoundingBoxIndices()

    static MAXON_METHOD void CalculateBoundingBoxIndices ( const Block< const Vector2d > &  verts,
    Int minIdxX,
    Int maxIdxX,
    Int minIdxY,
    Int maxIdxY,
    Bool  findMostCounterClockwise 

    Given a set of vertices, returns indices of vertices which lie on each of the maximal extents.

    [in]vertsThe set of vertices
    [out]minIdxXThe index of a vertex with minimum X extent
    [out]maxIdxXThe index of a vertex with maximum X extent
    [out]minIdxYThe index of a vertex with minimum Y extent
    [out]maxIdxYThe index of a vertex with minimum Y extent
    [in]findMostCounterClockwiseIf true then when multiple vertices lie on the same extent, the most counterclockwise one will be the one whose index is returned.

    ◆ ArePointsCoLinearWithinTolerance()

    static MAXON_METHOD Bool ArePointsCoLinearWithinTolerance ( const Block< const Vector > &  points,
    maxon::Float  tol = maxon::GeomConstants::EPSILON5 

    Given a set of vertices, this determines whether the vertices are co-linear (lie in the same line) They are deemed not to be co-linear if there exists a triangle whose area is greater than the given tolerance.

    [in]pointsThe set of vertices.
    [in]tolThe triangle area tolerance. If area of the triangle formed by three vertices is greater than the tolerance, the vertices are not co-linear.
    Whether the loops are co-linear.