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    Delaunay3DInterface Class Reference

    #include <delaunay3d.h>

    Public Member Functions

    MAXON_METHOD Result< void > CopyFrom (const Delaunay3DInterface *src, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags=COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS::FIT_TO_SIZE)
    MAXON_METHOD Result< void > Init (const Range< Vector > &workSpace)
    MAXON_METHOD Result< void > CalculateDelaunayTetrahedralization ()
    MAXON_METHOD Bool IsInitialized ()
    MAXON_METHOD Result< void > AddPointsIntoTetrahedralization (const BaseArray< Vector > &newPointsIn)
    MAXON_METHOD Result< void > AddPointIntoTetrahedralization (const Vector &newPointIn)
    MAXON_METHOD const BaseArray< Tetrahedron > & GetTetrahedrons (Int &arrayCount, Int &pointCount) const
    MAXON_METHOD const BaseArray< Tetrahedron > & GetTetrahedrons () const
    MAXON_METHOD const BaseArray< Int32 > & GetPointsToTetConnections () const
    MAXON_METHOD const BaseArray< Vector > & GetPoints () const
    MAXON_METHOD ResultRef< BaseArray< Vector > > GetPointsWrite ()
    Result< void > GetTetrahedronCopy (BaseArray< Tetrahedron > &arrayIn, Int &tetCount, Int &pointCount) const
    MAXON_METHOD Int GetTetrahedronCount () const
    MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointCount () const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< void > Reset ()
    MAXON_METHOD void Flush ()
    MAXON_METHOD Result< BoolFindTetIndexContainingPoint (const Vector &point, Int32 &foundTetIndex, Int32 &onFace1, Int32 &onFace2) const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< BoolFindTetContainingPoint (const Vector &point, Int32 &foundTetIndex) const

    Static Public Member Functions

    static MAXON_METHOD Float OrientDet (const Vector &planePointA, const Vector &planePointB, const Vector &planePointC, const Vector &testPoint)

    Private Member Functions

     MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL (Delaunay3DInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_NORMAL, "net.maxon.interface.delaunay3d")

    Member Function Documentation


    MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL ( Delaunay3DInterface  ,

    ◆ Alloc()

    ◆ CopyFrom()

    Copies the content of another Delaunay3D Object into this one (copy and assign is not allowed)

    [in]srcThe Delaunay3D Object to copy from.
    [in]resizeFlagsResize flag for internal list copies. recommended is default.
    OK on success.

    ◆ Init()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<void> Init ( const Range< Vector > &  workSpace)

    The Initialization function for Delaunay3D. Needs to be called before points can be added into the tetrahedralization.

    [in]workSpaceThe space in which the input points will be in. Should not be too big for numeric reasons.
    OK on success.

    ◆ CalculateDelaunayTetrahedralization()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<void> CalculateDelaunayTetrahedralization ( )

    Updates the Tetrahedralization if new points have been added. This triggers the final calculation or update of the tetrahedralization.

    OK on success.

    ◆ IsInitialized()

    MAXON_METHOD Bool IsInitialized ( )

    Checks if Init() has been called. THREADSAFE.

    true if Init() has beed called, false otherwise.

    ◆ AddPointsIntoTetrahedralization()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<void> AddPointsIntoTetrahedralization ( const BaseArray< Vector > &  newPointsIn)

    Adds a BaseArray of points into the tetrahedralization. CalculateDelaunayTetrahedralization() needs to be called afterwards to calculate the insertion.

    [in]newPointsInThe list of points, that will be added into the tetrahedralization.
    OK on success.

    ◆ AddPointIntoTetrahedralization()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<void> AddPointIntoTetrahedralization ( const Vector newPointIn)

    Adds a single point into the tetrahedralization. CalculateDelaunayTetrahedralization() needs to be called afterwards to calculate the insertion.

    [in]newPointInThe point that will be added into the tetrahedralization.
    OK on success.

    ◆ GetTetrahedrons() [1/2]

    MAXON_METHOD const BaseArray<Tetrahedron>& GetTetrahedrons ( Int arrayCount,
    Int pointCount 
    ) const

    Gets a constant reference to the tetrahedrons list. THREADSAFE.

    [out]arrayCountWill be filled with the amount of tetrahedrons in the array reference.
    [out]pointCountWill be filled with the amount of points inserted into the teterahedralization.
    A constant reference to a BaseArray<Tetrahedron> with the tetrahedrons, that make up the tetrahedralization.

    ◆ GetTetrahedrons() [2/2]

    MAXON_METHOD const BaseArray<Tetrahedron>& GetTetrahedrons ( ) const

    Gets a constant reference to the tetrahedrons list. THREADSAFE.

    A constant reference to a BaseArray<Tetrahedron> with the tetrahedrons, that make up the tetrahedralization.

    ◆ GetPointsToTetConnections()

    MAXON_METHOD const BaseArray<Int32>& GetPointsToTetConnections ( ) const

    Gets a constant reference to the connection of one of the points to an arbitrary adjacent tetrahedron. This can be used to greatly increase the calculation speed of a Voronoi conversion. THREADSAFE.

    A constant reference to a BaseArray<Int32> with the tetrahedron index to the point at the same array position as added.

    ◆ GetPoints()

    MAXON_METHOD const BaseArray<Vector>& GetPoints ( ) const

    Gets a constant reference to the list of points, that are set for the Delaunay tetrahedralization. THREADSAFE.

    A constant reference to a BaseArray<Vector> with the points of the tetrahedralization.

    ◆ GetPointsWrite()

    MAXON_METHOD ResultRef<BaseArray<Vector> > GetPointsWrite ( )

    Gets a reference to the list of points, that are set for the Delaunay tetrahedralization (writable). THREADSAFE.

    A reference to a BaseArray<Vector> with the points of the tetrahedralization.

    ◆ GetTetrahedronCopy()

    Result<void> GetTetrahedronCopy ( BaseArray< Tetrahedron > &  arrayIn,
    Int tetCount,
    Int pointCount 
    ) const

    Gets a copy of the tetrahedrons making up the tetrahedralization. THREADSAFE.

    [out]arrayInWill be filled with the tetrahedron information.
    [out]tetCountWill be filled with the amount of tetrahedrons.
    [out]pointCountWill be filled with the amount of points.
    OK on success.

    ◆ GetTetrahedronCount()

    MAXON_METHOD Int GetTetrahedronCount ( ) const

    Gets the current amount of tetrahedrons. THREADSAFE.

    Amount of tetrahedrons.

    ◆ GetPointCount()

    MAXON_METHOD Int GetPointCount ( ) const

    Gets the current amount of points THREADSAFE.

    Amount of points that were added.

    ◆ Reset()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<void> Reset ( )

    Resets the Delaunay object for a reuse with the same initialization.

    OK on success.

    ◆ OrientDet()

    static MAXON_METHOD Float OrientDet ( const Vector planePointA,
    const Vector planePointB,
    const Vector planePointC,
    const Vector testPoint 

    Static helper method to calculate the precise orientation of a point, in reference to a plane. the plane is spanned by planePointA, planePointB and planePointC. the tested point is testPoint. THREADSAFE.

    [in]planePointAPoint one of plane.
    [in]planePointBPoint two of plane.
    [in]planePointCPoint three of plane.
    [in]testPointPoint to test for.
    The determinant of the calculation. The sign of the result gives information about the side the point was is on.

    ◆ Flush()

    MAXON_METHOD void Flush ( )

    Resets all data structures for a new calculation. Needs to be reinitialized before its reused.

    ◆ FindTetIndexContainingPoint()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<Bool> FindTetIndexContainingPoint ( const Vector point,
    Int32 foundTetIndex,
    Int32 onFace1,
    Int32 onFace2 
    ) const

    Returns the index of the tetrahedron the input point is in. THREADSAFE.

    [in]pointThe point position to search the tetrahedron index for.
    [out]foundTetIndexThe index of the tetrahedron that the point was in.
    [out]onFace1Is set if the point is on one of the tetrahedrons faces.
    [out]onFace2Is set if the point is on one of the tetrahedron edges (there for on two faces).
    True if the point was inside a tetrahedron, false otherwise or on error.

    ◆ FindTetContainingPoint()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<Bool> FindTetContainingPoint ( const Vector point,
    Int32 foundTetIndex 
    ) const

    Returns the index of the tetrahedron the input point is in. THREADSAFE.

    [in]pointThe point position to search the tetrahedron index for.
    [out]foundTetIndexThe index of the tetrahedron that the point was in.
    True if the point was inside a tetrahedron, false otherwise or on error.