HNData Struct Reference

#include <c4d_basetag.h>

Detailed Description

Holds HyperNURBS weight tag data.

Public Member Functions

 HNData ()

Public Attributes

Float32 ** pointweight
PolyWeight ** polyweight

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HNData()

HNData ( )

Default constructor.

Member Data Documentation

◆ points

Int32* points

Points to the point count.

◆ polys

Int32 * polys

Points to the polygon count.

◆ pointweight

Float32** pointweight

Points to an array of *points weights, one for each point.

◆ polyweight

PolyWeight** polyweight

Points to an array of *polys polygon weights, one for each polygon.

◆ changed

Bool* changed

Points to a flag to set if any of the values are changed.