I am struggling to update existing plugins to be animatable.
Plugins are geometry generator derived from ObjectData.
Panel is generated with GetDDescription() callback.
And internal data are handled via GetDParameter() and SetDParameter() callbacks.
Below is simplified example.
I need to animate the internal parameter (Float m_value).
It doesn't work when set to DESC_ANIMATE_ON.
Animation of Value parameter appears in panel with the animate diamond icon, but it doesn't switch to red state when clicking on it.

#define CTL_VAL_ID 1001
// class
class TestData : public ObjectData
INSTANCEOF(TestData, ObjectData); // Cinema4D hierarchy
// create
static NodeData* Create() { return NewObjClear(TestData); }
Float m_value = 15;
// panel
Bool GetDDescription(GeListNode* node, Description* description, DESCFLAGS_DESC& flags)
// validation
if (node == nullptr || description == nullptr) return false;
// load the description for Obase
if (description->LoadDescription(Obase) == false) return false;
// load all parameters
if (description->GetSingleDescID() == nullptr)
const DescID cid = DescLevel(CTL_VAL_ID, DTYPE_REAL, 0);
BaseContainer bc = GetCustomDataTypeDefault(DTYPE_REAL);
bc.SetInt32(DESC_UNIT, e_CtlUnitType::flt);
bc.SetString(DESC_NAME, String("Value: "));
bc.SetInt32(DESC_SCALEH, 1);
// animate ON
// set parameter
description->SetParameter(cid, bc, DescLevel(ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES));
// controls loaded into tool description
// base class
return SUPER::GetDDescription(node, description, flags);
Bool GetDParameter(GeListNode* node, const DescID& id, GeData& t_data, DESCFLAGS_GET& flags) override
// shortcuts
BaseContainer* bc = static_cast<BaseObject*>(node)->GetDataInstance();
// parameter value to bc (get from bc)
if (CTL_VAL_ID == id[0].id)
bc->SetFloat(CTL_VAL_ID, m_value);
return true;
// base
return SUPER::GetDParameter(node, id, t_data, flags);
Bool SetDParameter(GeListNode* node, const DescID& id, const GeData& t_data, DESCFLAGS_SET& flags) override
// parameter value from bc (set in bc)
C4dControls controls(t_data);
if (CTL_VAL_ID == id[0].id)
m_value = t_data.GetFloat();
return true;
// base
return SUPER::SetDParameter(node, id, t_data, flags);
RegisterObjectPlugin(1060016, String("#$44 Test Nurbs"), OBJECT_GENERATOR | OBJECT_USECACHECOLOR, TestData::Create, maxon::String(""), nullptr, 0);