@ferdinand Hello, I have created a simple export script using zscript, but every time I export it, a "FBX Export Options" window pops up. Do you want to allow direct export without setting up a window? I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide some suggestions!
Latest posts made by qq475519905
RE: Discussion on the feasibility of exporting FBX through zscript
RE: Discussion on the feasibility of exporting FBX through zscript
hello, I have created a simple script using zscript, but every time I export it, a 'FBX Export Options' window pops up. Do you want to allow direct export without a settings window? I would be very grateful if you could provide some tips!
Discussion on the feasibility of exporting FBX through zscript
I will implement a script to save the current scene to an FBX. Can this be done in zscript? If anyone knew, I would be extremely grateful!
Help with C4D Preferences Plugin Installation/
I’m trying to install/register the plugin in C4D, but it doesn’t seem to be working properly. Specifically, it’s not saving or recognizing the changes I make in the preferences section. I’ve followed the installation instructions, but I might have missed something.
I'm not sure how to create it, can you provide an example?
Retrieving Images from Cinema 4D's Picture Viewer for Importing into Photoshop
I am developing a Cinema 4D plugin to import images into Photoshop. How can I use Python to retrieve image information from Cinema 4D's Picture Viewer?
RE: When exporting FBX using c4dpy.exe, there is no texture or material information for the material
When exporting FBX, is it necessary to use C4DAtom.GetParameter()/C4DAtom.SetParameter() to access parameters for a successful material export?
RE: When exporting FBX using c4dpy.exe, there is no texture or material information for the material
I tried to use Python to call
within the system. When exporting Redshift materials with FBX, there are no materials or textures. using standard materials, everything works fine.
[rsTEST.fbx](Invalid file type. Allowed types are: .png, .jpg, .bmp, .c4d, .gif, .txt, .py, .pyp, .vdb, .zip, .mp4, .webm, .cpp, .h, .pdf, .jpeg) rs测试.c4d -
When exporting FBX using c4dpy.exe, there is no texture or material information for the material
When exporting FBX using c4dpy.exe, there is no texture or material information for the material
May I ask how to add material information like the FBX exporter in the menu?import c4d import os def main(): # 获取当前文档 doc = c4d.documents.LoadDocument(r"{c4d_file}", c4d.SCENEFILTER_OBJECTS | c4d.SCENEFILTER_MATERIALS) if doc is None: raise RuntimeError("No document is currently open.") # 定义 FBX 文件导出的路径 documents_path = os.path.expanduser("~/Documents") fbx_file_path = os.path.join(documents_path, "exported_file.fbx") # 设置 FBX 导出参数 export_settings = c4d.BaseContainer() export_settings.SetInt32(c4d.FBXEXPORT_FBX_VERSION, c4d.FBX_EXPORTVERSION_NATIVE) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_ASCII, False) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_CAMERAS, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_LIGHTS, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_SPLINES, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_INSTANCES, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_SELECTION_ONLY, False) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_GLOBAL_MATRIX, True) export_settings.SetInt32(c4d.FBXEXPORT_SDS, c4d.FBXEXPORT_SDS_GENERATOR) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_TRIANGULATE, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_SAVE_NORMALS, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_SAVE_VERTEX_COLORS, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_SAVE_VERTEX_MAPS_AS_COLORS, False) export_settings.SetInt32(c4d.FBXEXPORT_UP_AXIS, c4d.FBXEXPORT_UP_AXIS_Y) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_FLIP_Z_AXIS, False) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_TRACKS, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_BAKE_ALL_FRAMES, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_PLA_TO_VERTEXCACHE, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_BOUND_JOINTS_ONLY, True) export_settings.SetInt32(c4d.FBXEXPORT_TAKE_MODE, c4d.FBXEXPORT_TAKE_NONE) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_MATERIALS, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_EMBED_TEXTURES, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_SUBSTANCES, True) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_BAKE_MATERIALS, True) export_settings.SetInt32(c4d.FBXEXPORT_BAKEDTEXTURE_WIDTH, 1024) export_settings.SetInt32(c4d.FBXEXPORT_BAKEDTEXTURE_HEIGHT, 1024) export_settings.SetInt32(c4d.FBXEXPORT_BAKEDTEXTURE_DEPTH, c4d.FBXEXPORT_BAKEDTEXTURE_DEPTH_16) export_settings.SetBool(c4d.FBXEXPORT_LOD_SUFFIX, False) # 导出 FBX 文件 if not c4d.documents.SaveDocument(doc, fbx_file_path, c4d.SAVEDOCUMENTFLAGS_DONTADDTORECENTLIST, c4d.FORMAT_FBX_EXPORT): raise RuntimeError("Failed to export the document to FBX.") print("Export successful! File saved to:", fbx_file_path) if __name__ == "__main__": main()