Modifying d_Polysize Effector
On 01/07/2016 at 04:54, xxxxxxxx wrote:
User Information:
Cinema 4D Version: 17
Platform: Mac OSX ;
Language(s) : C.O.F.F.E.E ;---------
Hello,I am using Douwe's d_Polysize effector to populate a mograph cloner onto a complicated (but flat) plane – the face of the plane is set to regular grid quads. But at the borders there are triangles and quads of other sizes.
In a nutshell – I'm looking for a way to turn off all clones that try to find 3 sided polygons to sit in. Or at the very least reduce their size to 0.
Another approach could be to get it to ONLY populate the regular grid quads.
I've posted the script below. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
On 01/07/2016 at 04:55, xxxxxxxx wrote:
// d_PolySize Effector
// Coffee Effector by douwe - 2012 -
// Scales MoGraph clones that are being cloned onto a Polygonal Object,
// based on the size of the Polygons.
// Requires a MoGraph Cloner Object in Object Mode, Distribution set to Polygon Center.
// Works with other Effectors;
// just make sure d_PolySize appears last in the Effectors list
// of the Effector Tab on your Cloner.
// Requires a Coffee Effector set to Full Control, with 3 User Data Sliders :
// 1: "Scale Factor" - Float Slider / Real / Step: 0.01 / Min: 0.01 / Max: 1.99 / Default: 1
// 2: "Range Minimum" - Float Slider / Real / Step: 0.01 / Min: 0.01 / Max: 1.99 / Default: 0.01
// 3: "Range Maximum" - Float Slider / Real / Step: 0.01 / Min: 0.01 / Slider Max: 1.99 / No Max Limit / Default: 1.99
// I patched together homemade solutions for a few obstacles I bumped into.
// If you find any bugs, or come up with ways to make this better or more efficient,
// or if you add new functionality --->
// Make me a happy camper, and please let me know, so I can learn..
// cheers,
// d
// credits to Sandi Dolšak and Nick Woolridge for the Surface Calculation Formulas
// and to Sataneev for the challenge.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////map(input, inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax)
var inrange;
if((inMax-inMin) != 0) { inrange = (input-inMin)/(inMax-inMin); }
else inrange = 0;
return inrange * (outMax-outMin) + outMin;
var md = GeGetMoData(op);
if (!md) return false;
var cnt = md->GetCount();
var marr = md->GetArray(MODATA_MATRIX);
var fall = md->GetFalloffs();
var cloner = md->GetGenerator();
var obj = cloner#MG_OBJECT_LINK;
var polycount = obj -> GetPolygonCount();
var poly = obj -> GetPolygons();
var points = obj -> GetPoints();
var ud_scale_factor = op#ID_USERDATA:1;
var ud_min_scale = op#ID_USERDATA:2;
var ud_max_scale = op#ID_USERDATA:3;
var i, scale, map_surface;
var hi_pol_size = 0;
var lo_pol_size = 9999999999999999999999999999;
var part_1,part_2,a,b,c,d,e,f,s;
var area = new(array,100000);
var arr_A = new(array,100000);
var arr_B = new(array,100000);
var arr_C = new(array,100000);
var arr_D = new(array,100000);for (i = 0; i < (polycount\*4); i++) { if (i % 4 == 0) arr_A[i/4] = points[poly _]; if (i % 4 == 1) arr_B[i/4] = points[poly _]; if (i % 4 == 2) arr_C[i/4] = points[poly _]; if (i % 4 == 3) arr_D[i/4] = points[poly _]; } for (i = 0; i < polycount; i++) { a = vlen(arr_A _\- arr_B _); b = vlen(arr_B _\- arr_C _); c = vlen(arr_A _\- arr_C _); s = (a+b+c)/2; part_1 = sqrt (s\*(s-a)\*(s-b)\*(s-c)); d = vlen(arr_A _\- arr_C _); e = vlen(arr_A _\- arr_D _); f = vlen(arr_D _\- arr_C _); s = (d+e+f)/2; part_2 = sqrt (s\*(s-d)\*(s-e)\*(s-f));
area _= part_1 + part_2;
if (area _< lo_pol_size){ lo_pol_size = area _; }
if (area _> hi_pol_size){ hi_pol_size = area _; }
for (i = cnt - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (!area _){ area _= lo_pol_size; } // line for yader. in surface mode if clones > polys
map_surface = map(area _, lo_pol_size, hi_pol_size, ud_min_scale, ud_max_scale);
scale = map_surface * (ud_scale_factor) ;marr _- >SetV1(marr _- >GetV1()\*scale);
marr _- >SetV2(marr _- >GetV2()*scale);
marr _- >SetV3(marr _- >GetV3()*scale);
md->SetArray(MODATA_MATRIX, marr, true);
return true;
} -
On 04/07/2016 at 05:28, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Marlow,
welcome to the Plugin Café forums
Unfortunately we (MAXON's SDK Team) can only provide help on technical questions and issues, but we can't provide algorithmic help. So we need to leave this topic open to the community.