MatPreview Popup: show custom scenes
On 27/09/2015 at 01:05, xxxxxxxx wrote:
User Information:
Cinema 4D Version: 13-16
Language(s) : C++ ;---------
Hi,Is it possible to show only some custom scenes in the material preview? It is easy to just add custom scenes, but i want to get rid of all the others. Using MATPREVIEW_GET_POPUP_OPTIONS gives me a submenu which i also do not want. Here is a little illustration:
and my code, straight from the SDK Examples:
Bool RegisterAtmosphereMaterialData(void) { // decide by name if the plugin shall be registered - just for user convenience String name=GeLoadString(IDS_ATMOSPHERE); if (!name.Content()) return TRUE; name = GeGetDefaultFilename(DEFAULTFILENAME_SHADER_VOLUME)+name; // place in default Shader section String previewName = GeLoadString(IDS_ATMOSPHERE_MATPREVIEW); AddUserPreviewScene(GeGetPluginPath() + String("res") + String("scene") + String("Atmosphere Preview.c4d"), ID_ATMOSPHERE2, &previewName;); previewName = GeLoadString(IDS_ATMOSPHERE_MATPREVIEW2); AddUserPreviewScene(GeGetPluginPath() + String("res") + String("scene") + String("Atmosphere Low.c4d"), ID_ATMOSPHERE2, &previewName;); previewName = GeLoadString(IDS_ATMOSPHERE_MATPREVIEW3); AddUserPreviewScene(GeGetPluginPath() + String("res") + String("scene") + String("Atmosphere Ground.c4d"), ID_ATMOSPHERE2, &previewName;); return RegisterMaterialPlugin(ID_ATMOSPHERE2,name,0,AtmosphereMaterialData::Alloc,"Mplanetatmosphere2",0); }
Bool AtmosphereMaterialData::Message(GeListNode *node, LONG type, void *data) { if (type == MSG_UPDATE) updatecount++; switch(type) { case MSG_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATE: { UpdateGuiValues((BaseMaterial* )node); return TRUE; } break; case MATPREVIEW_GET_PREVIEW_ID: { *((LONG* )data) = MAT_PREVIEW; return TRUE; } break; case MATPREVIEW_GET_OBJECT_INFO: { MatPreviewObjectInfo* info = (MatPreviewObjectInfo* )data; info->bHandlePreview = TRUE; // own preview handling info->bNeedsOwnScene = TRUE; info->bNoStandardScene = FALSE; info->lFlags = MATPREVIEW_FLAG_HIDE_SCENES; //MATPREVIEW_FLAG_HIDE_SCENE_SETTINGS; return TRUE; } break; case MATPREVIEW_MODIFY_CACHE_SCENE: { return TRUE; } break; case MATPREVIEW_PREPARE_SCENE: { auto* preparescene = static_cast<MatPreviewPrepareScene*>(data); AutoAlloc<AliasTrans> trans; if (!trans) return FALSE; if (!trans->Init(GetActiveDocument())) return FALSE; BaseMaterial* matclone = (BaseMaterial* )(Get()->GetClone(COPYFLAGS_0, trans)); preparescene->pDoc->InsertMaterial(matclone); trans->Translate(TRUE); if (preparescene->pLink) preparescene->pLink->SetLink(matclone); // necessary BaseObject* obj = preparescene->pDoc->SearchObject("Object"); if (obj) { TextureTag* textag = (TextureTag* )obj->GetTag(Ttexture); if (textag) textag->SetMaterial(matclone); } const Real radius_in_preview_scene = 100.; SetParameter(matclone, RADIUS_UNITS, GeData(radius_in_preview_scene)); SetParameter(matclone, ORIGIN_AT_SURFACE, GeData(FALSE)); preparescene->bScenePrepared = TRUE; // inform the preview that the scene is prepared now return TRUE; } break; case MATPREVIEW_GET_POPUP_OPTIONS: { BaseContainer* bc = (BaseContainer* )data; bc->SetString(MATPREVIEW_POPUP_NAME, GeLoadString(IDS_ATMOSPHERE)); bc->SetString(1, GeLoadString(IDS_ATMOSPHERE_MATPREVIEW)); bc->SetString(2, GeLoadString(IDS_ATMOSPHERE_MATPREVIEW2)); bc->SetString(3, GeLoadString(IDS_ATMOSPHERE_MATPREVIEW3)); return TRUE; } break; case MATPREVIEW_GENERATE_IMAGE: { MatPreviewGenerateImage* image = (MatPreviewGenerateImage* )data; if (image->pDoc) { if (!image->bEditorPreview) { // we don't calculate a preview map for the editor LONG w = image->pDest->GetBw(); LONG h = image->pDest->GetBh(); BaseContainer bcRender = image->pDoc->GetActiveRenderData()->GetData(); bcRender.SetReal(RDATA_XRES, w); bcRender.SetReal(RDATA_YRES, h); bcRender.SetLong(RDATA_ANTIALIASING, ANTI_GEOMETRY); if (image->bLowQuality) bcRender.SetBool(RDATA_RENDERENGINE, RDATA_RENDERENGINE_PREVIEWSOFTWARE); image->pDest->Clear(0, 0, 0); image->lResult = RenderDocument(image->pDoc, bcRender, NULL, NULL, image->pDest, RENDERFLAGS_EXTERNAL | RENDERFLAGS_PREVIEWRENDER, image->pThread); } } return TRUE; } break; } return MaterialData::Message(node, type, data); }
On 28/09/2015 at 02:31, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Michael,
unfortunately that's not possible. On the one hand display of the user scenes is hard coded in conjunction with the standard preview scenes. And on the other hand popup options are a hard coded submenu.
Sorry -
On 28/09/2015 at 04:42, xxxxxxxx wrote:
No problem. It's just a cosmetical issue after all.
Thanks for the quick reply.