Draw bug with Outlines
On 28/01/2014 at 12:12, xxxxxxxx wrote:
User Information:
Cinema 4D Version: R15
Platform: Windows ;
Language(s) :---------
Hello,I am making a tag plugin in Python and noticed a display glitch with the Draw() method.
When I draw a blue point and highlight it with the mouse, the point become white.
This problem appear only with the Outlines highlight mode enabled in the view parameters.
def Draw(self, tag, op, bd, bh) : bd.SetPointSize(100) bd.DrawPoints([Vector(), Vector(50), Vector(100)], [0,0,1, 0,0,.5, 1,0,0], 3) return True
Here is a screenshot, you can see it bug only when there is blue in the color :
_<_img src="http://vonc.fr/temp/fc4d/bleublanc.jpg" border="0" /_>_