Transparency / Color problems with GeClipMap
On 30/07/2013 at 10:22, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I have got some transparency problems with a GeClipMap. I am drawing some stuff into a
GeClipMap, generally it is just a rect layered with a text and icon decorator. The GeClipMap is
then drawn into the viewport by an ObjectData plugin. However if the underlying rect is not
fully desaturated, the icon bitmap is hue shifted by the bg hue. I have tried both relevant
GeClipMap drawing modes GE_CM_DRAWMODE_BLEND and the STATIC_SOMETHING one.correct on greyish bg:
shifted with red bg:
Pretty messy code chunk :
def drawText(bd, colors, node, content, position, data, unit, offset) : """ Draws a string to the given world space position. Returns the new offset. :param bd : The BaseDraw to draw in. :param colors : The fhVectorNullDrawColorStruct to draw with. :param txt : The string to draw. :param position : The anchor point in gloaal space. :param offset : (opt) Offset the y drawing pos by offset :return : int """ font = data[c4d.PRIM_VECTORNULL_TEXT_FONT] alpha = min(230, 255 - int(data[c4d.PRIM_VECTORNULL_OPTIONS_TEXTTRANS] * 255)) # get font bc if not isinstance(font, c4d.FontData) : fontbc = c4d.GetWorldContainer()[c4d.WPREF_FONT_STANDARD] fontsize = 12 else: fontbc = font.GetFont() fontsize = fontbc[501] # get icon icon, icnw, icnh = None, 0, 0 if data[c4d.PRIM_VECTORNULL_TEXT_ICON] != c4d.PRIM_VECTORNULL_TEXT_ICON_NONE: icon = bitmaps.InitResourceBitmap(node.GetType()) icnw, icnh = icon.GetBw(), icon.GetBh() smode = data[c4d.PRIM_VECTORNULL_TEXT_ICON] if smode == c4d.PRIM_VECTORNULL_TEXT_ICON_SMALL: icnw, icnh = min(16, icnw), min(16, icnh) elif smode == c4d.PRIM_VECTORNULL_TEXT_ICON_MIDDLE: icnw, icnh = min(24, icnw), min(24, icnh) else: icnw, icnh = min(32, icnw), min(32, icnh) # scale icon if icnw != icon.GetBw() or icnh != icon.GetBh() : dest = bitmaps.BaseBitmap() dest.Init(icnw, icnh) icon.ScaleIt(dest, 256, True, True) icon = dest # build text struct txtdata = buildText(content, data, colors, unit) rawtext = '' for txt, color in txtdata: rawtext += txt # build bitmap geclip = bitmaps.GeClipMap() # calc font size geclip.Init(0, 0) geclip.BeginDraw() geclip.SetFont(fontbc, fontsize) if icon: gcw = geclip.TextWidth(rawtext) + icnw + 12 gch = max ( icnh + 2, geclip.TextHeight() + 2) else: gcw = geclip.TextWidth(rawtext) + icnw + 4 gch = geclip.TextHeight() + 2 txth = geclip.TextHeight() geclip.EndDraw() # re-init geclip.Init(gcw, gch) geclip.BeginDraw() geclip.SetDrawMode(c4d.GE_CM_DRAWMODE_BLEND, 255) # draw bg geclip.SetFont(fontbc, fontsize) r = int(colors.GetBase().x * 255) g = int(colors.GetBase().y * 255) b = int(colors.GetBase().z * 255) geclip.SetColor(r, g, b, alpha) geclip.FillRect(0, 0, gcw, gch) geclip.SetColor(r, g, b, utils.Clamp(50, 255, int(alpha * 2))) geclip.Rect(0, 0, gcw - 1, gch - 1) # draw icon if icon is not None: for x in xrange(icnw) : for y in xrange(icnh) : col = icon.GetPixel(x, y) geclip.SetColor(col[0], col[1], col[2], 255) geclip.SetPixel(x+1, y+1) geclip.SetColor(0, 0, 0, 75) geclip.Rect(1, 1, icnw , icnh) # draw text if icon is not None: xoff = 7 + icnw yoff = 1 + int((gch - txth) * 0.5) else: xoff = 1 yoff = 1 for string, color in txtdata: r = int(color.x * 255) g = int(color.y * 255) b = int(color.z * 255) geclip.SetColor(r, g, b, 255) geclip.TextAt(xoff, yoff, string) xoff = xoff + geclip.TextWidth(string) geclip.EndDraw() # draw bitmap bmp = geclip.GetBitmap() p0 = bd.WS(position) - c4d.Vector(gcw * 0.5, 0, 0) offset += 4 padr4 = [c4d.Vector(p0.x, p0.y + offset, 0), c4d.Vector(p0.x + gcw, p0.y + offset, 0), c4d.Vector(p0.x + gcw, p0.y + gch + offset, 0), c4d.Vector(p0.x, p0.y + gch + offset, 0)] cadr = [colors.GetBase()] * 4 vnadr = [c4d.Vector(0, 0, 1)] * 4 uvadr = [c4d.Vector(0, 0, 0), c4d.Vector(1, 0, 0), c4d.Vector(1, 1, 0), c4d.Vector(0, 1, 0)] bd.DrawTexture(bmp, padr4, cadr, vnadr, uvadr, 4, c4d.DRAW_ALPHA_FROM_IMAGE, c4d.DRAW_TEXTUREFLAGS_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST) geclip.Destroy() return offset + gch
Is this a bug of the GeClipMap or am I overlooking something / doing something wrong ?
Thanks for your help and Happy Rendering,