Hello @i_mazlov ,
As I mentioned, as a developer I am trying to provide to users the option of newly added Simulation system to use it in the my ragdoll plugin. Ideally, I want to use the new trigidbody tag in my code the same way as I use the old Bullet Dynamic Body now.
But I can't understand how to do instead of this:
BaseTag* const DBtag = BaseTag::Alloc(trigidbody); DBtag->SetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(???)), ???, DESCFLAGS_SET::NONE);As I mentioned above, for a ragdoll I need a compound collision shape. Where the top of a hierarchy is a joint object and it owns the trigidbody tag. The second level of a hierarchy is the child mesh object - it represents the shape of the joint. In the settings of trigidbody tag I want to set it as a Compound collision shape. And then connect these nodes via Connectors to create the ragdoll structure.
So my question is: