Generates pseudo-random floating point, integer, vector, color, and matrix values in a deterministic manner.
Offered are two groups of methods: Methods that are prefixed with Random generate random values using the random module from the Python standard library. The characteristic of this approach is that one does not need any inputs except for an initial seed, the values are picked from a sequence of outputs. The other option are methods that are prefixed with Hash, they generate pseudo-random values using a hash function which requires an input value for each call, the to be hashed value.
The advantage of hash functions is that they generate pseudo-random values that are consistent across multiple calls for the same entity, no matter of the order they are made in. Imagine having a list of points and one wants to associate each point with a random float value. Using the random module, one would have to reseed the generator with the same seed every time one wants to generate the random values for the same point list. Calling random.Random.seed is not only such an expensive call that hashing usually outperforms random based random value generation by an order of magnitude, but also cannot be done in a thread safe manner and cannot deal with reordering, increasing, or decreasing of the inputs. Hash functions do not share any of these problems.
is a global instance of this class that can be used directly.
Most functions in this class deliberately do not perform type checks on their arguments to ensure a better performance, as they are expected to be called very often. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the passed arguments are of the correct type.
The hash function used in this class is not suitable for cryptographic purposes. It is a simple hash function that exploits the periodicity of the sine function to compute a pseudo-random hash. See the Hash method for more information.
- Example
import c4d
import mxutils
# Import the global random number generator instance.
from mxutils import g_random
obj: c4d.PointObject # Some point object we are given in code.
# Associate each point with a random float value using RandomFloat. The tuples will be different each time the code
# is run unless we reset the seed before each call (which is a very expensive operation). This is based on the
# random module from the Python standard library.
values: list[tuple[c4d.Vector, float]] = [(p, g_random.RandomFloat()) for p in obj.GetAllPoints()]
# Generate point, random float pairs using a hash function, here hashing the point index. The tuples will be
# the same each time the code is run unless the point order/indices change.
values: list[tuple[c4d.Vector, float]] = [(p, g_random.HashNumberToNumber(i)) for i, p enumerate(in obj.GetAllPoints())]
# And finally generate the tuples using the point values itself. A given point will always be associated with the
# same random float value, no matter the count and order of points in #obj.
values: list[tuple[c4d.Vector, float]] = [(p, g_random.HashVectorToNumber(p)) for p in obj.GetAllPoints()]
Inheritance diagram¶
Gets or sets the magic numbers used by the hash function. |
Returns the internal Python random.Random instance. |
Gets or sets the seed of the instance used by both the pseudo-random number generator and the hash function. |
Methods Signature¶
Returns a pseudo-random hash in the interval [-1, 1] for the passed numeric value. |
Returns a pseudo-random color hash for the passed numeric value. |
Returns a pseudo-random transform matrix hash for the passed numeric value. |
Returns a pseudo-random float in the interval [0, 1] for the passed numeric value. |
Returns a pseudo-random vector in the interval [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]] for the passed numeric value. |
Returns a pseudo-random color hash for the passed vector. |
Returns a pseudo-random transform matrix hash for the passed vector. |
Returns a pseudo-random float in the interval [0, 1] for the passed vector. |
Returns a pseudo-random vector in the interval [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]] for the passed vector. |
Returns a random color in RGB space defined by the passed hue, saturation, and value intervals. |
Partitions the passed items into binCount bins of random sizes where each item appears in exactly one bin. |
Returns a random floating point number in the interval [lower, upper]. |
Returns a random integer in the interval [lower, upper]. |
Returns a random transform matrix with components in the passed bounds. |
Returns a random vector of the passed type with components in the interval [lower, upper]. |
Initializes the random number generator with the passed seed. |
Methods Definition¶
(value: float | int) → float¶ Returns a pseudo-random hash in the interval [-1, 1] for the passed numeric value.
This hash uses the common trick to exploit the periodicity of the sine function to create a pseudo-random hash. It is not suitable for cryptographic purposes and not the fastest thing around, but it is simple and works well for computer graphics applications.
You can reattach/overwrite this method when you prefer a different hash function. All other Hash* methods in this class decompose into calls to this method.
- Parameters
value (float) – The value to hash.
- Returns
The hash of the value.
- Return type
- Example
import mxutils # Create a custom random number generator with a seed of 42. rnd: mxutils.Random = mxutils.Random() # Compute a hash for the value 42. h: float = rnd.Hash(42) # Will return a pseudo-random float in the interval [-1, 1]. # Attach a custom hash function to the random number generator. def myHash(self, value: float | int) -> float | int: return value / 2 rnd.Hash = myHash # Compute a hash for the value 42 using the custom hash function. h: int = rnd.Hash(42) # Will return 21
(value: float | int, hueInterval: tuple = (0.0, 3.6), saturationInterval: tuple = (0.5, 1.0), valueInterval: tuple = (0.5, 1.0), alphaInterval: tuple = (1.0, 1.0), dtype: Type = <class 'c4d.Vector'>) → c4d.Vector | c4d.Vector4d | maxon.vector.Color64 | maxon.vector4d.ColorA64¶ Returns a pseudo-random color hash for the passed numeric value.
The returned value is a color in RGB space but lies the passed hue, saturation, and value intervals.
- Parameters
value (float or int) – The value to hash.
hueInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the hue component in degrees, defaults to [0.0, 360.0].
saturationInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the saturation component, defaults to [0.5, 1.0].
valueInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the value component, defaults to [0.5, 1.0].
alphaInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the alpha component, defaults to [1.0, 1.0].
dtype – The type of the color to return, defaults to c4d.Vector.
- Dtype type
typing.Type, optional
- Returns
The hashed color.
- Return type
c4d.Vector or c4d.Vector4d or maxon.Color or maxon.ColorA
- Raises
ValueError – If an invalid color type is passed for dtype.
- Example
import c4d import mxutils # Hash the value 42 to a pseudo-random RGBA color in the intervals hue(0, 90), saturation(0.5, 1.0), # value(0.5, 1.0), and alpha(0.5, 1.0) using the global random instance and the c4d.Vector4d type. rgba: c4d.Vector4d = mxutils.g_random.HashNumberToColor( 42, (0.0, 90.0), (0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0), c4d.Vector4d)
(value: float | int, positionInterval: tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector] | None = None, rotationInterval: tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector] | None = None, scaleInterval: tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector] | None = None) → c4d.Matrix¶ Returns a pseudo-random transform matrix hash for the passed numeric value.
Will return the identity matrix if all intervals are None.
- Parameters
value (float or int) – The value to hash.
positionInterval (tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector], optional) – The interval for the offset component of the transform, will be ignored if None. Defaults to None.
rotationInterval (tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector], optional) – The interval for the rotation component of the transform in radians, will be ignored if None. Defaults to None.
scaleInterval (tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector], optional) – The interval for the scale component of the transform, will be ignored if None. Defaults to None.
- Returns
The hashed matrix.
- Return type
- Example
import c4d import mxutils deg45: float = c4d.utils.DegToRad(45.0) # 45° in radians # Hash the value 42 into a matrix whose offset lies in the interval [[0, 0, 0], [100, 100, 100]], but has no # rotation and a scale of 1. m: c4d.Matrix = mxutils.g_random.HashNumberToMatrix(42, (c4d.Vector(0), c4d.Vector(100)) # Hash the value 42 into a matrix with a rotation in the interval [[-45, -45, -45], [45, 45, 45]] degrees. m: c4d.Matrix = mxutils.g_random.HashNumberToMatrix(42, rotationInterval=(c4d.Vector(-deg45), c4d.Vector(deg45))) # Hash the value 42 into a transform that has an offset in the interval [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 100], a rotation # in the interval [[-45, 0, 0], [45, 0, 0]] degrees, and a scale in the interval [1, 1, 0.5], [1 1, 2.0]. m: c4d.Matrix = mxutils.g_random.HashNumberToMatrix(42, (c4d.Vector(0), c4d.Vector(0, 0, 100)), (c4d.Vector(-deg45, 0, 0), c4d.Vector(deg45, 0, 0)), (c4d.Vector(1, 1, 0.5), c4d.Vector(1, 1, 2.0)))
(value: float | int) → float¶ Returns a pseudo-random float in the interval [0, 1] for the passed numeric value.
- Parameters
value (float or int) – The value to hash.
- Returns
The hashed value.
- Return type
- Example
import mxutils # Hash the value 42 to a pseudo-random float in the interval [0, 1] using the global random instance. h: float = mxutils.g_random.HashNumberToNumber(42)
(value: float | int, dtype: Type = <class 'c4d.Vector'>) → c4d.Vector | maxon.vector.Vector64¶ Returns a pseudo-random vector in the interval [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]] for the passed numeric value.
- Parameters
value (float or int) – The value to hash.
dtype – The type of the vector to return. Supported are c4d.Vector and maxon.Vector. Defaults to c4d.Vector.
- Dtype type
typing.Type, optional
- Returns
The hashed vector.
- Return type
c4d.Vector or maxon.Vector
- Example
import c4d import mxutils # Hash the value 42 to a pseudo-random c4d vector in the interval [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1] using the global # random instance. h: c4d.Vector = mxutils.g_random.HashNumberToVector(42)
(value: c4d.Vector, hueInterval: tuple = (0.0, 3.6), saturationInterval: tuple = (0.5, 1.0), valueInterval: tuple = (0.5, 1.0), alphaInterval: tuple = (1.0, 1.0), dtype: Type = <class 'c4d.Vector'>) → c4d.Vector | c4d.Vector4d | maxon.vector.Color64 | maxon.vector4d.ColorA64¶ Returns a pseudo-random color hash for the passed vector.
The returned color is in RGB space defined by the passed hue, saturation, and value intervals.
- Parameters
value (c4d.Vector) – The vector to hash.
hueInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the hue component in degrees, defaults to [0.0, 360.0].
saturationInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the saturation component, defaults to [0.5, 1.0].
valueInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the value component, defaults to [0.5, 1.0].
alphaInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the alpha component, defaults to [1.0, 1.0].
dtype – The type of the color to return, defaults to c4d.Vector.
- Dtype type
typing.Type, optional
- Returns
The hashed color.
- Return type
c4d.Vector or c4d.Vector4d or maxon.Color or maxon.ColorA
- Raises
ValueError – If an invalid color type is passed for dtype.
- Example
import c4d import mxutils # Hash the vector (1, 2, 3) to a pseudo-random RGBA color in the intervals hue(0, 90), saturation(0.5, 1.0), # value(0.5, 1.0), and alpha(0.5, 1.0) using the global random instance and the c4d.Vector4d type. rgba: c4d.Vector4d = mxutils.g_random.HashVectorToColor( c4d.Vector(1, 2, 3), (0.0, 90.0), (0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0), c4d.Vector4d)
(value: c4d.Vector, positionInterval: tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector] | None = None, rotationInterval: tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector] | None = None, scaleInterval: tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector] | None = None) → c4d.Matrix¶ Returns a pseudo-random transform matrix hash for the passed vector.
Will return the identity matrix if all intervals are None.
- Parameters
value (c4d.Vector) – The vector to hash.
positionInterval (tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector], optional) – The interval for the offset component of the transform, will be ignored if None. Defaults to None.
rotationInterval (tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector], optional) – The interval for the rotation component of the transform in radians, will be ignored if None. Defaults to None.
scaleInterval (tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector], optional) – The interval for the scale component of the transform, will be ignored if None. Defaults to None.
- Returns
The hashed matrix.
- Return type
- Example
import c4d import mxutils deg45: float = c4d.utils.DegToRad(45.0) # 45° in radians # Hash the vector [1, 2, 3] into a matrix whose offset lies in the interval [[0, 0, 0], [100, 100, 100]], # but has no rotation and a scale of 1. m: c4d.Matrix = mxutils.g_random.HashVectorToMatrix(c4d.Vector(1, 2, 3), (c4d.Vector(0), c4d.Vector(100)) # Hash the vector [1, 2, 3] into a matrix with a rotation in the interval [[-45, -45, -45], [45, 45, 45]] degrees. m: c4d.Matrix = mxutils.g_random.HashVectorToMatrix(c4d.Vector(1, 2, 3), rotationInterval=(c4d.Vector(-deg45), c4d.Vector(deg45))) # Hash the vector [1, 2, 3] into a transform that has an offset in the interval [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 100], a # rotation in the interval [[-45, 0, 0], [45, 0, 0]] degrees, and a scale in the interval [1, 1, 0.5], [1 1, 2.0]. m: c4d.Matrix = mxutils.g_random.HashVectorToMatrix(c4d.Vector(1, 2, 3), (c4d.Vector(0), c4d.Vector(0, 0, 100)), (c4d.Vector(-deg45, 0, 0), c4d.Vector(deg45, 0, 0)), (c4d.Vector(1, 1, 0.5), c4d.Vector(1, 1, 2.0)))
(value: c4d.Vector) → float¶ Returns a pseudo-random float in the interval [0, 1] for the passed vector.
This method takes the expensive route of hashing each component of the vector separately. When you do not care that much about collision resistance, consider calling HashNumberToNumber(v.x + v.y + v.z) instead.
- Parameters
value (c4d.Vector) – The vector to hash.
- Returns
The hashed float.
- Return type
- Example
import c4d import mxutils # Hash the vector [1, 2, 3] to a pseudo-random float in the interval [0, 1] using the global random instance. h: float = mxutils.g_random.HashVectorToNumber(c4d.Vector(1, 2, 3))
(value: c4d.Vector, dtype: Type = <class 'c4d.Vector'>) → c4d.Vector | maxon.vector.Vector64¶ Returns a pseudo-random vector in the interval [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]] for the passed vector.
- Parameters
value (c4d.Vector) – The vector to hash.
dtype – The type of the vector to return. Supported are c4d.Vector and maxon.Vector. Defaults to c4d.Vector.
- Dtype type
typing.Type, optional
- Returns
The hashed vector.
- Return type
c4d.Vector or maxon.Vector
- Example
import c4d import mxutils # Hash the vector [1, 2, 3] to a pseudo-random c4d vector in the interval [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1] using the # global random instance. h: c4d.Vector = mxutils.g_random.HashVectorToVector(c4d.Vector(1, 2, 3))
(hueInterval: tuple = (0.0, 3.6), saturationInterval: tuple = (0.0, 1.0), valueInterval: tuple = (0.0, 1.0), alphaInterval: tuple = (0.0, 1.0), dtype: Type = <class 'c4d.Vector'>) → c4d.Vector | c4d.Vector4d | maxon.vector.Color64 | maxon.vector4d.ColorA64¶ Returns a random color in RGB space defined by the passed hue, saturation, and value intervals.
- Parameters
hueInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the hue component in degrees, defaults to [0.0, 360.0].
saturationInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the saturation component, defaults to [0.0, 1.0].
valueInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the value component, defaults to [0.0, 1.0].
alphaInterval (tuple[float, float], optional) – The interval of the alpha component, defaults to [0.0, 1.0].
dtype – The type of the color to return, defaults to c4d.Vector.
- Dtype type
typing.Type, optional
- Returns
The randomly generated color.
- Return type
c4d.Vector or c4d.Vector4d or maxon.Color or maxon.ColorA
- Raises
ValueError – If an invalid color type is passed for dtype.
- Example
import c4d import mxutils # Generate a random RGBA color in the intervals hue(0, 90), saturation(0.5, 1.0), value(0.5, 1.0), and # alpha(0.5, 1.0), using the global random instance and the c4d.Vector4d type. rgba: c4d.Vector4d = mxutils.g_random.RandomColor((0.0, 90.0), (0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0), c4d.Vector4d)
(items: list, binCount: int, bias: float | int = 0.25, preserveOrder: bool = False) → list¶ Partitions the passed items into binCount bins of random sizes where each item appears in exactly one bin.
The partitioning is done by randomly selecting a bin for each item. The probability of selecting a bin is proportional to the number of items already in the bin raised to the power of the bias. This function is meant to provide random results and even for a bias of 0.0 the distribution might not be perfectly even. And in some cases, the distribution might be quite even for a bias of 1.0. As with all sampling, this effect will be less pronounced the more items you have. Please use the std lib random.sample function when you want to precisely control the distribution of items pulled from a population.
- Parameters
items (list[typing.Any]) – The items to partition.
binCount (int) – The number of bins to create.
bias (float or int, optional) – The larger the bias, the more uneven the distribution of the items will be. A bias of 0.0 will result in a roughly even distribution, while a bias of 1.0 will result in a very uneven distribution. Defaults to 0.25.
preserveOrder (bool, optional) – When True, the order of the items is preserved in the bins. This is a quite expensive operation for large inputs as it rebuilds the output after the initial partitioning. Defaults to False.
- Returns
The partitioned items.
- Return type
- Example
import mxutils items: list[str] = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"] # Partition the items into 3 bins with the default bias of 0.25. bins: list[list[int]] = mxutils.g_random.RandomDistribution(items, 3) # Output: [['a', 'g'], ['b', 'd', 'i'], ['c', 'e', 'f', 'h', 'j']] # Partition the items into 3 bins with a bias of 0, i.e., a very even outcome. Because our # sample size is quite small and we got a bit unlucky, the distribution is quite uneven. When # run often enough, we will also see the 'perfect' outcome of (3, 3, 4) items in the bins. bins = mxutils.g_random.RandomDistribution(items, 3, 0.0) # Output: [['b'], ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'], ['a', 'c', 'd']] # Partition the items into 3 bins with a bias of 1.0, i.e., a very uneven outcome. Here we # get two bins with one item and one bin with all the other items. Even for a bias of 1, # each bin will always contain at least one item. bins = mxutils.g_random.RandomDistribution(items, 3, 1.0) # Output: [['j'], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'], ['i']] # Partition the items into 3 bins while preserving the order of the input list. Preserving the # order does not mean that the result will be sorted, just that items are placed in the bins # in the order in which they appear in the input list. In this case the input list was sorted, # so the output will not only preserve the order but also be sorted. bins = mxutils.g_random.RandomDistribution(items, 3, preserveOrder=True) # Output: [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ['e'], ['f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']] # And finally some partitioning with a larger sample size, here we see a more clear effect of the bias. # But this is still a random function and the outcome is meant to vary. items: list[int] = list(range(1000)) for bias in [.0, .5, 1.]: bins = g_random.RandomDistribution(data, 3, bias=bias) binCounts = list(len(bin) for bin in bins) print(f"{bias = }, {binCounts = }") # bias = 0.0, binCounts = [339, 324, 337] # bias = 0.5, binCounts = [391, 311, 298] # bias = 1.0, binCounts = [455, 444, 101]
(lower: float = 0.0, upper: float = 1.0) → float¶ Returns a random floating point number in the interval [lower, upper].
- Parameters
lower (float, optional) – The lower bounds of the output interval, defaults to 0.0.
upper (float, optional) – The upper bounds of output interval, defaults to 1.0.
- Returns
The randomly generated floating point number.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – When the inputs cannot be converted to floats.
- Example
import mxutils # Use the global random number generator to generate a random float in the interval [0., 100.]. f: float = mxutils.g_random.RandomFloat(0., 100.)
(lower: int = 0, upper: int = 1) → int¶ Returns a random integer in the interval [lower, upper].
- Parameters
lower (int, optional) – The lower bounds of the output interval, defaults to 0.
upper (int, optional) – The upper bounds of output interval, defaults to 1.
- Returns
The randomly generated integer.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – When the inputs cannot be converted to integers.
- Example
import mxutils # Use the global random number generator to generate a random integer in the interval [0, 100]. i: int = mxutils.g_random.RandomInt(0, 100)
(positionInterval: tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector] | None = None, rotationInterval: tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector] | None = None, scaleInterval: tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector] | None = None) → c4d.Matrix¶ Returns a random transform matrix with components in the passed bounds.
Will return the identity matrix if all intervals are None.
- Parameters
positionInterval (tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector], optional) – The interval of the position component, will be ignored if None. Defaults to None.
rotationInterval (tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector], optional) – The interval of the rotation component in radians, will be ignored if None. Defaults to None.
scaleInterval (tuple[c4d.Vector, c4d.Vector], optional) – The interval of the scale component, will be ignored if None. Defaults to None.
- Returns
The randomly generated transform matrix.
- Return type
- Example
import c4d import mxutils deg45: float = c4d.utils.DegToRad(45.0) # 45° in radians # Generate matrix whose offset lies in the interval [[0, 0, 0], [100, 100, 100]], but has no rotation and a # scale of 1. m: c4d.Matrix = mxutils.g_random.RandomMatrix((c4d.Vector(0), c4d.Vector(100)) # Generate a random transform matrix with a rotation in the interval [[-45, -45, -45], [45, 45, 45]] degrees. m: c4d.Matrix = mxutils.g_random.RandomMatrix(rotationInterval=(c4d.Vector(-deg45), c4d.Vector(deg45))) # Generate a transform that has an offset in the interval [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 100], a rotation in the interval # [[-45, 0, 0], [45, 0, 0]] degrees, and a scale in the interval [1, 1, 0.5], [1 1, 2.0]. m: c4d.Matrix = mxutils.g_random.RandomMatrix((c4d.Vector(0), c4d.Vector(0, 0, 100)), (c4d.Vector(-deg45, 0, 0), c4d.Vector(deg45, 0, 0)), (c4d.Vector(1, 1, 0.5), c4d.Vector(1, 1, 2.0)))
(lower: c4d.Vector = Vector(0, 0, 0), upper: c4d.Vector = Vector(1, 1, 1), dtype: Type = <class 'c4d.Vector'>) → c4d.Vector | maxon.vector.Vector64¶ Returns a random vector of the passed type with components in the interval [lower, upper].
- Parameters
lower (c4d.Vector, optional) – The lower bounds of the output interval, defaults to c4d.Vector(0).
upper (c4d.Vector, optional) – The upper bounds of output interval, defaults to c4d.Vector(1).
dtype – The type of the vector to return. Defaults to c4d.Vector.
- Dtype type
typing.Type, optional
- Returns
The randomly generated vector.
- Return type
c4d.Vector or maxon.Vector
- Raises
ValueError – If an invalid vector type is passed for dtype.
- Example
import c4d import mxutils from mxutils import g_random # Generate a random c4d vector in the default interval [0, 1] and a maxon vector in the interval [-1, 1] # using the global random instance. u: c4d.Vector = g_random.RandomVector() v: maxon.Vector = g_random.RandomVector(lower=c4d.Vector(-1), dtype=maxon.Vector)
(seed: float | None = None, magic: tuple = 721.0561, 333567.5412, noPyReseed: bool = False) → None¶ Initializes the random number generator with the passed seed.
- Parameters
seed (typing.Any) – The seed used by the pseudo random number generator and the hash function. When of type int, the seed seed is set to abs(seed if seed != 0 else 1) but otherwise used directly. When of type None, the system time is used. When of any other type, the seed is created by either calling __hash__, __repr__, or __str__ on the passed seed object. The final seed value is then always hashed to an integer. Defaults to None.
magic (tuple[float, float]) – The magic numbers to use by the hash function. Defaults to (721.0561, 333567.5412).
noPyReseed – When True, the internal Python random.random instance will not be reseeded when the seed property is set. This can be useful when you need to reseed the generator in a loop when using the hash functions or something similarly performance critical. Defaults to False.
- Raises
ValueError – When the seed object cannot be converted to a valid seed.
ValueError – When the magic numbers are not a tuple of two floats.