
class c4d.modules.tokensystem

The token system allows the use of expressions in file names. The API makes it is possible to handle these tokens.

New in version R17.048.

See also

Scripts for the Token System API in the examples.


Since R21 it’s now possible to register your own custom token with c4d.plugins.RegisterToken() and c4d.plugins.RegisterHiddenToken().

RenderPathData Dictionary

The rpData (RenderPathData) parameter of StringConvertTokens(), FilenameConvertTokens(), StringConvertTokensFilter() and FilenameConvertTokensFilter() accepts a dictionary with the data to convert tokens.

These are the keys that can be set in such dictionary:

  • _doc: BaseDocument

  • _rData: RenderData

  • _rBc: BaseContainer

  • _take: BaseTake

  • _frame: int

  • _layerName: str

  • _layerTypeName: str

  • _layerType: int

  • _isLight: bool

  • _lightNumber: int

  • _isMaterial: bool

  • _nodeName: str

  • _checkUnresolved: bool

For instance the dictionary can be initialized like this:

rpd = {'_doc': doc, '_rData': renderData, '_rBc': renderSettings, '_frame': 1}


static tokensystem.StringConvertTokens

Converts tokenized path string to standard string by replacing all Tokens with correct values if found.

static tokensystem.FilenameConvertTokens

Converts tokenized path string to standard string by replacing all Tokens with correct values if found.

static tokensystem.StringConvertTokensFilter

Converts tokenized path string to standard String by replacing all Tokens with correct values if found.

static tokensystem.FilenameConvertTokensFilter

Converts tokenized path string to standard string by replacing all Tokens with correct values if found.

static tokensystem.StringExtractRoot

Searches for the first Token in path.

static tokensystem.FilenameExtractRoot

Searches for the first Token in path.

static tokensystem.FilenameSlicePath

Splits path in two parts if a Token is found as sub-folders and extracts root and filename path starting at sub-folder.

static tokensystem.GetAllTokenEntries

Returns a list of all available Token entries.


tokensystem.StringConvertTokens(path, rpData)

Converts tokenized path string to standard string by replacing all Tokens with correct values if found.

  • path (str) – The original path string.

  • rpData (dict) – The data used to extract value for Tokens. See RenderPathData Dictionary.

Return type



The converted string, or the original path if any error.

tokensystem.FilenameConvertTokens(path, rpData)

Converts tokenized path string to standard string by replacing all Tokens with correct values if found.

  • path (str) – The original path filename.

  • rpData (dict) – The data used to extract value for Tokens. See RenderPathData Dictionary.

Return type



The converted filename, or the original path if any error.

tokensystem.StringConvertTokensFilter(path, rpData, exclude)
Converts tokenized path string to standard String by replacing all Tokens with correct values if found.
Tokens added to exclude array are ignored.
  • path (str) – The original path string.

  • rpData (dict) – The data used to extract value for Tokens. See RenderPathData Dictionary.

  • exclude (list) – A list of Tokens strings to be ignored.

Return type



The converted string, or the original path if any error.

tokensystem.FilenameConvertTokensFilter(path, rpData, exclude)
Converts tokenized path string to standard string by replacing all Tokens with correct values if found.
Tokens added to exclude array are ignored.
  • path (str) – The original path filename.

  • rpData (Dict[str, object]) – The data used to extract value for Tokens. See RenderPathData Dictionary.

  • exclude (List[str]) – A list of Tokens strings to be ignored.

Return type



The converted filename, or the original path if any error.

Searches for the first Token in path.
If it is found and it is in-between “/..” returns the preceeding directory path string.

path (str) – The original path string.

Return type



The root string path, or the original string if no Token is found.

Searches for the first Token in path.
If it is found and it is in-between “/..” returns the preceeding directory path filename.

path (str) – The original path filename.

Return type



The root filename path, or the original filename if no Token is found.


Splits path in two parts if a Token is found as sub-folders and extracts root and filename path starting at sub-folder.


path (str) – The original path filename.

Return type

Tuple[str, str]


The root and filename paths.


Returns a list of all available Token entries.

New in version R17.053.

For instance the following code prints all registered tokens

import c4d

tokens = c4d.modules.tokensystem.GetAllTokenEntries()
for entry in tokens:
Return type

Optional[List[Dict[_token: str, _help: str, _example: str]]]


All the registered Token information, or None if an error occurred.