
mxutils.ImportSymbols(path: str, output: Type = None) → dict[str, float | int | str] | None

Parses elements of all resource files contained in the given path into the global scope of the caller or into a dictionary.

See also

Symbols Manual

  • path (str) – The path within which header files should be discovered and parsed.

  • output (typing.Type) – If the parsed symbols should be placed in the global scope or be returned as a dictionary. Pass None to let them be placed in the global scope and dict to have the function return them as a dictionary. Defaults to None.


The parsed symbol value pairs as or nothing when the output was None

Return type

dict[str, float | int | str] | None


The following header file c:\data\c4d_symbols.h,

    ID_FOO = 1000,
    ID_BAR = 1001,

can be imported as follows:

import os
import mxutils

# Recursively parse header files in "c:\data" into this scope.

# This would also work when only a singular file should be parsed.

# The parsed symbols are now exposed in the global scope.
print(ID_FOO) # Will print 1000
print(ID_BAR) # Will print 1001

# Alternatively, symbols can also be parsed into a dictionary.
data: dict[str, int] = mxutils.ImportSymbols("c:\data\c4d_symbols.h", output=dict)

print(data["ID_FOO"]) # Will print 1000
print(data["ID_BAR"]) # Will print 1001