MAXON API - Frameworks¶
See also
Frameworks Manual.
Animation Framework¶
Provides the IDs of the built-in algorithms that can be used with the Weight Manager.
Asset Framework¶
Provides interfaces for accessing and storing content as assets in asset databases.
- The Asset Framework
- Description
- Interfaces
- maxon.AssetBaseInterface
- maxon.AssetBaseWithUpdateInterface
- maxon.AssetDataBasesInterface
- maxon.AssetDescriptionInterface
- maxon.AssetIdentifierInterface
- maxon.AssetInterface
- maxon.AssetLinkInterface
- maxon.AssetMetaDataInterface
- maxon.AssetReferenceInterface
- maxon.AssetRepositoryInterface
- maxon.AssetTypeInterface
- maxon.AssetUtilitiesInterface
- maxon.BasePresetAssetInterface
- maxon.BasePresetAssetTypeInterface
- maxon.CategoryAssetInterface
- maxon.ColorCategoryAssetInterface
- maxon.CompactableAssetRepositoryInterface
- maxon.DatabaseAssetInterface
- maxon.DataDescriptionPresetStorageInterface
- maxon.DerivedAssetRepositoryDataInterface
- maxon.FileAssetInterface
- maxon.KeywordAssetInterface
- maxon.LazyLanguageDictionaryInterface
- maxon.LazyLanguageStringDataDescriptionDefinitionInterface
- maxon.NodeSpaceAssetInterface
- maxon.PluginAssetInterface
- maxon.SmartSearchAssetInterface
- maxon.SubTypeAssetInterface
- maxon.UpdatableAssetInterface
- maxon.UpdatableAssetRepositoryInterface
- maxon.UrlAssetRepositoryInterface
- References
- maxon.Asset
- maxon.AssetBase
- maxon.AssetBaseWithUpdate
- maxon.AssetDescription
- maxon.AssetIdentifier
- maxon.AssetLink
- maxon.AssetMetaData
- maxon.AssetReference
- maxon.AssetRepositoryRef
- maxon.AssetType
- maxon.BasePresetAsset
- maxon.BasePresetAssetType
- maxon.CategoryAsset
- maxon.ColorCategoryAsset
- maxon.CompactableAssetRepositoryRef
- maxon.DatabaseAsset
- maxon.DerivedAssetRepositoryDataRef
- maxon.FileAsset
- maxon.KeywordAsset
- maxon.LazyLanguageDictionary
- maxon.LazyLanguageStringDataDescriptionDefinition
- maxon.NodeSpaceAsset
- maxon.PluginAsset
- maxon.SmartSearchAsset
- maxon.SubTypeAsset
- maxon.UpdatableAsset
- maxon.UpdatableAssetRepositoryRef
- maxon.UrlAssetRepositoryRef
- Data Types
- Functions
- Registries
- Enums
- Indices and tables
Cinema Hybrid Framework¶
Contains API elements that are tied both to the classic and maxon API.
Graph Framework¶
Provides a unified model for arbitrary graph-like structures.
Mesh Misc Framework¶
Provides the base interfaces for mesh attributes.
Misc Framework¶
Provides auxiliary interfaces that can be used in conjunction with other frameworks.
Nodes Framework¶
Provides interfaces to handle and modify node systems.
Nodespace Framework¶
Defines a container for a node system for a specific purpose.
Render Filter Framework¶
Provides interfaces to use and render filters like the denoiser filter.
Volume Framework¶
Provides interfaces to import and edit OpenVDB data.