VoronoiFracture Manual


A VoronoiFracture object represents a Voronoi Fracture MoGraph generator. The class provides safe access to the point sources referenced, owned and used by the generator. It is defined in the lib_voronoifracture.h header file.

// This example creates a Voronoi Fracture object,
// adds an input Sphere object, a Rigid Body tag and a point generator.
// create Voronoi Fracture object
VoronoiFracture* const fractureObject = VoronoiFracture::Alloc();
if (fractureObject == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
doc->InsertObject(fractureObject, nullptr, nullptr);
// add a Rigid Body tag (ID 180000102)
BaseTag* const rigidBodyTag = BaseTag::Alloc(180000102);
if (rigidBodyTag == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// add sphere as input object
BaseObject* const sphere = BaseObject::Alloc(Osphere);
if (sphere == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
doc->InsertObject(sphere, fractureObject, nullptr);
// add point source
BaseObject* const pointGenerator = fractureObject->AddPointGenerator(pointCreatorType, NOTOK, nullptr);
if (pointGenerator == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// configure point generator
pointGenerator->SetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(ID_POINTCREATOR_CREATEDPOINTAMOUNT)), 10, DESCFLAGS_SET::NONE);
Definition: asset_browser.h:1
#define NOTOK
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:258
Allows tags, objects, shaders etc. to do some setup work when called from the menu....
Definition: c4d_baselist.h:417
#define Osphere
Definition: ge_prepass.h:1120
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69
#define ConstDescID(...)
Definition: lib_description.h:596
maxon::Int32 Int32
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:51
Definition: opointcreator_panel.h:25
Definition: opointcreator_panel.h:7
const char * doc
Definition: pyerrors.h:226


A VoronoiFracture object can be accessed like any other object.

// This example accesses the currently selected
// Voronoi Fracture object to print the number
// of used sources.
BaseObject* const obj = doc->GetActiveObject();
// check if the active object is a Voronoi Fracture object (ID 1036557)
if (obj != nullptr && obj->IsInstanceOf(1036557))
VoronoiFracture* const voronoiFracture = static_cast<VoronoiFracture*>(obj);
// get source count
const Int32 srcCnt = voronoiFracture->GetSourcesCount();
// print source count
const String srcCntStr = String::IntToString(srcCnt);
ApplicationOutput(voronoiFracture->GetName() + " uses " + srcCntStr + " sources.");
PyObject * obj
Definition: complexobject.h:60
#define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:204


VoronoiFracture objects are created with the usual tools:

  • VoronoiFracture::Alloc(): Creates a new VoronoiFracture object.
  • VoronoiFracture::Free(): Deletes the given VoronoiFracture object.
// This example creates a Voronoi Fracture object as the new
// parent object of the currently active object.
// get active object
BaseObject* const activeObject = doc->GetActiveObject();
if (activeObject == nullptr)
return maxon::IllegalArgumentError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// create voronoi fracture
VoronoiFracture* const fracture = VoronoiFracture::Alloc();
if (fracture == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// insert voronoi fracture
doc->InsertObject(fracture, nullptr, nullptr);
// insert active object under the fracture object
doc->InsertObject(activeObject, fracture, nullptr);


The IDs of the standard parameters of a VoronoiFracture object are defined in the omograph_fracturevoronoi.h header file.

The list of point sources must only be edited through the dedicated functions of the VoronoiFracture class (see below).


Both scene objects and dedicated point generator objects can be used to define the position of Voronoi points inside the mesh volume. The following functions allow to add, remove and edit these point sources. The type ID of point generator objects is Ovoronoipointgenerator.

Access Sources

The VoronoiFracture class provides functions to access the object and generator sources referenced in the "Sources" parameter.

  • VoronoiFracture::GetSourcesCount(): Returns the number of sources.
  • VoronoiFracture::GetSource(): Returns the source at the given index.
  • VoronoiFracture::GetSourceByType(): Returns the source of the given type.
// This example loops through all point sources of the given
// Voronoi Fracture object and prints their names.
// get source count
const Int32 srcCnt = voronoiFracture->GetSourcesCount();
// loop through all sources
for (Int32 i = 0; i < srcCnt; ++i)
// get source
BaseObject* const source = voronoiFracture->GetSource(i);
if (source == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// print source name
const String sourceName = source->GetName();
ApplicationOutput("Source: " + sourceName);
Py_ssize_t i
Definition: abstract.h:645
const Py_UNICODE * source
Definition: unicodeobject.h:54

Remove Sources

The VoronoiFracture class also provides functions to safely remove objects and generators from the "Sources" parameter.

  • VoronoiFracture::RemoveSource(): Removes the source with the given index, a point generator is also deleted.
  • VoronoiFracture::ClearSources(): Clears the "Sources" parameter and deletes all point generators.
// This example removes all point generator sources from the
// given Voronoi Fracture object.
// loop through all point generators until no point generator is found anymore
while (voronoiFracture->GetSourceByType(Ovoronoipointgenerator, NOTOK, &index))
Py_ssize_t * index
Definition: abstract.h:374
#define Ovoronoipointgenerator
Voronoi Fracture internal Point generator.
Definition: ge_prepass.h:1170

Add Sources

Using the VoronoiFracture functions it is safe to add new sources and generators to the "Sources" parameter.

Point generators are represented by dedicated BaseObject elements that are owned by the VoronoiFracture object. To configure such a point generator one can simply edit the parameters of the corresponding BaseObject. The parameter IDs of these parameters are defined in opointcreator_panel.h.

// This example adds a shader generator source to the given
// Voronoi Fracture object and adds a shader.
BaseObject* const shaderSource = voronoiFracture->AddPointGenerator(shaderGenerator, Xnoise);
if (shaderSource == nullptr)
return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// configure generator
#define Xnoise
Definition: ge_prepass.h:1368
Definition: opointcreator_panel.h:8
Definition: opointcreator_panel.h:43

The VoronoiFracture object can also use external objects as sources of points:

  • VoronoiFracture::AddSceneObject(): Adds the given BaseObject to the "Sources" list.
  • VoronoiFracture::GetSourceSettingsContainerForIndex(): Returns the BaseContainer with the settings for the given source object index.
  • VoronoiFracture::GetSourceSettingsContainerForObject(): Returns the BaseContainer with the settings for the given source object.

The IDs for these settings are defined in tfracturevoronoi.h.

// This example creates a new cube and uses it
// as a point source in the given VoronoiFracture object.
BaseObject* const cube = BaseObject::Alloc(Ocube);
if (cube == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
doc->InsertObject(cube, nullptr, nullptr);
// use as source object
BaseContainer* const settings = voronoiFracture->GetSourceSettingsContainerForObject(cube);
if (settings == nullptr)
return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
#define Ocube
Definition: ge_prepass.h:1119
Definition: tfracturevoronoi.h:15
Definition: tfracturevoronoi.h:18

Further Reading