TakeData Manual


A TakeData object stores the take system related data of a BaseDocument.


A TakeData object is returned by the host BaseDocument:

  • BaseDocument::GetTakeData(): Returns the document's TakeData object.
// This example accesses the take data
// fromn the given BaseDocument.
TakeData* const takeData = doc->GetTakeData();
if (takeData == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69
const char * doc
Definition: pyerrors.h:226

Read-Only Properties

The TakeData object allows access to its parent document and to different settings of the Take Manager.

  • TakeData::GetOverrideEnabling(): Returns the bitmask for the current override modes.
  • TakeData::CheckOverrideEnabling(): Checks if a specific override mode is enabled.
  • TakeData::GetDocument(): Returns the BaseDocument for this TakeData.
  • TakeData::GetTakeMode(): Returns the document's take mode:
    • TAKE_MODE::MANUAL : Parameters are not editable and overrides must be created manually.
    • TAKE_MODE::AUTO : Parameters are editable and overrides are created on change.
The take mode can be toggled with command 431000081. See Command Utility Manual.


Accessing Takes

Existing takes are accessed from the TakeData object:

  • TakeData::GetMainTake(): Returns the main take.
  • TakeData::GetCurrentTake(): Returns the currently selected take.
  • TakeData::SetCurrentTake(): Sets the given take as the current take.
  • TakeData::GetTakeSelection(): Gets the selection of takes.
// This example checks if the current Take is the main take.
// If not, the main take becomes the current take.
// gets the current take
BaseTake* const currentTake = takeData->GetCurrentTake();
if (currentTake == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// check if the current take is the main take
if (currentTake->IsMain() == false)
// if not, make the main take the current take
BaseTake* const mainTake = takeData->GetMainTake();

Create Takes

The TakeData object creates and deletes takes:

  • TakeData::AddTake(): Adds a new take.
  • TakeData::InsertTake(): Moves a take in the hierarchy.
  • TakeData::DeleteTake(): Deletes the given take.
  • TakeData::ResetSystem(): Deletes all takes.
// This example simply creates a new take and makes it the current one.
TakeData* const takeData = doc->GetTakeData();
if (takeData == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
BaseTake* const newTake = takeData->AddTake("This is a new take", nullptr, nullptr);
if (newTake == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);


The TakeData object also provides access to the override backup for a given override and parameter:

  • TakeData::FindOverrideCounterPart(): Returns the BaseOverride and BaseTake that stores the backup value.
// This example searches for the BaseOverride of the given material and its color parameter.
// If found, the color value is applied to the backup value to transfer the state of this take
// to the backup take (which might be the main take).
BaseTake* const take = takeData->GetCurrentTake();
if (take == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// check if this is the main take
if (take->IsMain())
return maxon::OK;
// search for the override of the given material
BaseOverride* const baseOverride = take->FindOverride(takeData, material);
if (baseOverride == nullptr)
return maxon::OK;
const DescID id = ConstDescID(DescLevel(MATERIAL_COLOR_COLOR, DTYPE_COLOR, 0));
// find the backup
BaseTake* result = nullptr;
BaseOverride* const backup = takeData->FindOverrideCounterPart(baseOverride, id, result);
if (backup == nullptr)
return maxon::OK;
GeData data;
// read the value of the take
baseOverride->GetParameter(id, data, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE);
// set it as the new backup
backup->SetParameter(id, data, DESCFLAGS_SET::NONE);
backup->UpdateSceneNode(takeData, id);
Definition: asset_browser.h:1
PyObject PyObject * result
Definition: abstract.h:43
return OK
Definition: apibase.h:2771
Definition: lib_description.h:56
#define ConstDescID(...)
Definition: lib_description.h:596
Definition: mmaterial.h:56

Undo States

Several functions of the Take system like TakeData::AddTake() or TakeData::DeleteTake() create an undo step when used. This might not be necessary in some cases, so it is possible to disable the take system's undo state.

  • TakeData::SetUndoState(): Enables and disables the global undo state.
  • TakeData::GetUndoState(): Reads the current global undo state.
// This example disables the undo state of the take system
// since it operates on a BaseDocument that is not
// the active BaseDocument.
// create a new document
AutoAlloc<BaseDocument> takeTemplateDoc;
if (takeTemplateDoc == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
TakeData* const takeData = takeTemplateDoc->GetTakeData();
if (takeData == nullptr)
return maxon::OK;
// disable undos since they are not needed in this situation
// add some takes
takeData->AddTake("Take 1", nullptr, nullptr);
takeData->AddTake("Take 2", nullptr, nullptr);
// save the document
Cinema 4D export.
Definition: ge_prepass.h:3570
Bool SaveDocument(BaseDocument *doc, const Filename &name, SAVEDOCUMENTFLAGS saveflags, Int32 format)


With TakeData::TakeToDocument() it is possible to create a BaseDocument with the state of the selected take.

// This example only loops through the child takes of the main take,
// but not through further child takes. The folder to save the files
// must be defined with "folder".
const BaseTake* const mainTake = takeData->GetMainTake();
BaseTake* childTake = mainTake->GetDown();
while (childTake != nullptr)
// create a BaseDocument with this take's settings
BaseDocument* takeDoc = takeData->TakeToDocument(childTake);
if (takeDoc == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// create the final Filename
// two takes could have the same name so one should check if this file already exists
const String file = childTake->GetName() + ".c4d";
const Filename filename = folder + file;
// save the document as a Cinema 4D file
// free the document
childTake = childTake->GetNext();
PyCompilerFlags const char * filename
Definition: ast.h:15
const char const char const char * file
Definition: object.h:439

Disc I/O

With TakeData::SaveTakesWithAssets() it is possible to save all takes as a separate project.

// This example saves each take with assets.
TakeData* const takeData = doc->GetTakeData();
if (takeData == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);

Further Reading