This is the complete list of members for ProgressDialog, including all inherited members.
_folding | GeDialog | private |
Activate(const GadgetPtr &id) | GeDialog | |
AddArrowButton(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, Int32 arrowtype) | GeDialog | |
AddButton(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name, Int32 buttonStyle=DR_BUTTON_STYLE_NORMAL) | GeDialog | |
AddCheckbox(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name) | GeDialog | |
AddChild(const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 subid, const maxon::String &child) | GeDialog | |
AddChildren(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &bc) | GeDialog | |
AddColorChooser(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 layoutflags=0, const BaseContainer &settings=BaseContainer()) | GeDialog | |
AddColorField(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 colorflags=0) | GeDialog | |
AddComboBox(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Bool specialalign=false, Bool allowFiltering=false) | GeDialog | |
AddComboButton(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Bool specialalign=false, Bool allowFiltering=false) | GeDialog | |
AddCustomGui(Int32 id, Int32 pluginid, const maxon::String &name, Int32 flags, Int32 minw, Int32 minh, const BaseContainer &customdata) | GeDialog | |
AddCustomGui(Int32 id, const maxon::String &name, Int32 flags, Int32 minw, Int32 minh, const BaseContainer &customdata) | GeDialog | |
AddDlgGroup(Int32 type) | GeDialog | |
AddEditNumber(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=80, Int32 inith=0) | GeDialog | |
AddEditNumberArrows(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=70, Int32 inith=0) | GeDialog | |
AddEditShortcut(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 shortcutflags=0) | GeDialog | |
AddEditSlider(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=80, Int32 inith=0) | GeDialog | |
AddEditText(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 editflags=0) | GeDialog | |
AddListView(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0) | GeDialog | |
AddMultiLineEditText(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 style=0) | GeDialog | |
AddPopupButton(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Bool allowFiltering=false) | GeDialog | |
AddRadioButton(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name) | GeDialog | |
AddRadioGroup(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 columns=1, Int32 rows=0) | GeDialog | |
AddRadioText(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name) | GeDialog | |
AddSeparatorH(Int32 initw, Int32 flags=BFH_FIT) | GeDialog | |
AddSeparatorV(Int32 inith, Int32 flags=BFV_FIT) | GeDialog | |
AddSlider(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=90, Int32 inith=0) | GeDialog | |
AddStaticText(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name, Int32 borderstyle) | GeDialog | |
AddSubDialog(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0) | GeDialog | |
AddUserArea(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0) | GeDialog | |
AskClose() | ProgressDialog | virtual |
AttachSubDialog(SubDialog *userdlg, Int32 id) | GeDialog | |
AttachUserArea(GeUserArea &ua, const GadgetPtr &id, USERAREAFLAGS userareaflags=USERAREAFLAGS::COREMESSAGE) | GeDialog | |
BeginLayoutChange(const GadgetPtr &gadget, Bool disableRedraws, Bool doNotFlush=false) | GeDialog | |
cd | GeDialog | private |
CheckClose() | GeDialog | |
CheckCoreMessage(const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 *ownlastcoremsg=nullptr) | GeDialog | |
CheckDegree(Int32 id, CHECKVALUERANGE type, Float val, Float x, Float y) | GeModalDialog | |
CheckDropArea(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &msg, Bool horiz, Bool vert) | GeDialog | |
CheckLong(Int32 id, CHECKVALUERANGE type, Int32 val, Int32 x, Int32 y) | GeModalDialog | |
CheckMeter(Int32 id, CHECKVALUERANGE type, Float val, Float x, Float y) | GeModalDialog | |
CheckPercent(Int32 id, CHECKVALUERANGE type, Float val, Float x, Float y) | GeModalDialog | |
CheckReal(Int32 id, CHECKVALUERANGE type, Float val, Float x, Float y, CHECKVALUEFORMAT format=CHECKVALUEFORMAT::NOTHING) | GeModalDialog | |
CheckTristateChange(const GadgetPtr &id) | GeDialog | |
CheckValueRanges() | GeDialog | |
close | GeModalDialog | private |
Close(Bool result) | GeModalDialog | |
cinema::GeDialog::Close() | GeDialog | |
Command(Int32 id, const BaseContainer &msg) | ProgressDialog | virtual |
CoreMessage(Int32 id, const BaseContainer &msg) | GeDialog | virtual |
CreateLayout() | ProgressDialog | virtual |
createlayout | GeDialog | protected |
deprecatedCallback_lock | ProgressDialog | private |
deprectatedCallback | ProgressDialog | private |
deprectatedCallback_context | ProgressDialog | private |
deprectatedCallback_result | ProgressDialog | private |
DestroyWindow() | GeDialog | virtual |
dlg_result | GeModalDialog | private |
Enable(const GadgetPtr &id, Bool enabled) | GeDialog | |
FindCustomGui(Int32 id, Int32 pluginid) | GeDialog | |
FindCustomGui(Int32 id) | GeDialog | |
ForceAllowMouseWheel(const GadgetPtr &id, Bool force) | GeDialog | |
FreeChildren(const GadgetPtr &id) | GeDialog | |
GeDialog() | GeDialog | |
GeModalDialog() | GeModalDialog | |
Get() | GeDialog | |
Get() const | GeDialog | |
GetBool(const GadgetPtr &id, Bool &value) const | GeDialog | |
GetBool(const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const | GeDialog | |
GetColorField(const GadgetPtr &id, Vector &color, Float &brightness) const | GeDialog | |
GetColorField(const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bc_colid, Int32 bc_brightnessid) const | GeDialog | |
GetColorRGB(Int32 colorid, Int32 &r, Int32 &g, Int32 &b) | GeDialog | |
GetDragObject(const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 *type, void **object) | GeDialog | |
GetDragPosition(const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 *x, Int32 *y) | GeDialog | |
GetFilename(const GadgetPtr &id, Filename &fn) const | GeDialog | |
GetFilename(const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const | GeDialog | |
GetFloat(const GadgetPtr &id, Float &value) const | GeDialog | |
GetFloat(const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const | GeDialog | |
GetFolding() | GeDialog | |
GetGuiInterface() | GeDialog | static |
GetId() const | GeDialog | |
GetInputEvent(Int32 askdevice, BaseContainer &res) | GeDialog | |
GetInputState(Int32 askdevice, Int32 askchannel, BaseContainer &res) | GeDialog | |
GetInt32(const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 &value) const | GeDialog | |
GetInt32(const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const | GeDialog | |
GetItemDim(const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 *x, Int32 *y, Int32 *w, Int32 *h) const | GeDialog | |
GetPixelRatio() const | GeDialog | |
GetResult() | GeModalDialog | |
GetString(const GadgetPtr &id, maxon::String &text) const | GeDialog | |
GetString(const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const | GeDialog | |
GetThread() | ProgressDialog | |
GetTime(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, BaseTime &time) const | GeDialog | |
GetTime(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const | GeDialog | |
GetTitle()=0 | ProgressDialog | pure virtual |
GetVector(const GadgetPtr &id_x, const GadgetPtr &id_y, const GadgetPtr &id_z, Vector &value) const | GeDialog | |
GetVector(const GadgetPtr &id_x, const GadgetPtr &id_y, const GadgetPtr &id_z, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const | GeDialog | |
GetVisibleArea(Int32 scrollgroupid, Int32 *x1, Int32 *y1, Int32 *x2, Int32 *y2) | GeDialog | |
GetWindowHandle() | GeDialog | |
GetWindowInterface() | GeDialog | |
Global2Local(Int32 *x, Int32 *y) | GeDialog | |
GroupBegin(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 cols, Int32 rows, const maxon::String &title, Int32 groupflags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0) | GeDialog | |
GroupBeginInMenuLine() | GeDialog | |
GroupBorder(UInt32 borderstyle) | GeDialog | |
GroupBorderNoTitle(UInt32 borderstyle) | GeDialog | |
GroupBorderSpace(Int32 left, Int32 top, Int32 right, Int32 bottom) | GeDialog | |
GroupEnd() | GeDialog | |
GroupSpace(Int32 spacex, Int32 spacey) | GeDialog | |
GroupWeightsLoad(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &weights) | GeDialog | |
GroupWeightsSave(const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer &weights) | GeDialog | |
HandleHelpString(const BaseContainer &msg, BaseContainer &result, const maxon::String &sym) | GeDialog | static |
HideElement(const GadgetPtr &id, Bool hide) | GeDialog | |
InitValues() | ProgressDialog | virtual |
IsActive(const GadgetPtr &id) | GeDialog | |
IsDockedOrTabbed() | GeDialog | |
IsElementHidden(const GadgetPtr &id) | GeDialog | |
IsEnabled(const GadgetPtr &id) | GeDialog | |
IsMinimized() const | GeDialog | |
IsOpen() const | GeDialog | |
IsVisible() const | GeDialog | |
KillEvents() | GeDialog | |
LayoutChanged(const GadgetPtr &id) | GeDialog | |
LayoutChangedNoRedraw(const GadgetPtr &id) | GeDialog | |
LayoutFlushDisableRedraw(const GadgetPtr &id, Bool disable) | GeDialog | |
LayoutFlushGroup(const GadgetPtr &id) | GeDialog | |
LoadDialogResource(Int32 id, GeResource *lr, Int32 flags) | GeDialog | |
Local2Global(Int32 *x, Int32 *y) | GeDialog | |
Local2Screen(Int32 *x, Int32 *y) | GeDialog | |
Main(C4DThread *bt)=0 | ProgressDialog | pure virtual |
MAXON_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GeDialog) | GeDialog | private |
MenuAddCommand(Int32 cmdid) | GeDialog | |
MenuAddSeparator(const maxon::String &title=maxon::String()) | GeDialog | |
MenuAddString(Int32 id, const maxon::String &string) | GeDialog | |
MenuFinished() | GeDialog | |
MenuFlushAll() | GeDialog | |
MenuInitString(Int32 id, Bool enabled, Bool checked) | GeDialog | |
MenuSetResource(Int32 id) | GeDialog | |
MenuSubBegin(const maxon::String &string) | GeDialog | |
MenuSubEnd() | GeDialog | |
Message(const BaseContainer &msg, BaseContainer &result) | ProgressDialog | virtual |
Open(Int32 xpos=-1, Int32 ypos=-1, Int32 defaultw=0, Int32 defaulth=0, Bool resizable=false, OPENDIALOGFLAGS flags=OPENDIALOGFLAGS::NONE) | GeModalDialog | |
cinema::GeDialog::Open(DLG_TYPE dlgtype, Int32 pluginid, Int32 xpos=-1, Int32 ypos=-1, Int32 defaultw=0, Int32 defaulth=0, Int32 subid=0, OPENDIALOGFLAGS flags=OPENDIALOGFLAGS::NONE) | GeDialog | |
OpenPopUpMenu(Int32 menuid, Int32 localx=-1, Int32 localy=-1, Int32 watchhotkey=0) | GeDialog | |
percent | ProgressDialog | private |
ReleaseLink() | GeDialog | |
RemoveElement(const GadgetPtr &id) | GeDialog | |
RestoreLayout(Int32 pluginid, Int32 subid, void *secret) | GeDialog | |
Screen2Local(Int32 *x, Int32 *y) | GeDialog | |
ScrollGroupBegin(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 scrollflags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0) | GeDialog | |
SendMessage(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &msg) | GeDialog | |
SendParentMessage(const BaseContainer &msg, Bool receiveSelf=false) | GeDialog | |
SetBool(const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 value, Int32 tristate=0) | GeDialog | |
SetBool(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) | GeDialog | |
SetBool(const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Bool > &tri) | GeDialog | |
SetColorField(const GadgetPtr &id, const Vector &color, Float brightness, Float maxbrightness, Int32 flags) | GeDialog | |
SetColorField(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bc_colid, Int32 bc_brightnessid, Float maxbrightness, Int32 flags) | GeDialog | |
SetColorField(const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Vector > &tri, Float brightness, Float maxbrightness, Int32 flags) | GeDialog | |
SetDefaultColor(const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 colorid, Int32 mapid) | GeDialog | |
SetDefaultColor(const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 colorid, const Vector &color) | GeDialog | |
SetDegree(const GadgetPtr &id, Float radians_value, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 tristate=0) | GeDialog | |
SetDegree(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0) | GeDialog | |
SetDegree(const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0) | GeDialog | |
SetDragDestination(Int32 cursor, Int32 gadgetid=0) | GeDialog | |
SetFilename(const GadgetPtr &id, const Filename &fn, Int32 tristate=0) | GeDialog | |
SetFilename(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) | GeDialog | |
SetFloat(const GadgetPtr &id, Float value, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 format=FORMAT_FLOAT, Float min2=0.0, Float max2=0.0, Bool quadscale=false, Int32 tristate=0) | GeDialog | |
SetFloat(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 format=FORMAT_FLOAT, Float min2=0.0, Float max2=0.0, Bool quadscale=false) | GeDialog | |
SetFloat(const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 format=FORMAT_FLOAT, Float min2=0.0, Float max2=0.0, Bool quadscale=false) | GeDialog | |
SetFolding(Bool allowClose) | GeDialog | |
SetGroupBackgroundColor(Int32 colorId) | GeDialog | |
SetGroupBackgroundColor(Int32 r, Int32 g, Int32 b) | GeDialog | |
SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor(Int32 colorId) | GeDialog | |
SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor(Int32 r, Int32 g, Int32 b) | GeDialog | |
SetInt32(const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 value, Int32 min=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Int32 step=1, Int32 tristate=0, Int32 min2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX) | GeDialog | |
SetInt32(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Int32 min=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Int32 step=1, Int32 min2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX) | GeDialog | |
SetInt32(const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Int32 > &tri, Int32 min=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Int32 step=1, Int32 min2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX) | GeDialog | |
SetMeter(const GadgetPtr &id, Float value, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 tristate=0) | GeDialog | |
SetMeter(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0) | GeDialog | |
SetMeter(const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0) | GeDialog | |
SetMultiLineLock(const GadgetPtr &id, Bool lock) | GeDialog | |
SetMultiLineMode(const GadgetPtr &id, SCRIPTMODE mode) | GeDialog | |
SetMultiLinePos(const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 line, Int32 pos) | GeDialog | |
SetPercent(Float p) | ProgressDialog | |
cinema::GeModalDialog::SetPercent(const GadgetPtr &id, Float value, Float min=0.0, Float max=100.0, Float step=1.0, Int32 tristate=0) | GeDialog | |
cinema::GeModalDialog::SetPercent(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=0.0, Float max=100.0, Float step=1.0) | GeDialog | |
cinema::GeModalDialog::SetPercent(const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=0.0, Float max=100.0, Float step=1.0) | GeDialog | |
SetPopup(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &bc) | GeDialog | |
SetString(const GadgetPtr &id, const maxon::String &text, Int32 tristate=0, Int32 flags=0) | GeDialog | |
SetString(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Int32 flags=0) | GeDialog | |
SetString(const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< String > &tri, Int32 flags=0) | GeDialog | |
SetTime(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, const BaseTime &value, const BaseTime &min=BaseTime(- 108000, 1), const BaseTime &max=BaseTime(108000, 1), Int32 stepframes=1, Int32 tristate=0) | GeDialog | |
SetTime(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, const BaseTime &min=BaseTime(- 108000, 1), const BaseTime &max=BaseTime(108000, 1), Int32 stepframes=1) | GeDialog | |
SetTime(const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, const TriState< BaseTime > &tri, const BaseTime &min=BaseTime(- 108000, 1), const BaseTime &max=BaseTime(108000, 1), Int32 stepframes=1) | GeDialog | |
SetTimer(Int32 timer) | GeDialog | |
SetTitle(const maxon::String &title) | GeDialog | |
SetVisibleArea(Int32 scrollgroupid, Int32 x1, Int32 y1, Int32 x2, Int32 y2) | GeDialog | |
t_lastcoremsg | GeDialog | private |
TabGroupBegin(Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 tabtype=TAB_TABS) | GeDialog | |
thread | ProgressDialog | private |
Timer(const BaseContainer &msg) | ProgressDialog | virtual |
~GeDialog() | GeDialog | virtual |
~GeModalDialog() | GeModalDialog | virtual |