LocalDateTime Manual


maxon::LocalDateTime is a Maxon API class used to create an object capable of representing local time and date in a convenient and effective manner to reduce the effort of handling localized time and date representation. It's indeed recommended to use the maxon::UniversalDateTime whenever possible to store normalized time and date values and convert them the localized as late as possible.

maxon::LocalDateTime exposes all the available members as public leaving the developer the option to customize them. It must be noted that, if the customized values are incorrect, it could lead to an unpredictable behaviour when converting back to maxon::UniversalDateTime.

Creation and initialization

A maxon::LocalDateTime can be created and initialized using:

// This example allocates a few maxon::LocalDateTime objects showing different initialization methods.
// allocate a UniversalDateTime object on the stack initialized with the current time
// define a unix-compliant timestamp equal to 01.07.2016 09:00:00 (in UTC time)
const UInt64 aTimeStamp(1467363600);
// allocate and initialize a second LocalDateTime object using a unix timestamp
// NOTE: using LocalDateTime::FromUnixTimeStamp will add the local timezone to the passed timestamp
const maxon::LocalDateTime ldtFromUnixTimestamp(maxon::LocalDateTime::FromUnixTimestamp(aTimeStamp));
// allocate and initialize a third LocalDateTime object using spare date/time values
const maxon::LocalDateTime ldtFromValues = maxon::LocalDateTime::FromValues(2016, 7, 1, 9, 0, 0) iferr_return;
// allocate and initialize a forth LocalDateTime object using a properly formatted date/time string
const maxon::String timedateStr = "2016-07-01 09:00:00"_s;
const Char* timedateFrmtStr = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
const maxon::LocalDateTime ldtFromString = maxon::LocalDateTime::FromString(timedateStr, timedateFrmtStr) iferr_return;
const char * m
Definition: abstract.h:692
Definition: datetime.h:91
static LocalDateTime GetNow()
static Result< LocalDateTime > FromValues(Int32 year, UChar month, UChar day, UChar hour, UChar minute, UChar second, DST daylightSavingTime=DST::AUTOMATIC)
static LocalDateTime FromUnixTimestamp(UInt64 timestamp)
Definition: customgui_unitscale.h:2
Scale morphing.
Definition: lib_ca.h:1
maxon::UInt64 UInt64
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:54
maxon::Char Char
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:47
The maxon namespace contains all declarations of the Maxon API.
Definition: autoweight.h:21
#define iferr_return
Definition: resultbase.h:1531


A maxon::LocalDateTime can be compared by using standard operators:

// This example shows how to compare two LocalDateTime objects
// allocate and initialize a LocalDateTime
const UInt64 timestamp = 1467363600;
// clone into a new LocalDateTime
const maxon::LocalDateTime ldtCloned(ldt);
// allocate and initialize a LocalDateTime starting from the first one
maxon::LocalDateTime ldtAnother(ldt);
// update the hours
ldtAnother._hour -= 2;
// compare the initial with the clone
if (ldt == ldtCloned)
// the two instances are equal
// do something here
DiagnosticOutput("ldt and ldtCloned share the same time/date values.");
// compare the initial with the clone
if (ldtAnother != ldt)
// the first instance is smaller than the second
// do something here
DiagnosticOutput("ldtAnother time/date values are different than those stored in ldt.");
#define DiagnosticOutput(formatString,...)
Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:170


A maxon::LocalDateTime can be converted to maxon::UniversalDateTime using:

// This example shows how to convert a LocalDateTime to a UniversalDateTime
// allocate and initialize a LocalDateTime to the current time/date
const maxon::UniversalDateTime udtNow = ldtNow.ConvertToUniversalDateTime();
DiagnosticOutput("Current date/time in local time is: @", ldtNow);
DiagnosticOutput("Current date/time in universal time is: @", udtNow);
Definition: datetime.h:231

Similarly the following methods return maxon::String representations of the maxon::LocalDateTime via:

maxon::LocalDateTime::FormatTime() uses the same formatting specified in C++ strftime() function.
// This example shows how to return a properly formatted string representing the data stored in LocalDateTime.
// allocate and initialize a timestamp
const UInt64 timestamp = 1467363600;
// allocate and initialize a LocalDateTime object
// extract useful strings to represent the given timestamp
const maxon::String dayOfTheTS = ldt.FormatTime("%A the %j-th day of year %Y");
const maxon::String weekOfTheTS = ldt.FormatTime("the date %d/%m/%Y is in %W-th week");
const maxon::String timeOfTS = ldt.FormatTime("the time set is %I:%M:%S %p");
DiagnosticOutput("Today [@] is @, @, and @.", ldt.ToString(nullptr), dayOfTheTS, weekOfTheTS, timeOfTS);
String ToString(const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) const
String FormatTime(const Char *formatString) const
Definition: string.h:1287


A few helpful methods are provided with the maxon::LocalDateTime as utilities:

// This example shows how to use the utilities found in the LocalDateTime class
// allocate and initialize a LocalDateTime to the current time
// retrieve the status about the leap year
const maxon::Bool isLeapYear(ldtNow.IsLeapYear());
// retrieve the hash code representation
const maxon::UInt ldtHash = ldtNow.GetHashCode();
DiagnosticOutput("Current date [@] hash-code is @", ldtNow, ldtHash);
if (isLeapYear)
DiagnosticOutput("Current date [@] belongs to a leap year", ldtNow);
DiagnosticOutput("Current date [@] doesn't belong to a leap year", ldtNow);
// retrieve the information about the timezone offset
maxon::Bool isDSTaffecting;
const maxon::TimeValue timezoneOffset = ldtNow.GetTimezoneOffset(&isDSTaffecting);
if (isDSTaffecting)
DiagnosticOutput("Local date/time is offsetted by @h respect to UTC and DST is affecting the offset", timezoneOffset.GetHours());
DiagnosticOutput("Local date/time is offsetted by @h respect to UTC", timezoneOffset.GetHours());
const Int32 year = 2016;
const UChar month = 12;
const UChar day = 21;
// retrieve the status about the leap year for a given date
const maxon::Bool isAnotherLeapYear(maxon::LocalDateTime::IsLeapYear(year));
if (isAnotherLeapYear)
DiagnosticOutput("@ was a leap year. ", year);
DiagnosticOutput("@ wasn't a leap year. ", year);
// check the current day of the week
const maxon::DAYOFWEEK dayOfWeek = maxon::LocalDateTime::GetDayOfWeek(year, month, day);
// prepare the string representation of the day
maxon::String dayStr;
switch (dayOfWeek)
dayStr = "Monday"_s;
dayStr = "Tuesday"_s;
dayStr = "Wednesday"_s;
dayStr = "Thursday"_s;
dayStr = "Friday"_s;
dayStr = "Saturday"_s;
dayStr = "Sunday"_s;
DiagnosticOutput("On @/@/@ was a @. ", day, month, year, dayStr);
DAYOFWEEK GetDayOfWeek() const
Bool IsLeapYear() const
The TimeValue class encapsulates a timer value.
Definition: timevalue.h:33
Float64 GetHours() const
Gets the value in hours.
Definition: timevalue.h:205
bool Bool
boolean type, possible values are only false/true, 8 bit
Definition: apibase.h:180
UInt64 UInt
unsigned 32/64 bit int, size depends on the platform
Definition: apibase.h:188
maxon::UChar UChar
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:48
maxon::Int32 Int32
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:51
Day of Week.
Definition: datetime.h:15

Further Reading