CAMorphNode Manual


A CAMorphNode object stores the actual morph data for a corresponding BaseList2D object. It is stored in a CAPoseMorphTag, see CAPoseMorphTag Manual. The class is defined in the lib_ca.h header file.


A CAMorphNode object is obtained from the host CAMorph. See CAMorph Manual.

// This example accesses the morph data of the
// first morph of the given CAPoseMorphTag.
poseMorphTag->ExitEdit(doc, false);
// get active morph
const Int32 activeIndex = poseMorphTag->GetActiveMorphIndex();
CAMorph* const morph = poseMorphTag->GetMorph(activeIndex);
if (morph == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
CAMorphNode* const mnode = morph->GetFirst();
if (mnode == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// expand data to access it
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, expandFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::ABS);
// check stored data
if (mnode->GetInfo() & CAMORPH_DATA_FLAGS::POINTS)
// access point data
const Int32 pointCount = mnode->GetPointCount();
for (Int32 i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i)
const Vector point = mnode->GetPoint(i);
ApplicationOutput("Point: " + String::VectorToString(point));
// collapse data
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, collapseFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::AUTO);
Py_ssize_t i
Definition: abstract.h:645
Filter for all types.
Definition: asset_browser.h:0
Definition: lib_ca.h:849
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69
#define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:204
Definition: lib_birender.h:1
Points morphing.
Definition: lib_ca.h:3
Expand data. Needs to be passed before accessing any data.
Definition: lib_ca.h:1
Absolute morph data.
Definition: lib_ca.h:0
Collapse data. Needs to be passed to collapse the expanded data, for instance after data access.
Definition: lib_ca.h:0
maxon::Int32 Int32
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:51
maxon::Vec3< maxon::Float64, 1 > Vector
Definition: ge_math.h:140
const char * doc
Definition: pyerrors.h:226


A CAMorphNode stores the data of the corresponding BaseList2D object. In "Hierarchy" mode of the host CAPoseMorphTag a CAMorph stores multiple CAMorphNode objects for all corresponding objects in the object tree.

  • CAMorphNode::GetNext(): Returns the next CAMorphNode.
  • CAMorphNode::GetPrev(): Returns the previous CAMorphNode.
  • CAMorphNode::GetUp(): Returns the parent CAMorphNode.
  • CAMorphNode::GetDown(): Returns the child CAMorphNode.
// This example function iterates over the CAMorphNode tree of the
// given morph and prints the names of the referenced objects.
static void CheckMorphNode(CAMorphNode* mnode, CAPoseMorphTag* tag, CAMorph* morph, BaseDocument* doc)
// loop through all nodes on this level
while (mnode != nullptr)
// get linked object
BaseList2D* const link = mnode->GetLink(tag, morph, doc);
if (link != nullptr)
// print name
ApplicationOutput("Linked Object: " + link->GetName());
// check child nodes
CheckMorphNode(mnode->GetDown(), tag, morph, doc);
// get next node
mnode = mnode->GetNext();



A CAMorphNode stores morph data of a corresponding BaseList2D object.

  • CAMorphNode::GetLink(): Returns the corresponding BaseList2D object.
  • CAMorphNode::GetInfo(): Returns the data stored. See CAMORPH_DATA_FLAGS and Object.


A CAMorphNode object can store PSR data:

  • CAMorphNode::GetP(): Returns the stored position.
  • CAMorphNode::SetP(): Sets the stored position.
  • CAMorphNode::GetS(): Returns the stored scale.
  • CAMorphNode::SetS(): Sets the stored scale.
  • CAMorphNode::GetR(): Returns the stored rotation.
  • CAMorphNode::SetR(): Sets the stored rotation.
// This example reads the position data stored in the given morph.
// check stored data
if (mnode->GetInfo() & CAMORPH_DATA_FLAGS::P)
// access data
const Vector position = mnode->GetP();
// print data
ApplicationOutput("Position: " + String::VectorToString(position));
Position morphing.
Definition: lib_ca.h:0


A CAMorphNode object can store point data:

  • CAMorphNode::GetPointCount(): Returns the number of stored point coordinates.
  • CAMorphNode::SetPointCount(): Sets the number of stored point coordinates.
  • CAMorphNode::GetPoint(): Returns the points coordinates for the given index.
  • CAMorphNode::SetPoint(): Sets the point coordinates for the given index.
// This example accesses the point data stored in the given morph.
// The point data is changed and written back into the morph.
// check stored data
if (mnode->GetInfo() & CAMORPH_DATA_FLAGS::POINTS)
Random random;
// loop through points
const Int32 pointCount = mnode->GetPointCount();
for (Int32 i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i)
// get point
Vector point = mnode->GetPoint(i);
// random offset
point.x += random.Get01() * 10.0;
point.y += random.Get01() * 10.0;
point.z += random.Get01() * 10.0;
// set point
mnode->SetPoint(i, point);
T x
Definition: vec.h:39

For point mode additional Pose Space Deformation data is stored:

  • CAMorphNode::GetPSDReference(): Returns the CAReferencePSD object.

See CAReferencePSD Manual.

// This example accesses the PSD data of the given point morph.
// expand data to access it
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, expandFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::ABS);
// check stored data
if (mnode->GetInfo() & CAMORPH_DATA_FLAGS::POINTS)
// get PSD data
CAReferencePSD* const psd = mnode->GetPSDReference();
if (psd)
// loop through all controllers
const Int32 controllerCount = psd->GetExternalControllerCount();
for (Int32 controllerIndex = 0; controllerIndex < controllerCount; ++controllerIndex)
BaseObject* const controller = psd->GetExternalController(controllerIndex);
if (controller == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
ApplicationOutput("Controller: " + controller->GetName());
// collapse data
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, collapseFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::AUTO);


A CAMorphNode object can store tangent data for spline points:

  • CAMorphNode::GetTangentCount(): Returns the number of stored tangent vectors.
  • CAMorphNode::SetTangentCount(): Sets the number of stored tangent vectors.
  • CAMorphNode::GetTangent(): Returns the tangent vector for the given index.
  • CAMorphNode::SetTangent(): Sets the tangent vector for the given index.
For each spline point two tangent vectors are stored.
// This example reads the stored tangent data from the given morph.
// check stored data
if (mnode->GetInfo() & CAMORPH_DATA_FLAGS::TANGENTS)
// loop through tangents
const Int32 tangentCount = mnode->GetTangentCount();
for (Int32 i = 0; i < tangentCount; ++i)
// get data
const Vector tangent = mnode->GetTangent(i);
// print data
ApplicationOutput("Tangent: " + String::VectorToString(tangent));
Tangents morphing.
Definition: lib_ca.h:4

Vertex Map

A CAMorphNode object can store vertex map data for all vertex map tags of the host object.

  • CAMorphNode::GetVertexMapTagCount(): Returns the number of vertex map tags.
  • CAMorphNode::GetVertexMapCount(): Returns the number of weights stored for the given vertex map tag.
  • CAMorphNode::SetVertexMapCount(): Sets the number of weights stored for the given vertex map tag.
  • CAMorphNode::GetVertexMap(): Returns the weight value for the given index and weight tag index.
  • CAMorphNode::SetVertexMap(): Sets the weight value for the given index and weight tag index.
// This example loops through all data stored for all vertex map tags.
// check stored data
const Int32 vertexMapCount = mnode->GetVertexMapTagCount();
// loop through tags
for (Int32 tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < vertexMapCount; ++tagIndex)
ApplicationOutput("Tag Index " + String::IntToString(tagIndex));
// loop through vertice
const Int32 vertexCount = mnode->GetVertexMapCount(tagIndex);
for (Int32 vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < vertexCount; ++vertexIndex)
const Float weight = mnode->GetVertexMap(tagIndex, vertexIndex);
ApplicationOutput("Weight: " + String::FloatToString(weight));
Vertex map morphing.
Definition: lib_ca.h:5
maxon::Float Float
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:57


A CAMorphNode object can store data for various object parameters.

  • CAMorphNode::GetParamCount(): Returns the number of stored parameters.
  • CAMorphNode::SetParamCount(): Sets the number of stored parameters.
  • CAMorphNode::GetParam(): Gets the data and DescID of the parameter with the given index.
  • CAMorphNode::SetParam(): Sets the data and DescID of the parameter with the given index.

UV Sets

A CAMorphNode object can store UVW data for all UVW tags of the host object. See also UVWTag Manual.

  • CAMorphNode::GetUVTagCount(): Returns the number of UVW tags.
  • CAMorphNode::GetUVCount(): Returns the number of UVW polygons stored for the given tag index.
  • CAMorphNode::SetUVCount(): Sets the number of UVW polygons stored for the given tag index.
  • CAMorphNode::GetUV(): Returns the UVW polygon for the given index and tag index.
  • CAMorphNode::SetUV(): Sets the UVW polygon for the given index and tag index.
// This example loops through all data stored for all UVW tags.
// expand data to access it
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, expandFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::ABS);
// check stored data
if (mnode->GetInfo() & CAMORPH_DATA_FLAGS::UV)
// loop through data for all uvw tags
const Int32 uvTagCount = mnode->GetUVTagCount();
for (Int32 tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < uvTagCount; ++tagIndex)
ApplicationOutput("UVW Tag #" + String::IntToString(tagIndex));
// loop through data for each polygon
const Int32 uvCount = mnode->GetUVCount(tagIndex);
for (Int32 uvIndex = 0; uvIndex < uvCount; ++uvIndex)
ApplicationOutput("Polygon #" + String::IntToString(uvIndex));
UVWStruct uvw;
mnode->GetUV(tagIndex, uvIndex, uvw);
// collapse data
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, collapseFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::AUTO);
UV Options.
Definition: lib_activeobjectmanager.h:18

Weight Maps

A CAMorphNode object can store weight data for all weight tags of the host object. See also CAWeightTag Manual.

  • CAMorphNode::GetWeightMapTagCount(): Returns the number of weight tags.
  • CAMorphNode::GetWeightMapJointCount(): Returns the number of joints handled in weight tag of the given index.
  • CAMorphNode::GetWeightMapCount(): Returns the number of weights stored for the given joint and tag index.
  • CAMorphNode::SetWeightMapCount(): Sets the number of weights stored for the given joint and tag index.
  • CAMorphNode::GetWeightMap(): Returns the weight value for the given index, joint and tag.
  • CAMorphNode::SetWeightMap(): Sets the weight value for the given index, joint and tag.
// This example loops through all data stored for all weigth tags.
// expand data to access it
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, expandFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::ABS);
// check stored data
// loop through data for all weight tags
const Int32 weightTagCount = mnode->GetWeightMapTagCount();
for (Int32 tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < weightTagCount; ++tagIndex)
ApplicationOutput("Weight Tag #" + String::IntToString(tagIndex));
// loop through data for all joints
const Int32 jointCount = mnode->GetWeightMapJointCount(tagIndex);
for (Int32 jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointCount; ++jointIndex)
ApplicationOutput("Joint #" + String::IntToString(jointIndex));
const Int32 weightCount = mnode->GetWeightMapCount(tagIndex, jointIndex);
for (Int32 weightIndex = 0; weightIndex < weightCount; ++weightIndex)
const Float weight = mnode->GetWeightMap(tagIndex, jointIndex, weightIndex);
// collapse data
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, collapseFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::AUTO);
Joint weights morphing.
Definition: lib_ca.h:6

Further Reading