MutableRoot Member List

This is the complete list of members for MutableRoot, including all inherited members.

AddBase(const NodeSystem &other) constMutableRoot
AddChild(const Id &childId, const Result< NodeSystem > &base, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableRoot
AddChild(const Id &childId, const Result< NodeTemplate > &templ, const Result< TemplateArguments > &args=GetZeroRef< Result< TemplateArguments >>(), Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableRoot
AddChildren(const Block< Tuple< InternedId, NodeSystem, GNodeHandle >> &children, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableRoot
Apply(const ChangeList &toApply, Bool inverse, Opt< ChangeList & > track={}) constMutableRoot
CopyFrom(const MutableRoot &src)MutableRoot
Duplicate(const Block< const NodePath > &selection, Bool withConnections, Opt< ChangeList & > list={})MutableRoot
EndModification(Opt< ChangeList & > list={}, NodeSystem::FINALIZE_FLAGS finalize=NodeSystem::FINALIZE_FLAGS::CLEANUP)MutableRoot
FindChild(const InternedId &name) constNodeFunctions< BASE >private
FindChild(const Id &name) constNodeFunctions< BASE >private
FindInnerNode(const NODE &baseInner) constNodeFunctions< BASE >private
GetChildren() constNodeFunctions< BASE >private
GetInputs() constNodeFunctions< BASE >private
GetLookupRepository() constMutableRoot
GetOutputs() constNodeFunctions< BASE >private
GetParent() constNodeFunctions< BASE >private
GetPortList(PORT_DIR dir) constNodeFunctions< BASE >private
InitFromPath(typename maxon::nodes::details::NodeFunctionsSuper< BASE >::NodeSystemCtorParam system, PATH &&path)NodeFunctions< BASE >private
Iterator typedefNodeFunctions< BASE >private
KIND_MASKNodeFunctions< BASE >privatestatic
Merge(const NodeSystem &other, const AttributeValueConversion &conversion={}, Bool validate=true, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableRoot
MoveToGroup(MutableRoot &&groupRoot, const Id &groupId, const Block< const InternedId > &selection, Bool matchPorts=true, const FixedSizeArray< Block< const Tuple< NodePath, NodePath, NodePath >>, 2 > &mapping=GetZeroRef< const FixedSizeArray< Block< const Tuple< NodePath, NodePath, NodePath >>, 2 >>(), Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableRoot
MoveToNodeSystem(Opt< ChangeList & > list={})MutableNodeprivate
MutableRoot(MutableRoot &&src)MutableRoot
MutableRoot(NodeSystem &&system)MutableRootexplicitprivate
NodeSystemImpl classMutableRootfriend
NodeSystemInterface classMutableRootfriend
operator!=(const MutableRoot &other) constMutableRoot
operator==(const MutableRoot &other) constMutableRoot
ReplaceBase(const NodeSystem &base, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableRoot
ReplaceChild(const InternedId &childId, const NodeSystem &base, const HashMap< NodePath, NodePath > &portMap=GetZeroRef< HashMap< NodePath, NodePath >>(), Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableRoot
ResultFunctions typedefMutableNodeFunctions< MutableGNodeBase >private
Selector typedefNodeFunctions< BASE >private
SetDerivationHandler(const NodeSystemDerivationHandler &handler) constMutableRoot
SetTemplate(const NodeTemplate &templ, const TemplateArguments &args) constMutableRoot
SetTemplate(const InstantiationTrace &trace, const NodeTemplate &templ, const TemplateArguments &args) constMutableRoot
Super typedefMutableNodeprivate
ToImmutable() constMutableNodeprivate
ToNode() constMutableRoot
ToString(const FormatStatement *fs=nullptr) constMutableRoot
Ungroup(Opt< ChangeList & > list={})MutableNodeprivate
Validate(Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableRoot
ValidatePorts(Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableRoot
ValidateTopology() constMutableRoot