This is the complete list of members for VoxelizationInterface, including all inherited members.
GetBoundingBox() const | VoxelizationInterface | |
GetClosestPolys(const Vector pos, BaseBitSet<> &voxelPolys, const BaseBitSet<> *polyFilter=nullptr) const | VoxelizationInterface | |
GetIntersectingIndices(const Range< Vector > &toTestBox, BaseArray< Int32 > &indexList) const | VoxelizationInterface | |
GetIntersectingIndices(const Vector &point, BaseArray< Int32 > &indexList) const | VoxelizationInterface | |
GetIntersectingIndicesPrecise(const Range< Vector > &toTestBox, const BaseArray< Range< Vector >> &polyRanges, BaseArray< Int32 > &indexList) const | VoxelizationInterface | |
GetVoxelRangesFromBoundingBox(const Range< Vector > &boundingBox) const | VoxelizationInterface | |
Init(cinema::PolygonObject *polyObject, Int32 voxelResolution, Int32 minResolution, BaseArray< Range< Vector >> &polyRanges, const Vector *pointOverride=nullptr, Bool precise=false) | VoxelizationInterface | |
Init(cinema::PolygonObject *polyObject, BaseArray< Int32 > &polyIslands, Int32 voxelResolution, Int32 minResolution, BaseArray< Range< Vector >> &polyRanges, const Vector *pointOverride=nullptr) | VoxelizationInterface | |
Init(const ConvexHullData *hull, Int32 voxelResolution, Int32 minResolution, BaseArray< Range< Vector >> &polyRanges) | VoxelizationInterface | |
Init(const BaseArray< BaseArray< Int32 >> &facePoints, const BaseArray< Vector > &points, Int32 voxelResolution, Int32 minResolution, BaseArray< Range< Vector >> &polyRanges) | VoxelizationInterface | |
IsInitialized() const | VoxelizationInterface | |
MAXON_INTERFACE(VoxelizationInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_NORMAL, "net.maxon.geom.interface.voxelization") | VoxelizationInterface | private |