This is the complete list of members for System, including all inherited members.
_ConsoleOutput(const Char *s, const SourceLocation &loc, OUTPUT flags=OUTPUT::NONE) | System | static |
AddEpochObserver(void *data, maxon::details::EpochObserver observer) | System | static |
Alloc(Int size, const SourceLocation &location) | System | static |
AllocClear(Int size, const SourceLocation &location) | System | static |
ConfigurationRegister(const ConfigInit &config) | System | static |
FindDefinition(EntityBase::TYPE type, const Id &eid) | System | static |
Free(const void *data) | System | static |
GetAllocSize(void *data) | System | static |
GetApplicationId() | System | static |
GetConfiguration(Int index, ConfigInit &config) | System | static |
GetConfigurationCount() | System | static |
GetConsoleOutputType() | System | static |
GetCriticalLog(Int index, Int *count) | System | static |
GetCustomTimer() | System | static |
GetDebugError(const Error *preallocated) | System | static |
GetDefinitionCount(EntityBase::TYPE type) | System | static |
GetLastError() | System | static |
GetPreferencesPathSuffix() | System | static |
GetReferenceCounter(const void *object) | System | static |
GetVirtualInterfaceReference(const Id &idWithoutHash) | System | static |
MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL(System, MAXON_REFERENCE_STATIC, "net.maxon.interface.system", MAXON_IMPLEMENTATION_MODULE("net.maxon.kernel")) | System | private |
MemoryAddObserver(MEMORYOBSERVERMODE mode, Delegate< void()> &&observer) | System | static |
MemoryDiagnostics(MEMORYDIAGNOSTICSMODE mode=MEMORYDIAGNOSTICSMODE::VERBOSE, Int *totalAllocation=nullptr, Int *freePhysicalMemoryEstimate=nullptr) | System | static |
MEMORYDIAGNOSTICSMODE enum name | System | |
MEMORYOBSERVERMODE enum name | System | |
PrivateFreeInternedId(const Id *ptr) | System | static |
PrivateFreeWithDestructor(const void *object, DestructorPointer destruct) | System | static |
PrivateGetInternedId(const Id &value) | System | static |
PrivateGetUniqueHashCode(const Byte *ptr, Int count) | System | static |
PrivateHasherCombine(UniqueHasher &state, const Byte *ptr, Int count) | System | static |
PrivateHasherCombine(UniqueHasher &state, const UniqueHash &hash) | System | static |
PrivateHasherFinalize(const UniqueHasher &state) | System | static |
PrivateHasherInitialize(UniqueHasher &state) | System | static |
PrivateInitExternalDependency(InitMTable initSystemTable, Binary *externalDependency) | System | static |
PrivateResetExternalDependency(const Block< Tuple< Id, const char *, void * >> &safeShutdownMethods, Binary *externalDependency) | System | static |
PrivateShowSynchronizedHashMapDiagnostics(Int size, Int capacity, const Char *signature) | System | static |
Realloc(void *data, Int size, const SourceLocation &location) | System | static |
ResetDebugErrorObserver(void *observer) | System | static |
SetApplicationType(const Char *dna) | System | static |
SetCurrentError(const Error &error) | System | static |
SetCurrentError(Error &&error) | System | static |
SetDebugError(const Error *preallocated, const Error &error) | System | static |
SetDebugErrorObserver(Delegate< void(const ErrorInterface *)> &&observer) | System | static |
SetMemoryAllocationThreshold(UInt warnMemoryAllocationThreshold) | System | static |