MutableGNodeFunctions< BASE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for MutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >, including all inherited members.

ChangeValue(const InternedId &attr, const SubDataOperation &op, const SubDataPathBlock &path, ForwardingDataPtr &&value, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >
FindChild(const InternedId &name, NODE_KIND mask) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
FindInnerNode(const PathBlock &relativePath) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetAllBases(const ValueReceiver< const NodeSystem & > &receiver) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetAllTemplates(const ValueReceiver< const NodeTemplate & > &receiver) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetAttributeModificationsSince(TimeStamp stamp, const ValueReceiver< InternedId, ConstDataPtr > &receiver) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetAttributeStamp(const InternedId &attr) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetBase() constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetBases() constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetBaseValues(const InternedId &attr, const DataType &expectedType, const ValueReceiver< const ConstDataPtr &, Int > &receiver) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetDerivationHandler() constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetInnerNodes(NODE_KIND mask, Bool includeThis, const ValueReceiver< const GNodeSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > & > &receiver) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetNode() constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetParent() constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetTemplate() constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetValue(const InternedId &attr, const DataType &expectedType) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetValue(const InternedId &attr, const DataType &expectedType, Int &nesting, Bool negativeRootNesting=false) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetValue(const InternedId &attr) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetValue(const ATTR &attr) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetValue() constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetValue(const ATTR &attr, Int &nesting) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
GetValues(GraphAttribute::FLAGS mask, GraphAttributeMap &attribs, Bool includeInherited=true, Bool includeRemoved=false) constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
InheritChild(const InternedId &childId, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >
InheritValue(const InternedId &attr, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >
IsPort() constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
Remove(Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >
RemoveValue(const InternedId &attr, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >
SetValue(const InternedId &attr, ForwardingDataPtr &&value, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >
SetValue(const ATTR &attr, const typename ATTR::ValueType &value, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >
SetValue(const ATTR &attr, typename ATTR::ValueType &&value, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >
SetValue(const typename ATTR::ValueType &value, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >
SetValue(typename ATTR::ValueType &&value, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >
Super typedefMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >protected
ToPort() constGNodeFunctions< BASE >
TouchValue(const InternedId &attr, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) constMutableGNodeFunctions< BASE >