TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >, including all inherited members.

_childrenTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >private
_parentTreeMapParent< TreeMap< K, V, HashMapSelector<>, false, true >, false >protected
_valueTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >private
Child typedefTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ChildrenMap typedefTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Contains(PATH &&key) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
CopyFrom(const TreeMap &src)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Erase(PATH &&key, Bool withChildren=false)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
EraseImpl(IT &beginIt, const IT &endIt, Bool withChildren)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >private
Extract(const V &x)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >privatestatic
Extract(const Opt< V > &x)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >privatestatic
FindChild(const K &key) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
FindChild(const K &key)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
FindClosestEntryWithValue(PATH &&key) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
FindEntry(PATH &&key) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
FindEntry(PATH &&key)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
FindFirstEntryWithValue(PATH &&key) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
FindValue(PATH &&key) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
FindValue(PATH &&key)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Flush()TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ForEachPostOrder(OP &&callback) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ForEachPostOrder(OP &&callback, PATH &&path=PATH()) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ForEachPostOrder(OP &&callback)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ForEachPostOrder(OP &&callback, PATH &&path=PATH())TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ForEachPreOrder(OP &&callback) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ForEachPreOrder(OP &&callback, PATH &&path=PATH()) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ForEachPreOrder(OP &&callback)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ForEachPreOrder(OP &&callback, PATH &&path=PATH())TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ForEachPreOrderX(OP &&callback, PATH &&path=PATH())TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Get() constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Get()TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Get(const TreeMap &map, Int index)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >static
GetChildren() constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
GetChildren()TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
GetDepth() constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
GetKey() constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
GetParent() constTreeMapParent< TreeMap< K, V, HashMapSelector<>, false, true >, false >
GetParent()TreeMapParent< TreeMap< K, V, HashMapSelector<>, false, true >, false >
GetPath(PATH &path) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
GetPath() constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
GetTreeMap(const TreeMap *child)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >static
GetTreeMap(TreeMap *child)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >static
GetTreeMap(const StrongCOWRef< TreeMap > *child)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >static
HasSameStructure(const TreeMap &other) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Insert(PATH &&key, const V &value)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Insert(PATH &&key, V &&value)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
InsertChild(const K &key, Bool withValue=true)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
InsertChild(const K &key, Child &&child)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
InsertEntry(PATH &&key, Bool withValue=true)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
InsertKey(PATH &&key, Bool &created)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
InsertKey(PATH &&key)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
IsEmpty() constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
IsLeaf() constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
IsPopulated() constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
IsRoot() constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
KeyType typedefTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
MakeValid()TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
MakeWritable(StrongCOWRef< TreeMap > &ref)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >static
MakeWritable(TreeMap &ref)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >static
operator!=(const TreeMap &other) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
operator==(const TreeMap &other) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
OptValueType typedefTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Ref typedefTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Reset()TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
SetParent(TreeMap< K, V, HashMapSelector<>, false, true > *p)TreeMapParent< TreeMap< K, V, HashMapSelector<>, false, true >, false >protected
SetValue(const V &value)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
SetValue(V &&value)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
Super typedefTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ToString(const FormatStatement *fs=nullptr) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ToStringImpl(String &s, BufferedBaseArray< K, 10 > &path, const FormatStatement *fs) constTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >private
TreeMap()=defaultTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
TreeMap(TreeMap &&src)TreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >
ValueType typedefTreeMap< K, V, MAP, COW, OPT >