TangentSpaceNormalData Member List

This is the complete list of members for TangentSpaceNormalData, including all inherited members.

ComputeUpdatedNormals(const Block< const Vector > &updatedPointPoisitions, const Block< const SimplePolygon > &polygons, const Block< const Vector > &inNormals, Block< Vector > &outNormals) constTangentSpaceNormalData
CopyFrom(const TangentSpaceNormalData &src)TangentSpaceNormalData
Init(const Block< const Vector > &points, const Block< const SimplePolygon > &polygons, Block< Vector > &inputNormals, NEIGHBORTYPE &neighbor)TangentSpaceNormalData
IsInitialized() constTangentSpaceNormalData
IsTopologyValid(Int32 pointCount, Int32 polygonCount) constTangentSpaceNormalData