NormalsHelperInterface Member List

This is the complete list of members for NormalsHelperInterface, including all inherited members.

CalculatePointNormalsAveraged(NORMALS_STYLE style, const Block< const Vector > &points, const Block< const SimplePolygon > &polygons, const Block< const Vector32 > &polygonNormals, Block< Vector32 > &pointNormals)NormalsHelperInterfacestatic
CalculatePolygonNormals(const Block< const Vector > &points, const Block< const SimplePolygon > &polygons, Bool normalized, Block< Vector32 > &polygonNormals)NormalsHelperInterfacestatic
CalculatePolygonNormals(const Block< const Vector > &points, const Block< const SimplePolygon > &polygons, Bool normalized, Block< Vector > &polygonNormals)NormalsHelperInterfacestatic
CalculatePolygonNormals(const Block< const Vector32 > &points, const Block< const SimplePolygon > &polygons, Bool normalized, Block< Vector32 > &polygonNormals)NormalsHelperInterfacestatic
CalculateShadingNormals(NORMALS_STYLE style, const Block< const Vector > &points, const Block< const SimplePolygon > &polygons, const Block< const Vector32 > &polygonNormals, Float32 angle, const Block< const UChar > &shadingBreaks, Block< Vector32 > &shadingNormals)NormalsHelperInterfacestatic
CalculateShadingNormalsAveraged(NORMALS_STYLE style, const Block< const Vector > &points, const Block< const SimplePolygon > &polygons, const Block< const Vector32 > &polygonNormals, Block< Vector32 > &shadingNormals)NormalsHelperInterfacestatic
MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL(NormalsHelperInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_STATIC, "net.maxon.geom.normalshelper")NormalsHelperInterfaceprivate