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    Unit Tests Manual


    maxon::UnitTestInterface provides an unified interface for any kind of unit test. Such an unit test should verify the correct functionality of every component of a program. Unit tests implemented this way are automatically executed when Cinema 4D starts and unit tests are enabled.


    Custom unit test are created by implementing a custom class based on maxon::UnitTestComponent. This custom class must implement maxon::UnitTestInterface::Run() which contains the unit test code.

    The result of a test can be printed to the console using a standard format:

    A (long running) unit test may be cancelled from the outside:

    To measure time for speed tests one can use maxon::TimeValue.
    // This example shows a unit test that checks a custom class.
    class SimpleMathsUnitTest : public maxon::UnitTestComponent<SimpleMathsUnitTest>
    // test constructor / SimpleMaths::GetNumber()
    const maxon::Int number = 5;
    const SimpleMaths baseTest(number);
    const maxon::Result<void> baseRes = baseTest.GetNumber() == number ? maxon::OK : maxon::UnitTestError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION, "GetNumber() failed"_s);
    self.AddResult("GetNumber() test"_s, baseRes);
    // if GetNumber() fails the rest of the unit tests cannot succeed
    if (baseRes.GetError())
    return baseRes;
    // test SimpleMaths::AddNumber()
    SimpleMaths addTest(99);
    const maxon::Result<void> addTestRes = addTest.GetNumber() == 100 ? maxon::OK : maxon::UnitTestError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION, "AddNumber() failed"_s);
    self.AddResult("AddNumber() test"_s, addTestRes);
    // test SimpleMaths::SubstractNumber()
    SimpleMaths subTest(100);
    const maxon::Result<void> subTestRes = subTest.GetNumber() == 99 ? maxon::OK : maxon::UnitTestError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION, "SubstractNumber() failed"_s);
    self.AddResult("SubstractNumber() test"_s, subTestRes);
    return maxon::OK;
    SFINAEHelper< Error, RESULT_TYPE >::type GetError() const
    Definition: resultbase.h:1032
    Definition: unittest.h:180
    Int64 Int
    signed 32/64 bit int, size depends on the platform
    Definition: apibase.h:213
    #define MAXON_SCOPE
    Definition: apibase.h:2897
    return OK
    Definition: apibase.h:2746
    Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:67
    #define MAXON_COMPONENT(KIND,...)
    Definition: objectbase.h:2199

    The result of this unit test will be printed to the console:

    @Running unit test 1 / 1: net.maxonexample.unittest.simplemaths
    Unittest "net.maxonexample.unittest.simplemaths" OK: GetNumber() test
    Unittest "net.maxonexample.unittest.simplemaths" OK: AddNumber() test
    Unittest "net.maxonexample.unittest.simplemaths" OK: SubstractNumber() test
    Duration: 0.5 ms
    @ScriptRef End
    User has selected a font.
    Definition: customgui_fontchooser.h:0
    #define test
    Definition: graminit.h:53
    Definition: animation_attributes.h:10


    Different kinds of unit tests can be registered at these registries:

    • maxon::UnitTestClasses
      • Contains pure functional tests that run in less than 2000 ms.
      • Should use identifiers in the form of net.maxonexample.unittest.mytest.
      • Invoked with the command line argument g_runUnitTests.
    • maxon::SpeedTestClasses
      • Contains speed tests that run in 2000 ms or more.
      • Should use identifiers in the form of net.maxonexample.speedtestclass.mytest.
      • Invoked with the command line argument g_runSpeedTests.
    • maxon::LongRunTestClasses
      • Contains functional tests that run in 2000 ms and more.
      • Should use identifiers in the form of net.maxonexample.longruntestclass.mytest.
      • Invoked with the command line argument g_runLongRunTests.

    To run all unit tests set the command line argument to "*" like g_runUnitTests=*. To run a specific test one can define a filter like g_runUnitTests=*simplemaths*.

    // This example registers the given unit test at the registry maxon::UnitTestClasses.
    MAXON_COMPONENT_CLASS_REGISTER(SimpleMathsUnitTest, maxon::UnitTestClasses, "net.maxonexample.unittest.simplemaths");
    Definition: objectbase.h:2397

    Further Reading