This is the complete list of members for GraphModelInterface, including all inherited members.
AddChild(const Id &childId, const Id &nodeId, const DataDictionary &args=DataDictionary::DefaultValue()) | GraphModelInterface | |
AddPort(const GraphNode &parent, const Id &name) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
AddPorts(const GraphNode &parent, Int index, Int count) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
Apply(const ChangeList &list, Bool inverse) | GraphModelInterface | |
BeginTransaction(const DataDictionary &userData=GetPtrSizedZeroRef< DataDictionary >()) | GraphModelInterface | |
BeginTransactionImpl(const DataDictionary &userData) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
ChangeValue(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr, const SubDataOperation &op, const SubDataPathBlock &path, ForwardingDataPtr &&subvalue) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
CommitImpl(const DataDictionary &userData, Int nesting, Bool validate) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
Connect(const GraphNode &source, const GraphNode &target, Wires wires=WIRE_MODE::CONNECT_DEFAULT) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
CopyConnectionsFrom(const GraphNode &dest, const GraphNode &source, PORT_DIR direction, Bool includeInner) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
CopyConstruct(GraphNode &node, const GraphNode &src) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
CopyValuesFrom(const GraphNode &dest, const GraphNode &source, Bool includeInner) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
CreateCopyOfSelection(const Block< const GraphNode > &selection) | GraphModelInterface | |
Destruct(GraphNode &node) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
Duplicate(const Block< const GraphNode > &selection, Bool withConnections) | GraphModelInterface | |
FindChild(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &name, NODE_KIND kind=NODE_KIND::ALL_MASK) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
FindInnerNode(const GraphNode &node, const PathBlock &innerPath) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GET_CONNECTIONS_MODE enum name | GraphModelInterface | |
GetAncestor(const GraphNode &node, NODE_KIND kind) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetAttributeModificationsSince(const GraphNode &node, TimeStamp stamp, const ValueReceiver< InternedId, ConstDataPtr > &receiver) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetAttributeStamp(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetBaseValues(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr, const DataType &expectedType, const ValueReceiver< const ConstDataPtr &, Int > &valueReceiver) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetChangeList() | GraphModelInterface | |
GetChildren(const GraphNode &node, const ValueReceiver< const GraphNode & > &callback, NODE_KIND filter=NODE_KIND::ALL_MASK) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetConnections(const GraphNode &node, PORT_DIR dir, const ValueReceiver< const GraphConnection & > &callback, Wires mask=Wires::All(), GraphModelInterface::GET_CONNECTIONS_MODE mode=GraphModelInterface::GET_CONNECTIONS_MODE::CONNECTIONS) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetConnectionStamp(const GraphNode &node, PORT_DIR direction) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetConnectionValue(const GraphNode &source, const GraphNode &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const InternedId &attr, const DataType &expectedType) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetConnectionValues(const GraphNode &source, const GraphNode &target, const ValueReceiver< CONNECTION_POSITION, InternedId, const ConstDataPtr & > &receiver) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetGraphAttribute(const InternedId &attr) | GraphModelInterface | |
GetGraphAttributeFlags(const InternedId &attr) | GraphModelInterface | |
GetInnerNodes(const GraphNode &node, NODE_KIND mask, Bool includeNode, const ValueReceiver< const GraphNode & > &receiver) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetKind(const GraphNode &node) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetMessageFlags(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetMessages(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr, const ValueReceiver< const GraphMessage & > &receiver) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetModificationsSince(TimeStamp stamp, const ValueReceiver< const GraphNode &, MODIFIED > &receiver, Bool filtered=true) | GraphModelInterface | |
GetModificationsSince(TimeStamp stamp) | GraphModelInterface | |
GetModificationStamp() | GraphModelInterface | |
GetNode(const NodePath &path, Bool filtered=true) | GraphModelInterface | |
GetNode(const PathBlock &path, Bool filtered=true) | GraphModelInterface | |
GetParent(const GraphNode &node) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetPath(const GraphNode &node) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetRoot() | GraphModelInterface | |
GetRootPath() | GraphModelInterface | |
GetStoredValue(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr, const DataType &expectedType) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetTransactionCount() | GraphModelInterface | |
GetUserState(const NodePath &path, const InternedId &attr) | GraphModelInterface | |
GetValue(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr, const DataType &expectedType) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetValues(const GraphNode &node, GraphAttributeInterface::FLAGS mask, GraphAttributeMap &map) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GetViewRoot() | GraphModelInterface | |
GetViewRootPath() | GraphModelInterface | |
GetWires(const GraphNode &source, const GraphNode &target) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
GraphNode class | GraphModelInterface | friend |
GraphNodeFunctions class | GraphModelInterface | friend |
GraphTransaction class | GraphModelInterface | friend |
InheritValue(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
IsConnectable(const GraphNode &src, const GraphNode &trg) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
IsReadOnly() | GraphModelInterface | |
IsRoot(const GraphNode &node) | GraphModelInterface | |
IsSame(const GraphNode &a, const GraphNode &b) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
IsValid(const GraphNode &node) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
MAXON_INTERFACE(GraphModelInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_NORMAL, "net.maxon.graph.interface.graphmodel") | GraphModelInterface | private |
MAXON_OBSERVABLE(void, ObservableTransactionStarted,(const GraphModelRef &graph, const DataDictionary &userData), ObservableCombinerRunAllComponent) | GraphModelInterface | |
MAXON_OBSERVABLE(void, ObservableTransactionCommitted,(const GraphModelRef &graph, const DataDictionary &userData), ObservableCombinerRunAllComponent) | GraphModelInterface | |
MAXON_OBSERVABLE(void, ObservableTransactionRolledBack,(const GraphModelRef &graph), ObservableCombinerRunAllComponent) | GraphModelInterface | |
Merge(const GraphModelRef &other) | GraphModelInterface | |
MODIFIED enum name | GraphModelInterface | |
NodeToString(const GraphNode &node, const FormatStatement *fs) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
PrivateGetConnections(const GraphNode &node, PORT_DIR dir, const ValueReceiver< const GraphConnection & > &callback, Wires inputMask, Wires outputMask, GraphModelInterface::GET_CONNECTIONS_MODE mode) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
Remove(const GraphNode &node) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
RemoveConnections(const GraphNode &port, PORT_DIR dir, Wires mask) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
RemovePorts(const GraphNode &parent, const Block< const InternedId > &ports) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
RemoveValue(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
ResetUserState(const InternedId &attr) | GraphModelInterface | |
RollbackImpl(Int nesting) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
SetConnectionValue(const GraphNode &source, const GraphNode &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const InternedId &attr, ForwardingDataPtr &&value) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
SetValue(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr, ForwardingDataPtr &&value, Bool checkAndInvalidate) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
StartNewChangeList() | GraphModelInterface | |
TouchValue(const GraphNode &node, const InternedId &attr) | GraphModelInterface | protected |
Validate() | GraphModelInterface |