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    Atomic16< T > Member List

    This is the complete list of members for Atomic16< T >, including all inherited members.

    _valueAtomic16< T >private
    Atomic16(T value=T())Atomic16< T >
    Get() constAtomic16< T >
    Load() constAtomic16< T >
    LoadAcquire() constAtomic16< T >
    LoadConsume() constAtomic16< T >
    LoadRelaxed() constAtomic16< T >
    MAXON_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Atomic16)Atomic16< T >private
    Set(T newValue)Atomic16< T >
    Store(T newValue)Atomic16< T >
    StoreRelaxed(T newValue)Atomic16< T >
    StoreRelease(T newValue)Atomic16< T >
    Swap(T newValue)Atomic16< T >
    SwapAdd(T add)Atomic16< T >
    SwapDecrement()Atomic16< T >
    SwapIncrement()Atomic16< T >
    TryCompareAndSwap(T newValue, T compare)Atomic16< T >
    ValueType typedefAtomic16< T >