This is the complete list of members for AssetUtilitiesInterface, including all inherited members.
AppendUrlQueryVariable(String &query, const String &variableName, const String &variableValue) | AssetUtilitiesInterface | static |
AssetSetCreationData(const AssetDescription &asset, Int c4dVersion, const String &c4dBuildId, Int releaseType) | AssetUtilitiesInterface | static |
AssetSetCreationData(const AssetDescription &asset) | AssetUtilitiesInterface | static |
AssetSetMetaData(const AssetDescription &asset, const String &userAssetName, const String &assetVersion, const Id &assetCategory) | AssetUtilitiesInterface | static |
GetAssetIcon(const AssetDescription &asset) | AssetUtilitiesInterface | static |
GetEnumTypeForVersions(const AssetRepositoryRef &repo, const AssetType &type, const Id &assetId) | AssetUtilitiesInterface | static |
GetMergedAssetOriginData(const AssetDescription &nodeAsset, const AssetLink &link, const LanguageRef &lang) | AssetUtilitiesInterface | static |
HasUrlQueryCharacters(const String &query) | AssetUtilitiesInterface | static |
IncreaseAssetVersion(const String ¤tVersion) | AssetUtilitiesInterface | static |
MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL(AssetUtilitiesInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_STATIC, "net.maxon.asset.helperinterface") | AssetUtilitiesInterface | private |
ReplaceUrlQueryCharacters(const String &query) | AssetUtilitiesInterface | static |