This is the complete list of members for VolumeSet, including all inherited members.
AddDependence(const BaseObject *op) | BaseObject | |
AddDependence(const BaseObject *op, DIRTYFLAGS dirtyflags) | BaseObject | |
AddEventNotification(BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid, NOTIFY_EVENT_FLAG flags, const BaseContainer *data) | BaseList2D | |
AddUniqueID(Int32 appid, const Char *const mem, Int bytes) | BaseList2D | |
AddVolume(VolumeObject *volumeObj) | VolumeSet | |
Alloc() | VolumeSet | static |
BaseObject::Alloc(Int32 type) | BaseObject | static |
AnimationLayerRemap(BaseObject **layer=nullptr) | BaseList2D | |
BaseList2D() | BaseList2D | private |
BaseObject() | BaseObject | private |
C4DAtom() | C4DAtom | private |
C4DAtomGoal() | C4DAtomGoal | private |
ChangeNBit(NBIT bit, NBITCONTROL bitmode) | GeListNode | |
CheckCache(const HierarchyHelp *hh) const | BaseObject | |
ClearDeformMatrix() | BaseObject | |
ClearKeyframeSelection() | BaseList2D | |
CompareDependenceList() | BaseObject | |
CopyDynamicDescriptionFrom(const BaseList2D *src) | BaseList2D | |
CopyMatrixTo(BaseObject *dst) const | BaseObject | |
CopyTagsTo(BaseObject *dest, Int32 visible, Int32 variable, Int32 hierarchical, AliasTrans *trans) const | BaseObject | |
CopyTo(C4DAtom *dst, COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn) const | C4DAtom | |
DelBit(Int32 mask) | BaseList2D | |
DetachVolume(VolumeObject *volumeObj) | VolumeSet | |
DetachVolumeAtIndex(Int32 index) | VolumeSet | |
Edit() | BaseList2D | |
EvaluateSynchronizedRotation(const BaseTime &time, ANIMATEFLAGS flags, Vector *resultRotation=nullptr) | BaseObject | |
FindBestEulerAngle(Int32 rotationTrackID, Bool bAdjustTangent, Bool bUndo, BaseTime startRange=BaseTime(-108000, 1), BaseTime endRange=BaseTime(108000, 1)) | BaseObject | |
FindCTrack(const DescID &id) | BaseList2D | |
FindCTrack(const DescID &id) const | BaseList2D | |
FindEventNotification(const BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid) | BaseList2D | |
FindKeyframeSelection(const DescID &id) | BaseList2D | |
FindUniqueID(Int32 appid, const Char *&mem, Int &bytes) const | BaseList2D | |
FlushChilds() | GeListNode | |
Free(VolumeSet *&p) | VolumeSet | static |
BaseObject::Free(BaseObject *&bl) | BaseObject | static |
BaseList2D::Free(BaseList2D *&bl) | BaseList2D | static |
GeListNode() | GeListNode | private |
GetAbsPos() const | BaseObject | |
GetAbsRot() const | BaseObject | |
GetAbsScale() const | BaseObject | |
GetAccessedObjects(METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const | BaseList2D | |
GetAccessedObjectsOfChildren(ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const | BaseList2D | |
GetAccessedObjectsOfFirstChildHierarchy(ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const | BaseList2D | |
GetAccessedObjectsOfHierarchy(ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const | BaseList2D | |
GetAccessedObjectsRec(ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, Bool withSiblings, Bool withChildren, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const | BaseList2D | |
GetActiveAtIndex(Int32 index) const | VolumeSet | |
GetAllBits() const | BaseList2D | |
GetAllNimbusRefs() const | BaseList2D | |
GetAndCheckHierarchyClone(const HierarchyHelp *hh, BaseObject *op, HIERARCHYCLONEFLAGS flags, Bool *dirty, AliasTrans *trans, Int childCount, maxon::BaseArray< BaseObject * > *children, Bool addChildOrClone=false) | BaseObject | |
GetAndCheckHierarchyClone(const HierarchyHelp *hh, BaseObject *op, HIERARCHYCLONEFLAGS flags, Bool *dirty, AliasTrans *trans, Bool allchildren) | BaseObject | |
GetAnimatedParameter(const DescID &id, GeData &t_data1, GeData &t_data2, Float &mix, DESCFLAGS_GET flags) const | BaseList2D | |
GetBit(Int32 mask) const | BaseList2D | |
GetBranchInfo(const maxon::ValueReceiver< const BranchInfo & > &info, GETBRANCHINFO flags) const | GeListNode | |
GetBubbleHelp() | BaseList2D | |
GetCache() | BaseObject | |
GetCache() const | BaseObject | |
GetCacheParent() const | BaseObject | |
GetCacheTopParent() const | BaseObject | |
GetClassification() const | C4DAtom | |
GetClone(COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn) const | C4DAtom | |
GetColorProperties(ObjectColorProperties *prop) const | BaseObject | |
GetCTrackRoot(Bool create) | BaseList2D | |
GetCTrackRoot() const | BaseList2D | |
GetCustomData() | GeListNode | |
GetCustomData() const | GeListNode | |
GetData() | BaseList2D | |
GetDataInstance() const | BaseList2D | |
GetDataInstance() | BaseList2D | |
GetDataInstanceRef() const | BaseList2D | |
GetDataInstanceRef() | BaseList2D | |
GetDeformCache() | BaseObject | |
GetDeformCache() const | BaseObject | |
GetDeformMatrix() const | BaseObject | |
GetDeformMode() const | BaseObject | |
GetDescIDState(const DescID &id, Bool tolerant) const | BaseList2D | |
GetDescription(Description *description, DESCFLAGS_DESC flags) const | C4DAtom | |
GetDimension(Vector &mp, Vector &rad) const | BaseObject | |
GetDirty(DIRTYFLAGS flags) const | C4DAtom | |
GetDiskType() const | C4DAtom | |
GetDisplayColor() const | BaseObject | |
GetDocument() const | GeListNode | |
GetDocument() | GeListNode | |
GetDown() | BaseObject | |
GetDown() const | BaseObject | |
GetDownLast() | BaseObject | |
GetDownLast() const | BaseObject | |
GetDrawStateData(void *state) const | BaseObject | |
GetDynamicDescription() const | C4DAtom | |
GetDynamicDescriptionWritable() | C4DAtom | |
GetEditObject(BaseObject **psds, DISPLAYEDITSTATE state, Bool safetey=true) const | BaseObject | |
GetEditorMode() const | BaseObject | |
GetEditorModeH() const | BaseObject | |
GetEnabling(const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_ENABLE flags, const BaseContainer *itemdesc) const | C4DAtom | |
GetFirstCTrack() | BaseList2D | |
GetFirstCTrack() const | BaseList2D | |
GetFirstOverride() | BaseList2D | |
GetFirstShader() const | BaseList2D | |
GetFirstTag() | BaseObject | |
GetFirstTag() const | BaseObject | |
GetFrozenMln() const | BaseObject | |
GetFrozenPos() const | BaseObject | |
GetFrozenRot() const | BaseObject | |
GetFrozenScale() const | BaseObject | |
GetGUID() | BaseObject | |
GetHDirty(HDIRTYFLAGS mask) const | C4DAtom | |
GetHiddenShaderRoot(Bool create) | BaseList2D | |
GetHierarchyClone(const HierarchyHelp *hh, BaseObject *op, HIERARCHYCLONEFLAGS flags, Bool *dirty, AliasTrans *trans) | BaseObject | |
GetHierarchyClone(const HierarchyHelp *hh, BaseObject *op, HIERARCHYCLONEFLAGS flags, Bool *dirty, AliasTrans *trans, DIRTYFLAGS dirtyflags) | BaseObject | |
GetHighlightHandle(BaseDraw *bd) | BaseObject | |
GetIcon(IconData *dat) | BaseList2D | |
GetInfo() const | GeListNode | |
GetIsoparm() | BaseObject | |
GetLastTag() | BaseObject | |
GetLastTag() const | BaseObject | |
GetLayerData(const BaseDocument *doc, Bool rawdata=false) const | BaseList2D | |
GetLayerObject(const BaseDocument *doc) | BaseList2D | |
GetLayerObject(const BaseDocument *doc) const | BaseList2D | |
GetListHead() | GeListNode | |
GetListHead() const | GeListNode | |
GetMain() const | BaseList2D | |
GetMarker() const | BaseList2D | |
GetMarkerStampEx(UInt32 *l1, UInt32 *l2) | BaseList2D | |
GetMg() const | BaseObject | |
GetMgn() const | BaseObject | |
GetMl() const | BaseObject | |
GetMln() const | BaseObject | |
GetModelingAxis(BaseDocument *doc) | BaseObject | |
GetMp() const | BaseObject | |
GetName() const | BaseList2D | |
GetNBit(NBIT bit) const | GeListNode | |
GetNBitMask(Int32 index) const | GeListNode | |
GetNext() | BaseObject | |
GetNext() const | BaseObject | |
GetNimbusRef(const maxon::Id &spaceId) const | BaseList2D | |
GetNLARoot(Bool create) | BaseList2D | |
GetNodeData(Int32 index=0) const | GeListNode | |
GetNodeData(Int32 index=0) | GeListNode | |
GetNodeID(Int32 index=0) const | GeListNode | |
GetObjectDrawHash(Int32 type) const | BaseObject | |
GetOrigin(Bool safe) | BaseObject | |
GetOrigin(Bool safe) const | BaseObject | |
GetOverrideRoot(Bool create) | BaseList2D | |
GetParameter(const DescID &id, GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_GET flags) const | C4DAtom | |
GetPred() | BaseObject | |
GetPred() const | BaseObject | |
GetRad() const | BaseObject | |
GetRealDeformMode() const | BaseObject | |
GetRealSpline() | BaseObject | |
GetRealSpline() const | BaseObject | |
GetRealType() const | C4DAtom | |
GetRelMl() const | BaseObject | |
GetRelMln() const | BaseObject | |
GetRelPos() const | BaseObject | |
GetRelRot() const | BaseObject | |
GetRelScale() const | BaseObject | |
GetRenderMode() const | BaseObject | |
GetRenderModeH() const | BaseObject | |
GetRotationOrder() const | BaseObject | |
GetShaderRepositoryRoot(Bool create) | BaseList2D | |
GetTag(Int32 type, Int32 nr=0) | BaseObject | |
GetTag(Int32 type, Int32 nr=0) const | BaseObject | |
GetTagDataCount(Int32 type) const | BaseObject | |
GetTagDataR(Int32 type, Int32 nr=0) const | BaseObject | |
GetTagDataW(Int32 type, Int32 nr=0) | BaseObject | |
GetTagsOfType(Int32 type) const | BaseObject | |
GetTagsOfType(Int32 type) | BaseObject | |
GetTopOrigin(Bool parent, Bool safe) const | BaseObject | |
GetType() const | C4DAtom | |
GetTypeName() const | BaseList2D | |
GetUndeformedMg() const | BaseObject | |
GetUndeformedMl() const | BaseObject | |
GetUndeformedMlInverse() const | BaseObject | |
GetUniqueIDCount() const | BaseList2D | |
GetUniqueIDIndex(Int32 idx, Int32 &id, const Char *&mem, Int &bytes) const | BaseList2D | |
GetUniqueIP() const | BaseObject | |
GetUp() | BaseObject | |
GetUp() const | BaseObject | |
GetUpMg() const | BaseObject | |
GetVariableTagData(Int32 type, Int32 nr=0) const | BaseObject | |
GetVectorCurves(CCurve *curveToSearch, CCurve *&xfound, CCurve *&yfound, CCurve *&zfound) | BaseObject | |
GetVectorTracks(const DescID &id, CTrack *&xfound, CTrack *&yfound, CTrack *&zfound) | BaseObject | |
GetViewportRenderId(VIEWPORT_RENDER_ID typeId) const | BaseList2D | |
GetVisibility(Float parent) const | BaseObject | |
GetVolumeAtIndex(Int32 index) const | VolumeSet | |
GroupChanges() | BaseList2D | |
HasDeformMatrix() const | BaseObject | |
HasLinks() const | C4DAtomGoal | |
InsertAfter(GeListNode *bl) | GeListNode | |
InsertBefore(GeListNode *bl) | GeListNode | |
InsertShader(BaseShader *shader, BaseShader *pred=nullptr) | BaseList2D | |
InsertTag(BaseTag *tp, BaseTag *pred=nullptr) | BaseObject | |
InsertTrackSorted(CTrack *track) | BaseList2D | |
InsertUnder(GeListNode *bl) | GeListNode | |
InsertUnderLast(GeListNode *bl) | GeListNode | |
IsDirty(DIRTYFLAGS flags) const | BaseObject | |
IsDocumentRelated() const | GeListNode | |
IsInstanceOf(Int32 id) const | C4DAtom | |
IsNodeBased() const | BaseList2D | |
IsQuaternionRotationMode() | BaseObject | |
KeyframeSelectionContent() | BaseList2D | |
KillTag(Int32 type, Int32 nr=0) | BaseObject | |
MakeTag(Int32 type, BaseTag *pred=nullptr) | BaseObject | |
MakeVariableTag(Int32 type, Int32 count, BaseTag *pred=nullptr) | BaseObject | |
Message(Int32 type, void *data=nullptr) | C4DAtom | |
MoveChildrenTo(GeListNode *dest) | GeListNode | |
MultiMessage(MULTIMSG_ROUTE flags, Int32 type, void *data) | C4DAtom | |
NewDependenceList() | BaseObject | |
ObjDraw(DRAWPASS drawpass, BaseDraw *bd, BaseDrawHelp *bh) | BaseObject | |
PrivateGetOrCreateNimbusRef(const maxon::Id &spaceId) | BaseList2D | |
Read(HyperFile *hf, Int32 id, Int32 level) | C4DAtom | |
ReadObject(HyperFile *hf, Bool readheader) | C4DAtom | |
Remove() | GeListNode | |
RemoveEventNotification(const BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid) | BaseList2D | |
RemoveFromCache(Bool clearParentObject=true) | BaseObject | |
RemoveNimbusRef(const maxon::Id &spaceId) | BaseList2D | |
Scale(Float scale) | BaseList2D | |
SearchHierarchy(const BaseObject *op) const | BaseObject | |
SetAbsPos(const Vector &v) | BaseObject | |
SetAbsRot(const Vector &v) | BaseObject | |
SetAbsScale(const Vector &v) | BaseObject | |
SetAllBits(Int32 bits) | BaseList2D | |
SetAnimatedParameter(const CTrack *track, const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data1, const GeData &t_data2, Float mix, DESCFLAGS_SET flags) | BaseList2D | |
SetBit(Int32 mask) | BaseList2D | |
SETBIT_FLAG_NODIRTY | BaseList2D | static |
SETBIT_FLAG_REMOVE | BaseList2D | static |
SetBitEx(Int32 mask, Int32 flags) | BaseList2D | |
SetColorProperties(ObjectColorProperties *prop) | BaseObject | |
SetCustomData(GeListNode *node) | GeListNode | |
SetData(const BaseContainer &bc, Bool add=true) | BaseList2D | |
SetDeformMatrix(const Matrix &dm) | BaseObject | |
SetDeformMode(Bool mode) | BaseObject | |
SetDescIDState(const DescID &id, DESCIDSTATE descidstate) | BaseList2D | |
SetDirty(DIRTYFLAGS flags) | BaseObject | |
SetEditorMode(Int32 mode) | BaseObject | |
SetFrozenPos(const Vector &v) | BaseObject | |
SetFrozenRot(const Vector &v) | BaseObject | |
SetFrozenScale(const Vector &v) | BaseObject | |
SetHDirty(HDIRTYFLAGS mask) | C4DAtom | |
SetIsoparm(LineObject *l) | BaseObject | |
SetKeyframeSelection(const DescID &id, Bool selection) | BaseList2D | |
SetLayerData(BaseDocument *doc, const LayerData &data) | BaseList2D | |
SetLayerObject(const LayerObject *layer) | BaseList2D | |
SetMarker(const GeMarker &m) | BaseList2D | |
SetMg(const Matrix &m) | BaseObject | |
SetMl(const Matrix &m) | BaseObject | |
SetModelingAxis(const Matrix &m) | BaseObject | |
SetName(const maxon::String &name, Bool setDirty=true) | BaseList2D | |
SetOrigin(BaseObject *origin) | BaseObject | |
SetParameter(const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_SET flags) | C4DAtom | |
SetPhong(Bool on, Bool anglelimit, Float angle) | BaseObject | |
SetQuaternionRotationMode(Bool active, Bool bUndo) | BaseObject | |
SetRealDeformMode(Int32 mode) | BaseObject | |
SetRelMl(const Matrix &m) | BaseObject | |
SetRelPos(const Vector &v) | BaseObject | |
SetRelRot(const Vector &v) | BaseObject | |
SetRelScale(const Vector &v) | BaseObject | |
SetRenderMode(Int32 mode) | BaseObject | |
SetRotationOrder(ROTATIONORDER order) | BaseObject | |
SetUniqueIP(Int32 ip) | BaseObject | |
SynchronizeVectorTrackKeys(Int32 vectorTrackID, Bool bUndo, BaseTime startRange=BaseTime(-108000, 1), BaseTime endRange=BaseTime(108000, 1)) | BaseObject | |
ToggleBit(Int32 mask) | BaseList2D | |
Touch() | BaseObject | |
TouchDependenceList() | BaseObject | |
TransferGoal(BaseList2D *dst, Bool undolink) | BaseList2D | |
TransferMarker(BaseList2D *dst) const | BaseList2D | |
TranslateDescID(const DescID &id, DescID &res_id, C4DAtom *&res_at) | C4DAtom | |
VolumeSet() | VolumeSet | private |
Write(HyperFile *hf) const | C4DAtom | |
WriteObject(HyperFile *hf) const | C4DAtom | |
~BaseList2D() | BaseList2D | private |
~BaseObject() | BaseObject | private |
~C4DAtom() | C4DAtom | private |
~C4DAtomGoal() | C4DAtomGoal | private |
~GeListNode() | GeListNode | private |
~VolumeSet() | VolumeSet | private |