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    Error Result


    The error reporting system of the MAXON API is based on the maxon::Result template. Such a maxon::Result object can contain both the actual return value of the function and an error object if an error had occurred.


    These default error values are used to check if a maxon::Result object contains an error or not:

    maxon::OK can be used as a return value. But it is not possible to use maxon::FAILED as a return value. A proper error object must be returned instead.
    The return value of a function returning maxon::Result<void> should be documented as "OK on success".
    // This example shows a function that does not return a value
    // but can return an error in case of an invalid argument or just maxon::OK.
    // Note: Real code should use a reference and not a pointer.
    // Increments the given maxon::Int value.
    // Returns an NullptrError if an invalid argument is given.
    // @param[in,out] number Pointer to an maxon::Int value.
    // @return OK on success.
    static maxon::Result<void> IncrementValue(maxon::Int* const number)
    if (number == nullptr)
    return maxon::NullptrError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    *number = *number + 1;
    return maxon::OK;
    Int64 Int
    signed 32/64 bit int, size depends on the platform
    Definition: apibase.h:213
    return OK
    Definition: apibase.h:2746
    Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:67

    Result Class

    A maxon::ResultBase / maxon::Result object stores the return value and the error returned by a function.

    The stored value and error are accessed with:

    Typically errors should be handled with iferr_scope and iferr_return, see Error Handling.
    // This example checks the maxon::Result returned by GetRandomNumber() manually.
    const maxon::Result<maxon::Int> res = GetRandomNumber();
    // if everything is OK, just print the return value
    if (res == maxon::OK)
    const maxon::Int number = res.GetValue();
    DiagnosticOutput("Number: @", number);
    // if some error occurred, print the error
    const maxon::Error error = res.GetError();
    const maxon::String errorMessage = error.GetMessage();
    DiagnosticOutput("Error: @", errorMessage);
    Definition: string.h:1235
    PyObject * error
    Definition: codecs.h:206
    Py_UCS4 * res
    Definition: unicodeobject.h:1113
    #define DiagnosticOutput(formatString,...)
    Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:176
    static const ERROR_FAILED FAILED
    Definition: resultbase.h:68

    Special Classes

    For special situations these specialized return values exist:

    // This example shows a function template that expects a member function
    // of the given type to return an error value. If this function returns
    // maxon::ResultOk it can be used in the function template and does not
    // require any unneeded error handling.
    template <typename T> static maxon::Result<void> PrintValue(maxon::Float f)
    T::PrintFloat(f) iferr_return;
    return maxon::OK;
    class PrintNumbers
    static maxon::ResultOk<void> PrintFloat(maxon::Float number)
    // This function cannot fail so it just has return type maxon::ResultOk.
    DiagnosticOutput("Number: @", number);
    return maxon::OK;
    static void PrintInt(maxon::Int number)
    // Since PrintFloat() cannot fail this function does no error handling.
    const maxon::Float f = maxon::Float(number);
    Definition: resultbase.h:193
    PyFrameObject * f
    Definition: ceval.h:26
    Float64 Float
    Definition: apibase.h:222
    #define iferr_scope
    Definition: resultbase.h:1389
    #define iferr_return
    Definition: resultbase.h:1524

    Further Reading