NeighborStorage< STORAGEINDEX > Member List

This is the complete list of members for NeighborStorage< STORAGEINDEX >, including all inherited members.

Flush()NeighborStorage< STORAGEINDEX >
GetNeighbor(STORAGEINDEX a, STORAGEINDEX b, STORAGEINDEX mypoly, Int32 &side, const Block< const SimplePolygon > &polygons) constNeighborStorage< STORAGEINDEX >
GetPolygonList(STORAGEINDEX pointIndex) constNeighborStorage< STORAGEINDEX >
Init(const Block< const SimplePolygon > &polygons, STORAGEINDEX pointCount)NeighborStorage< STORAGEINDEX >
NeighborStorageType typedefNeighborStorage< STORAGEINDEX >
offsetInPolygonListPerPointNeighborStorage< STORAGEINDEX >
polygonCountPerPointNeighborStorage< STORAGEINDEX >
polygonListNeighborStorage< STORAGEINDEX >