GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >, including all inherited members.

_dataGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >protected
_edgesGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >protected
_posGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >protected
_visitedGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >protected
AddEdge(EDGE *edge)GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
CopyFrom(const GraphNodeBase &src)GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
DeleteEdge(Int32 pos)GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
DeleteEdge(EDGE *edge)GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
FindEdge(NodeType *otherHand)GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
GetData() constGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
GetEdge(Int pos) constGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
GetEdgesCount() constGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
GetNeighbor(Int pos) constGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
GetPosition() constGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
GraphNodeBase()GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >explicit
GraphNodeBase(const NODEDATA &data, Vector pos=Vector())GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >explicit
GraphNodeBase(GraphNodeBase &&src)GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
IsVisited() constGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
NodeType typedefGraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
Reset()GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
SetData(const NODEDATA &data)GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
SetPosition(const Vector &pos)GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
Unvisit()GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
Visit()GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >
~GraphNodeBase()GraphNodeBase< NODEDATA, EDGE >