Open Search
    BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR > Member List

    This is the complete list of members for BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >, including all inherited members.

    _headBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >private
    Alloc(Int32 s, MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_DECLARATION)DefaultAllocatorprotectedstatic
    Alloc(Int64 s, MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_DECLARATION)DefaultAllocatorprotectedstatic
    AllocatorType typedefBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    AllocClear(Int32 s, MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_DECLARATION)DefaultAllocatorprotectedstatic
    AllocClear(Int64 s, MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_DECLARATION)DefaultAllocatorprotectedstatic
    AllocNode()BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >private
    Append(ARG &&arg)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Append(ARGS &&... args)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Append(Block< typename std::remove_const< T >::type > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Append(Block< const T > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Append(const Block< typename std::remove_const< T >::type > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Append(const Block< const T > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Append(Block< typename std::remove_const< T >::type > &&values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Append(Block< const T > &&values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Append(const std::initializer_list< T > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    AppendBlock(const Block< const T > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    AppendNode(NODE *node)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    BaseList()BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    BaseList(const ALLOCATOR &a)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >explicit
    BaseList(BaseList &&src)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Begin() constBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Begin()BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    ComputeArraySize(Int currentSize, Int increment, Int minChunkSize)DefaultAllocatorprotectedstatic
    ConstIterator typedefBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    CopyFrom(const SourceArray &src)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    DeleteNode(NODE *node)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >private
    End() constBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    End()BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Erase(Int position, Int eraseCnt=1)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Erase(Iterator position, Int eraseCnt)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Erase(Iterator position)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Flush()BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Free(T *&p)DefaultAllocatorprotectedstatic
    GetAllocator()BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    GetBlock(Iterator position, Block< T, STRIDED > &block)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    GetBlock(Iterator position, Block< const T, STRIDED > &block) constBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    GetBlock(Int position, Block< T, STRIDED > &block)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    GetBlock(Int position, Block< const T, STRIDED > &block) constBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    GetCount() constBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    GetIndex(const T &x) constBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    GetMemorySize() constBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Insert(Int position)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Insert(Iterator position)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Insert(Int position, const T &x)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Insert(Iterator position, const T &x)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Insert(Int position, T &&x)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Insert(Iterator position, T &&x)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Insert(Int position, const Block< const T > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Insert(Int position, const std::initializer_list< T > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Insert(Iterator position, const Block< const T > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Insert(Iterator position, const std::initializer_list< T > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    InsertBlock(Int position, const Block< const T > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    InsertBlock(Iterator position, const Block< const T > &values)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    InsertNode(Iterator position, NODE *node)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    IsCompatibleWithDefaultAllocator(void *)DefaultAllocatorprotectedstatic
    IsEmpty() constBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    IsPopulated() constBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Iterator typedefBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    operator[](Int idx) constBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    operator[](Int idx)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Pop(T *dst=nullptr)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    PopNode(NODE **dst)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Realloc(void *p, Int32 n, MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_DECLARATION)DefaultAllocatorprotectedstatic
    Realloc(void *p, Int64 n, MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_DECLARATION)DefaultAllocatorprotectedstatic
    RemoveNode(Iterator position)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >static
    RemoveNode(T *x)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >static
    Reset()BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    Swap(Iterator a, Iterator b)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    SwapErase(Int position, Int eraseCnt=1)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    SwapErase(Iterator position, Int eraseCnt=1)BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    ValueType typedefBaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >
    ~BaseList()BaseList< T, NODE, HEAD, ALLOCATOR >