Open Search
    ArrayImpl< ARRAY > Member List

    This is the complete list of members for ArrayImpl< ARRAY >, including all inherited members.

    _arrayArrayImpl< ARRAY >private
    AdvancePersistentId(Int index, const Char *state, PersistentIdBuffer &idBuffer) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    Append()ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    Append(const ValueType &data)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    Append(NonConstValueType &&data)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    ArrayImpl()ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    ArrayImpl(ARRAY &&array)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >explicit
    ArrayImpl(ArrayImpl &&src)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    ArrayType typedefArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    CONSTARRAYArrayImpl< ARRAY >static
    CopyFrom(const ArrayInterface< ValueType > &other)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    Erase(Int index, Int count)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    FindMemberIndex(const InternedId &name) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    Flush()ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    FreeIterator(ViewIteratorMember *members, const MemberMap *map, Char *state, PersistentIdBuffer *idBuffer) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetArray()ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetArray() constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetBlock(Int index, SimdBlock< const ValueType > &block) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetBlock(Int index, SimdBlock< NonConstValueType > &block)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetBlock(Int index, Block< const ValueType > &block) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetBlock(Int index, Block< NonConstValueType > &block)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetContainerType() constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetCount() constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetHashCode() constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetInterfaces() constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetIteratorStateSize(const MemberMap *map) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetMemorySize() constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetPersistentIdGenerator() constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetUniqueHashCode() constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetValueDataType() constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    GetWritable(Int index)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    InitIterator(ViewIteratorMember *members, const MemberMap *map, Char *state, PersistentIdBuffer *idBuffer, GenericContainerInterface::ITERATOR_ACCESS access) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    Insert(Int index)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    Insert(Int index, const Block< const ValueType > &values)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    Insert(Int index, const MoveBlock< ValueType > &values)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    Interface typedefArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    IsEqual(const GenericContainerInterface *o, EQUALITY equality) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    MakeElementsWritable(Int start, Int end, Bool copyElements)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    MakeWritable(Bool copyContent) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    MAXON_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ArrayImpl)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >private
    MoveIterator(Int index, ViewIteratorMember *members, const MemberMap *map, Char *state, PersistentIdBuffer *idBuffer) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    NonConstValueType typedefArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    operator[](Int index) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    PrivateInsert(Int index, const StridedBlock< const ValueType > &values, Bool move, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    REFERENCEArrayImpl< ARRAY >static
    Reset()ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    SetPersistentIdGenerator(const PersistentIdGenerator &generator)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    Super typedefArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    SwapErase(Int index, Int count)ArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    ToString(const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    ValidateIterator(Int index, ViewIteratorMember *members, const MemberMap *map, Char *state, PersistentIdBuffer *idBuffer) constArrayImpl< ARRAY >
    ValueType typedefArrayImpl< ARRAY >