ViewportSelect Member List

This is the complete list of members for ViewportSelect, including all inherited members.

ClearPixelInfo(Int32 x, Int32 y, UChar mask)ViewportSelect
DrawHandle(const Vector &p, Int32 i, BaseObject *op, Int32 onlyvisible=-1)ViewportSelect
DrawPolygon(const Vector *p, Int32 ptcnt, Int32 i, BaseObject *op, Int32 onlyvisible=-1)ViewportSelect
Free(ViewportSelect *&p)ViewportSelectstatic
GetCameraCoordinates(Float x, Float y, Float z, Vector &v) constViewportSelect
GetEdgePixelBuffer(const ViewportPixel *const *&pixelBuffer, Int32 *pixelCount=nullptr) constViewportSelect
GetNearestEdge(BaseObject *op, Int32 &x, Int32 &y, Int32 maxrad=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Bool onlyselected=false, Int32 *ignorelist=nullptr, Int32 ignorecnt=0, Bool onlyVisible=false) constViewportSelect
GetNearestPoint(BaseObject *op, Int32 &x, Int32 &y, Int32 maxrad=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Bool onlyselected=false, Int32 *ignorelist=nullptr, Int32 ignorecnt=0, Bool onlyVisible=false) constViewportSelect
GetNearestPolygon(BaseObject *op, Int32 &x, Int32 &y, Int32 maxrad=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Bool onlyselected=false, Int32 *ignorelist=nullptr, Int32 ignorecnt=0) constViewportSelect
GetPixelCount() constViewportSelect
GetPixelInfoEdge(Int32 x, Int32 y) constViewportSelect
GetPixelInfoPoint(Int32 x, Int32 y) constViewportSelect
GetPixelInfoPolygon(Int32 x, Int32 y) constViewportSelect
GetPointPixelBuffer(const ViewportPixel *const *&pixelBuffer, Int32 *pixelCount=nullptr) constViewportSelect
GetPolygonPixelBuffer(const ViewportPixel *const *&pixelBuffer, Int32 *pixelCount=nullptr) constViewportSelect
Init(Int32 w, Int32 h, BaseDraw *bd, BaseObject *op, Int32 mode, Bool onlyvisible, VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS flags=VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS::NONE)ViewportSelect
Init(Int32 w, Int32 h, BaseDraw *bd, AtomArray *ar, Int32 mode, Bool onlyvisible, VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS flags=VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS::NONE)ViewportSelect
PickObject(BaseDraw *bd, BaseDocument *doc, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 rad, VIEWPORT_PICK_FLAGS flags, LassoSelection *ls, C4DObjectList *list, maxon::SquareMatrix4d *m=nullptr, Int32 *sampleLocation=nullptr)ViewportSelectstatic
PickObject(BaseDraw *bd, BaseDocument *doc, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 rad, Int32 &xr, Int32 &yr, Int32 &wr, Int32 &hr, const ViewportPixel *const *&pixels, VIEWPORT_PICK_FLAGS flags, LassoSelection *ls, C4DObjectList *list, maxon::SquareMatrix4d *m=nullptr, Int32 *sampleLocation=nullptr)ViewportSelectstatic
PickObject(BaseDraw *bd, BaseDocument *doc, Int32 x1, Int32 y1, Int32 x2, Int32 y2, Int32 &xr, Int32 &yr, Int32 &wr, Int32 &hr, const ViewportPixel *const *&pixels, VIEWPORT_PICK_FLAGS flags, LassoSelection *ls, C4DObjectList *list, maxon::SquareMatrix4d *m=nullptr, Int32 *sampleLocation=nullptr)ViewportSelectstatic
SetBrushRadius(Int32 r)ViewportSelect
ShowHotspot(EditorWindow *bw, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 rad, Bool bRemove)ViewportSelectstatic
ShowHotspot(EditorWindow *bw, Int32 x, Int32 y)ViewportSelect