Open Search
    AutoAlloc< TYPE > Member List

    This is the complete list of members for AutoAlloc< TYPE >, including all inherited members.

    Assign(TYPE *p)AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    AutoAlloc(const AutoAlloc< TYPE > &p)AutoAlloc< TYPE >private
    AutoAlloc()AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    AutoAlloc(Int32 id)AutoAlloc< TYPE >explicit
    AutoAlloc(Int32 p1, Int32 p2)AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    AutoAlloc(TYPE *initptr)AutoAlloc< TYPE >explicit
    AutoAlloc(AutoAlloc &&other)AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    Free()AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    GetPointer() constAutoAlloc< TYPE >
    GetPointer()AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    operator const TYPE &() constAutoAlloc< TYPE >
    operator const TYPE *() constAutoAlloc< TYPE >
    operator TYPE &()AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    operator TYPE *()AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    operator%(const AutoAlloc< TYPE > &alloc, maxon::ThreadReferencedError &err)AutoAlloc< TYPE >friend
    operator&() constAutoAlloc< TYPE >
    operator&()AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    operator->() constAutoAlloc< TYPE >
    operator->()AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    operator=(const AutoAlloc< TYPE > &p)AutoAlloc< TYPE >private
    ptrAutoAlloc< TYPE >private
    Release()AutoAlloc< TYPE >
    ~AutoAlloc()AutoAlloc< TYPE >