Open Search
    ResultOk< T > Member List

    This is the complete list of members for ResultOk< T >, including all inherited members.

    _valueResultOk< T >protected
    GetErrorStorage() constResultOk< T >private
    GetValue() const &ResultOk< T >
    MAXON_MEMBER_ACCESSORS(T, GetValue)ResultOk< T >
    MAXON_MEMBER_ACCESSORS(T, UncheckedGetValue)ResultOk< T >
    operator==(ERROR_OK ok) constResultOk< T >
    operator==(ERROR_FAILED failed) constResultOk< T >
    ResultOk()ResultOk< T >
    ResultOk(const T &value)ResultOk< T >
    ResultOk(T &&value)ResultOk< T >
    UncheckedGetValue() const &ResultOk< T >