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    Registry< T, R > Member List

    This is the complete list of members for Registry< T, R >, including all inherited members.

    Dependencies typedefRegistry< T, R >
    EntryType typedefRegistry< T, R >
    Erase(const Id &eid)Registry< T, R >static
    Find(const Id &eid)Registry< T, R >static
    Get(const Id &eid)Registry< T, R >static
    GetEntries()Registry< T, R >static
    GetEntriesWithId()Registry< T, R >static
    IdIterator typedefRegistry< T, R >
    Insert(const Id &eid, const T &object, const ModuleInfo *module)Registry< T, R >static
    Insert(const Id &eid, T &&object, const ModuleInfo *module)Registry< T, R >static
    Iterator typedefRegistry< T, R >
    PrivateInsert(const Id &eid, T &object, const ModuleInfo *module)Registry< T, R >static
    PrivateRegister(const Id &eid, T &object)Registry< T, R >static
    Register(const Id &eid, const T &object)Registry< T, R >static
    Register(const Id &eid, T &&object)Registry< T, R >static