RefCompare< true, false > Member List

This is the complete list of members for RefCompare< true, false >, including all inherited members.

GetHashCode(const K &key)RefCompare< true, false >static
GetUniqueHashCode(const K &key)RefCompare< true, false >static
IsEqual(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)RefCompare< true, false >static
IsEqualHelper(const T *a, const T *b, OverloadRank0)RefCompare< true, false >static
IsEqualHelper(const T *a, const T *b, OverloadRank1) -> decltype(a->IsEqual(*b))RefCompare< true, false >static
IsEqualHelper(const T *a, const T *b, OverloadRank2) -> decltype(a->IsEqual(*b, EQUALITY::SHALLOW))RefCompare< true, false >static
LessThan(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)RefCompare< true, false >static
LessThanHelper(const T *a, const T *b, OverloadRank0)RefCompare< true, false >static
LessThanHelper(const T *a, const T *b, OverloadRank1) -> decltype(a->Compare(*b))RefCompare< true, false >static
LessThanHelper(const T *a, const T *b, OverloadRank2) -> decltype(a->LessThan(*b))RefCompare< true, false >static
LessThanHelper(const T *a, const T *b, OverloadRank3) -> decltype(*a< *b)RefCompare< true, false >static