GraphBase< NODE, EDGE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >, including all inherited members.

_edgesGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >protected
_nodesGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >protected
_typeGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >protected
AddEdge(NodeType *p1, NodeType *p2, Int pos=NOTOK)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
AddNode(const NodeType &node, Int pos=NOTOK)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
AppendGraph(const GraphBase &src)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
CopyFrom(const GraphBase &src)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
DeleteEdge(EdgeType *edge, Bool nodes=false)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
DeleteEdge(Int pos, Bool nodes=false)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
DeleteNode(NodeType *node, Bool replaceEdge=true)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
DeleteNode(Int pos, Bool replaceEdge=true)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
EdgeType typedefGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
FindEdge(EDGE *edge)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
FindNode(NODE *node)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
FindNodeByPosition(const Vector &position, Float tolerance=0.0)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
FindNodeByPosition(const Vector &position, Float tolerance=0.0) constGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetEdge(Int idx)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetEdge(Int idx) constGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetEdgeByPoints(NodeType *p1, NodeType *p2) constGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetEdgesCount() constGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetFirstNode()GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetLastNode()GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetNode(Int idx)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetNode(Int idx) constGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetNodesCount(Bool subPoint=false) constGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetPredecessor(NODE *node)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetPredecessorEdge(NODE *node)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetSuccessor(NODE *node)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetSuccessorEdge(NODE *node)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GetType() constGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
GraphBase()GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >explicit
GraphBase(GraphBase &&src)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
MeltEdge(EdgeType *edge)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
MeltEdge(Int pos)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
NodeType typedefGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
Reset()GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
SetType(GRAPH_TYPE type)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
SplitEdge(const NODE &node, EdgeType *edge)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
SplitEdge(NodeType *node, EdgeType *edge)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
Super typedefGraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
WeldNodes(NodeType *p1, NodeType *p2)GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >
~GraphBase()GraphBase< NODE, EDGE >