Open Search
    CTrack Manual


    A CTrack represents an animation track of a parameter of an object in Cinema 4D. The tracks are stored with the animated object and contain curves and keys.

    CTrack objects are an instance of CTbase.

    // This example creates a track for the "Camera" parameter of the given Stage object.
    // Two keyframes for the given two camera objects are created.
    // search for the track and create a new one if needed
    CTrack* track = stage->FindCTrack(trackID);
    if (track == nullptr)
    track = CTrack::Alloc(stage, trackID);
    if (track == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // add track to stage object
    CCurve* const curve = track->GetCurve();
    if (curve == nullptr)
    return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // Create first key
    CKey* const key1 = curve->AddKey(BaseTime(0.0));
    if (key1 == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    GeData data;
    key1->SetGeData(curve, data);
    // Create second key
    CKey* const key2 = curve->AddKey(BaseTime(1.0));
    if (key2 == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    GeData data;
    key2->SetGeData(curve, data);
    CTrack * FindCTrack(const DescID &id)
    Definition: c4d_basetime.h:25
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:366
    CKey * AddKey(const BaseTime &time, Int32 *nidx=nullptr, Bool bUndo=false, Bool SynchronizeKeys=false)
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:423
    Represents a key in the CCurve of a track which represent the animation of a parameter.
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:58
    void SetGeData(CCurve *seq, const GeData &d)
    Sets the data of the key.
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:177
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:671
    static CTrack * Alloc(BaseList2D *bl, const DescID &id)
    CCurve * GetCurve(CCURVE type=CCURVE::CURVE, Bool bCreate=true)
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:835
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:83
    void SetBaseList2D(BaseList2D *bl)
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:657
    #define MAXON_SCOPE
    Definition: apibase.h:2818
    Definition: lib_description.h:74
    Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:67
    Definition: ostage.h:6
    const void * key2
    Definition: pycore_hashtable.h:79
    Represents a level within a DescID.
    Definition: lib_description.h:289


    The animation tracks of an object's parameters are stored with the object itself:

    The keyframe selection is defined with the BaseList2D class, see BaseList2D Manual.
    // This snippet loops through all animation tracks of the given object.
    const CTrack* track = obj->GetFirstCTrack();
    while (track != nullptr)
    ApplicationOutput("Track: " + track->GetName());
    track = track->GetNext();
    String GetName() const
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:2363
    CTrack * GetNext() const
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:716
    PyObject * obj
    Definition: complexobject.h:60
    #define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
    Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:210


    A CTrack can be created with the usual tools:

    A newly created CTrack must be added to a host object:

    // This example checks if an animation track for the position X parameter
    // exists in the given object. If not, the track will be created.
    const DescLevel vectorXLevel = DescLevel(VECTOR_X, DTYPE_REAL, 0);
    const DescID id = DescID(relPosLevel, vectorXLevel);
    CTrack* track = obj->FindCTrack(id);
    if (track == nullptr)
    track = CTrack::Alloc(obj, id);
    if (track == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    track->SetName("My New Animation Track"_s);
    void SetName(const maxon::String &name)
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:2369
    Definition: lib_description.h:330
    Definition: lib_description.h:70
    Definition: lib_description.h:68
    @ VECTOR_X
    X component.
    Definition: lib_description.h:269
    Definition: obase.h:15

    To create special tracks the ID of that special track must be used. The special tracks are:

    // This example adds a sound track to the given object
    // and sets the referenced sound file.
    const DescLevel soundTrackID = DescLevel(CTsound, CTsound, 0);
    CTrack* const soundTrack = CTrack::Alloc(obj, soundTrackID);
    if (soundTrack == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    soundTrack->SetName("New Sound Track"_s);
    Bool SetParameter(const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_SET flags)
    Definition: ctsound.h:7
    #define CTsound
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1513
    // This example adds a PLA track to the polygon object.
    const DescID plaID = DescLevel(CTpla, CTpla, 0);
    CTrack* const plaTrack = CTrack::Alloc(polyObject, plaID);
    if (plaTrack == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    CCurve* curve = plaTrack->GetCurve();
    if (curve == nullptr)
    return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // set first key
    CKey* const key1 = curve->AddKey(BaseTime(0.0));
    if (key1 == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    plaTrack->FillKey(doc, polyObject, key1);
    // change polygon object randomly
    Random random;
    for (Int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
    points[i] = points[i] + Vector(0, 100.0 * random.Get01(), 0.0);
    // set second key
    CKey* const key2 = curve->AddKey(BaseTime(1.0));
    if (key2 == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    plaTrack->FillKey(doc, polyObject, key2);
    Py_ssize_t i
    Definition: abstract.h:645
    Py_ssize_t count
    Definition: abstract.h:640
    Bool FillKey(BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, CKey *key)
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:821
    Definition: c4d_tools.h:812
    Float Get01(void)
    maxon::Vec3< maxon::Float64, 1 > Vector
    Definition: ge_math.h:145
    maxon::Int32 Int32
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:60
    #define MSG_UPDATE
    Must be sent if the bounding box has to be recalculated. (Otherwise use MSG_CHANGE....
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:341
    #define CTpla
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1512
    const char * doc
    Definition: pyerrors.h:226


    CTrack objects are stored in a list:

    // This snippet loops through all animation tracks of the given object.
    const CTrack* track = obj->GetFirstCTrack();
    while (track != nullptr)
    ApplicationOutput("Track: " + track->GetName());
    track = track->GetNext();
    The GeListHead object that is the parent of the tracks can be obtained with BaseList2D::GetCTrackRoot().

    Read-Only Properties

    Several values can be read from a CTrack:

    The track categories are:

    // This example checks if the given track is a "value" track.
    // If so, the current value is printed to the console.
    // check if the track is "value" track (float)
    const BaseTime now = doc->GetTime();
    const Float value = track->GetValue(doc, now);
    PyObject * value
    Definition: abstract.h:715
    Float GetValue(BaseDocument *doc, const BaseTime &time)
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:855
    Int32 GetTrackCategory() const
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:841
    static String FloatToString(Float32 v, Int32 vvk=-1, Int32 nnk=-3)
    Definition: c4d_string.h:529
    maxon::Float Float
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:66
    Value track.
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:633

    See also CKey Value.



    The parameters of a track can be edited as usual with C4DAtom::SetParameter() and C4DAtom::GetParameter(). The parameter IDs are defined in ctbase.h.

    // This example sets the color to display the track's f-curve:
    const Vector red { 1.0, 0, 0 };
    Definition: ctbase.h:38
    Definition: ctbase.h:10


    In Cinema 4D there can be up to four timeline windows. An animation track can be selected in one or multiple of these windows. The selection state is stored as a bit:

    // This example selects the given track if it does not contain any keys.
    const CCurve* const curve = track->GetCurve();
    if (curve)
    const Int32 keyCount = curve->GetKeyCount();
    if (keyCount == 0)
    Int32 GetKeyCount(void) const
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:381
    Bool ChangeNBit(NBIT bit, NBITCONTROL bitmode)
    @ CLEAR
    Clear bit.
    @ SET
    Set bit.
    @ TL1_SELECT
    Selection bit for Timeline 1.

    See also CKey Selection.

    Description ID

    The parameter animated using a certain track is defined with its DescID. This DescID can be accessed:

    // This example clones a track and sets the new description ID of that clone.
    const DescLevel vectorXLevel(VECTOR_X, DTYPE_REAL, 0);
    const DescID ID = DescID(relPosLevel, vectorXLevel);
    // find track
    CTrack* const track = obj->FindCTrack(ID);
    if (track == nullptr)
    return maxon::IllegalArgumentError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // get track root
    GeListHead* const trackRoot = obj->GetCTrackRoot();
    if (trackRoot == nullptr)
    return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // clone track
    CTrack* const clone = static_cast<CTrack*>(track->GetClone(COPYFLAGS::NONE, nullptr));
    if (clone == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // insert and set new ID
    const DescLevel vectorYLevel(VECTOR_Y, DTYPE_REAL, 0);
    const DescID targetID = DescID(relPosLevel, vectorYLevel);
    clone->SetDescriptionID(obj, targetID);
    C4DAtom * GetClone(COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn)
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1462
    Bool SetDescriptionID(BaseList2D *object, const DescID &id)
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:741
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:2026
    void InsertLast(GeListNode *bn)
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:2110
    @ NONE
    @ VECTOR_Y
    Y component.
    Definition: lib_description.h:270

    Loop Settings

    The loop settings define how an animation track should behave before the first key and after the last key.

    The loop types are:

    // This example defines the loop settings of the given track.
    void SetBefore(CLOOP type)
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:758
    void SetAfter(CLOOP type)
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:770
    Offset repeat.

    Points in time beyond the defined animation track can be mapped into time inside the track.

    • CTrack::Remap(): Remaps the given time into a position inside the animation track.
    // This example calculates the remapped time for each given time in seconds.
    // loop from 0.0 to 1.0
    for (Float64 t = 0.0; t < 10.0; t = t + 0.1)
    Float64 remapTime;
    Int32 cycle;
    track->Remap(t, &remapTime, &cycle);
    ApplicationOutput("Remap Time: " + String::FloatToString(remapTime));
    Bool Remap(Float64 time, Float64 *ret_time, Int32 *ret_cycle) const
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:885
    maxon::Float64 Float64
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:67

    Time Track

    The behavior of an animation track depends on the current time which is typically the current time of the BaseDocument. But the time that controls a track can be also defined with a time track.

    // This example applies the found time track to all other tracks.
    // serach for time track
    CTrack* const timeTrack = obj->FindCTrack(CTtime);
    if (timeTrack == nullptr)
    return maxon::IllegalArgumentError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // apply time track to other tracks
    CTrack* track = obj->GetFirstCTrack();
    while (track != nullptr)
    const DescID id = track->GetDescriptionID();
    // check if the track is not a "Time" track
    if (id[0].id != CTtime)
    track = track->GetNext();
    void SetTimeTrack(CTrack *track)
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:788
    const DescID & GetDescriptionID() const
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:733
    #define CTtime
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1515

    Timeline Height

    An animation track can be displayed in a Timeline window.

    Track Information

    An animation track can provide additional information for each key or the current time in form of a String.

    // This example prints the information for each key of the track.
    CKey* const key = curve->GetKey(i);
    if (key == nullptr)
    return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    track->TrackInformation(doc, key, &info, false);
    PyObject * key
    Definition: abstract.h:289
    const CKey * GetKey(Int32 index) const
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:388
    Bool TrackInformation(BaseDocument *doc, CKey *key, maxon::String *str, Bool set)
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:896
    Definition: c4d_string.h:39
    _Py_clock_info_t * info
    Definition: pytime.h:197


    Multiple tracks can be synchronized. Typically this applies to tracks of the components of a Vector parameter.


    Since a track might be displayed in the GUI (Timeline window) it can draw an image:

    // This example calls the "Draw" function of the given sound track
    // and displays the result image.
    if (clipMap == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    if (clipMap->Init(400, 100, 32) != IMAGERESULT::OK)
    return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    soundTrack->Draw(clipMap, BaseTime(0), BaseTime(1.0));
    Bool ShowBitmap(const Filename &fn)
    Definition: ge_autoptr.h:37
    Bool Draw(GeClipMap *map, const BaseTime &clip_left, const BaseTime &clip_right) const
    Definition: c4d_canimation.h:812
    @ OK
    Image loaded/created.

    Further utility functions are:

    // This eample accesses the CCurve from the given animation track.
    CCurve* const curve = track->GetCurve();
    if (curve)
    // do something with the curve

    See also CCurve Manual.

    Further Reading