ResultOffsetHelper Member List

This is the complete list of members for ResultOffsetHelper, including all inherited members.

_errorResultBase< T >protected
_valueResultBase< T >protected
ConstructibleFrom typedefResultBase< T >protected
CopyType typedefResultBase< T >protected
DeleteType typedefResultBase< T >protected
GetError() constResult< Generic * >
GetError() constResult< Generic * >
GetErrorPointer() constResult< Generic * >
GetErrorStorage() constResultBase< T >
GetErrorStorage()ResultBase< T >
GetValue() const &ResultBase< T >
GetValueAndError(ThreadReferencedError &error) const &ResultBase< T >
GetValueAndError(ThreadReferencedError &error) &&ResultBase< T >
GetValueAndError(Error &error) const &ResultBase< T >
GetValueAndError(Error &error) &&ResultBase< T >
HAS_ERRORResultBase< T >static
HasError() constResult< Generic * >
InitError(const Error &error)Result< Generic * >private
InitError(Error &&error)Result< Generic * >private
MAXON_MEMBER_ACCESSORS(T, UncheckedGetValue)ResultBase< T >
MoveType typedefResultBase< T >protected
operator=(typename std::conditional< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(reference, Generic *), Generic *, const DummyParamType & >::type)=deleteResult< Generic * >
operator==(ERROR_OK ok) constResult< Generic * >
operator==(ERROR_FAILED failed) constResult< Generic * >
Result()Result< Generic * >
Result(ErrorPtr &error)Result< Generic * >
Result(ErrorPtr &&error)Result< Generic * >
Result(const ErrorPtr &error)Result< Generic * >
Result(const ThreadReferencedError &error)Result< Generic * >
Result(typename std::conditional< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(void, Generic *), ResultMem, const volatile DummyParamType & >::type value)Result< Generic * >
Result(const ResultOk< T2 > &value)Result< Generic * >
Result(ResultOk< T2 > &&value)Result< Generic * >
Result(typename std::conditional< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(void, Generic *), ResultOk< Generic * >, DummyParamType && >::type value)Result< Generic * >
Result(const ResultMemT< T2 > &value, typename std::enable_if< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(void, typename SFINAEHelper< Generic *, T2 >::type), DummyParamType * >::type=(DummyParamType *) nullptr)Result< Generic * >
Result(const ResultMemT< T2 > &value)Result< Generic * >
Result(ResultMemT< T2 > &&value)Result< Generic * >
Result(const ResultRef< T2 > &value, typename std::enable_if< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(void, typename SFINAEHelper< Generic *, T2 >::type), DummyParamType * >::type=(DummyParamType *) nullptr)Result< Generic * >
Result(const ResultRef< T2 > &value)Result< Generic * >
Result(typename std::conditional< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(void, Generic *), ERROR_OK, volatile DummyParamType & >::type)Result< Generic * >
Result(typename std::conditional< T_IS_ERROR, const DummyParamType &, CopyType >::type value)Result< Generic * >
Result(typename std::conditional< T_IS_ERROR, DummyParamType &, MoveType >::type value)Result< Generic * >
Result(typename std::conditional< T_IS_ERROR, const DummyParamType &&, DeleteType >::type value)=deleteResult< Generic * >
Result(T2 &&value)Result< Generic * >
Result(const Result< T2 > &src, typename std::enable_if< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(void, typename SFINAEHelper< Generic *, T2 >::type), DummyParamType * >::type=(DummyParamType *) nullptr)Result< Generic * >
Result(const Result< T2 > &src)Result< Generic * >
Result(Result< T2 > &&src)Result< Generic * >
Result(E &&error, typename std::enable_if<!T_IS_ERROR, typename std::enable_if< std::remove_reference< E >::type::DirectlyReferencedType::HasBaseDetector::template Check< ErrorInterface >::value &&MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(std::remove_reference< E >::type::Handler::KIND), DummyParamType * >::type >::type=(DummyParamType *) nullptr)Result< Generic * >
Result(CopyType value, const Result< T2 > &result)Result< Generic * >
Result(MoveType value, const Result< T2 > &result)Result< Generic * >
Result(DeleteType value, const Result< T2 > &result)=deleteResult< Generic * >
Result(CopyType value, E &&error, typename std::enable_if< std::remove_reference< E >::type::DirectlyReferencedType::HasBaseDetector::template Check< ErrorInterface >::value &&MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(std::remove_reference< E >::type::Handler::KIND), DummyParamType * >::type=(DummyParamType *) nullptr)Result< Generic * >
Result(MoveType value, E &&error, typename std::enable_if< std::remove_reference< E >::type::DirectlyReferencedType::HasBaseDetector::template Check< ErrorInterface >::value &&MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(std::remove_reference< E >::type::Handler::KIND), DummyParamType * >::type=(DummyParamType *) nullptr)Result< Generic * >
Result(DeleteType value, E &&error, typename std::enable_if< std::remove_reference< E >::type::DirectlyReferencedType::HasBaseDetector::template Check< ErrorInterface >::value &&MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(std::remove_reference< E >::type::Handler::KIND), DummyParamType * >::type=(DummyParamType *) nullptr)=deleteResult< Generic * >
Result(typename std::conditional< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(same, typename std::decay< Generic * >::type, Bool), volatile DummyParamType &&, Bool >::type)=deleteResult< Generic * >explicit
ResultBase()ResultBase< T >
ResultBase(CopyType value)ResultBase< T >explicit
ResultBase(MoveType value)ResultBase< T >explicit
Super typedefResult< Generic * >
T_IS_ERRORResult< Generic * >static
UncheckedGetValue() const &ResultBase< T >
ValueType typedefResultBase< T >